CAMPAIGN CHAOS? Hope Hicks Drops DRAMATIC Testimony in Trump Hush Money Trial

Former President Trump’s trial closed out the week in dramatic style as former aide Hope Hicks took the stand. Hicks, who served as press secretary in the early, ramshackle days of Trump’s first campaign for the presidency, went on to become his White House communications director.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


21 thoughts on “CAMPAIGN CHAOS? Hope Hicks Drops DRAMATIC Testimony in Trump Hush Money Trial

  1. This is a brilliant Democrat move, trying to put a spotlight on Trump for election interference because when it Biden‘s turn, they can simply turn around and spin it and say Trump’s just trying to get even they had to do this to Trump first this way they have that exact phrase to say, and that will allow their guy to get away with what he actually donebrilliant move. Democrats are always one step ahead of the narrative game.

  2. You wish! You’re smart enough to know the Supreme Court is going to throw this out. There was no crime. Stormy admits that never happened. Stormy admits Trump never signed the NDA. Admitted didn’t want to suit Trump at first. No crime equals.

  3. for those comfortable with Dems there is nothing to discuss, ugh bigly. Part 2, the biggest problem with Repubs is the leaders are still swamp creatures, so also ugh bigly

  4. Lying,cheating,stealing,adultery! And all at the same time he was screaming" lock her up". What a role model! So many want to be just like him. I do appreciate them identifying themselves. It's helpful!

  5. She literally testified he did it to protect his wife which completely destroyed the state case. This trial would have never been allowed in 45-47 other states. This is absurd and I say this as a Democrat. Let Trump run

  6. What a double standard and this journalism is all wet with it. Taking your side down the middle when one side is rotten and guilty of the same but not ever charged.

  7. The Hill was such a good publication a couple decades ago when I worked for Congress. Now it’s another political hack magazine. It claims to stand up for legislative prerogatives, but not when Republicans control either chamber. 🤷‍♂️

  8. Important facts you should know: 1. Non-disclosure agreements, what the media is calling “hush money”, is not a violation of NY or federal law.

    2. Cy Vance, former NY DA, and Trump hater declined to prosecute this case.

    3. The US Department of Justice and the US Federal Elections Commission (who has jurisdiction over federal campaign violations) declined to prosecute this case.

    4. Alvin Bragg himself declined to prosecute this case until the Biden administration met with him and saddled him with Michael Colangelo which is both a conflict of interest and election interference.

    5. Bragg has no authority to prosecute federal law, has dropped 52% of NY felonies to misdemeanors last year alone. The only case whose charges he has enhanced were in the Trump case.

    6. Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor, one that is past it’s statute of limitations for Trump. In order to make it a felony, Bragg needed to allege this misdemeanor was committed in furtherance of a more serious crime. On 24 April, the NY DA claimed Trump violated NY state election law section 17-152. This statute cannot be used against Trump, as is only pertains to state elections, and he was running in a federal election.

    7. Stormy Daniels signed an affidavit stating there was no affair and no hush money.

    8. Michael Cohen has testified Trump knew nothing of this hush money, but he is a convicted liar, and there are rumors he had an affair with Daniels.

    9. The judge has donated to Joe Biden showing a clear presumption of bias and a violation of NY state law 100.3 e(1)d(iii).

    10. The judge’s daughter is profiteering off this trial which is in violation of NY state election law section 14-130.

  9. SHHHH!! Dont tell anybody but the "Hush Money" is all the money being stolen from American Taxpayers by these leftist judge, district attorneys, and lawyers who bastardized the American Justice System to charge Trump with fake charges. Why aren't we American Taxpayers being told about the "Hush Money" being stolen from them by these leftists?

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