44 thoughts on “Jussie Smollett GOT MOVED TO A NEW CELL IN JAIL

  1. If I was him I would have stayed in jail and got it over with. Getting out early doesn’t mean they can’t put him back in jail to serve the remainder of his sentence.

  2. I still like him. Everybody that lies to the police doesn’t serve time in jail has all their money taken and their career negativity impacted.

  3. Forgot who it was but they said watch wes watson good content yeah, Larry Lawton has great content too. he was in the mob and a jewel thief. A good female content creator on prison videos is Jacklyn Glenn.

  4. After prison show was made to help people after prison why don’t you open it up let people send you there video stories then you present them and you tell people where to find those people online to maybe help them build a channel

  5. Joe,PLEASE don't stop the APS channel,ever since I found it I have absolutely loved and binged it,I hope you do what is best for you,I'm just sayin'

  6. jussie is kamala harris' nephew, he tried to help her push the anti lynching law, that would have protected predators from being attacked by parents, of children they assault. By making it a hate crime…. that was what the noose was about.

  7. Yo! You say you are going to do something, then do it. You said you were done with APS. Now do the world a favor and get rid of the shiat! Aiight! It's the same bull ish day in and day out with this channel. You ain't hitting any numbers, those days are gone son. Focus on JDS and your flips and let APS sail into the sunset.

  8. Joe, if you take Hydroxy cut, exercise and eat right you will lose weight. Don't waste your money on supplements to lose weight. If you cut out the Hydroxycut and eat right and exercise you will get the same results.

  9. Well Joe, if they are using microwave torture on him as well as voice to head manipulation 75 days will feel like 75 years. Atlanta Georgia jails or inFAMOUS for this, a man will walk insane and leave out insane and nobody questions anything.

  10. Yo! You say you are going to do something, then do it. You said you were done with APS. Now do the world a favor and get rid of the shiat! Aiight! It's the same bull ish day in and day out with this channel. You ain't hitting any numbers, those days are gone son. Focus on JDS and your flips and let APS sail into the sunset.

  11. Yo! You say you are going to do something, then do it. You said you were done with APS. Now do the world a favor and get rid of the shiat! Aiight! It's the same bull ish day in and day out with this channel. You ain't hitting any numbers, those days are gone son. Focus on JDS and your flips and let APS sail into the sunset.

  12. Yo! You say you are going to do something, then do it. You said you were done with APS. Now do the world a favor and get rid of the shiat! Aiight! It's the same bull ish day in and day out with this channel. You ain't hitting any numbers, those days are gone son. Focus on JDS and your flips and let APS sail into the sunset.

  13. Here's an idea Joe 💡 if you're not concerned with the income of afterprisonshow then you don't need to feel the pressure of making a few videos every week. The people that are left standing are the real APS fans and I'm sure all of us would rather hear from you a couple times a month then not at all.. 🙂

  14. Div 8 Is the hospital/Psych unit. PC is usually in Div 6. But whatever cell they want to make PC is. House alone….. He would never made it on a GP deck period.

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