The Media Is WRONG: Jewish Columbia Student Refutes MSM Reports On Columbia Protests

Columbia University student Jon Ben-Menachem gives firsthand account of Israel-Gaza war protests on campus. #israel #gaza Originally aired April 25, 2024.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


38 thoughts on “The Media Is WRONG: Jewish Columbia Student Refutes MSM Reports On Columbia Protests

  1. I know what it's like doing activism in my country, experiencing the peaceful and dedicated atmosphere and then seeing it completely misunderstood from the outside. It can be really wild, like you are living in the twilight zone. People should distrust all media as a basis and gather lots of different sources to really understand what is going on. Conspiracy theorists are wasting their time. All the manipulation is in plain sight, especially these days with modern technology

  2. These are NOT Pro Palestinian protesters, they ARE Pro Hamas! There is a huge difference! Anyone who refuses to show their faces and let people know who they are are just cowards. If you believe in what you are protesting, why bother to hide! Because they are outside agitators! Follow the money!

  3. Robbie and other selfish warmongers have turned their backs on freedom of speech, freedom of press, right to protest and other american priciples just to satiate his prejudices…

  4. So this guy seems to think that Gavin Mcinnis and/or a "gaggle of Republicans" should not even be ALLOWED on campus?

  5. This guy has no credibility .. He’s a pro Palestinian Jew .. They need a pro Israel Jew to come on and say there’s little to no harassment of Jewish students on the campus .. Brie obviously selected him .. She loves guests who side with her ..

  6. Is USA media persecute and also as Israel damage the life and reputation of Palestine people through Zionist mercenary cult inside USA maybe and allow by the US Congress maybe?

  7. This show wont survive if Robbie stays on. Its fine to have apposing positions. Healthy. But hes not the right one. Hes off putting. Opinionated without rational or valid argument. Who care what he believes if he has no reciepts. I cant watch him anymore. Whiney little supremacist.

  8. I know character assassination of the hosts is part of the thrill of watching The Hill, but, honestly, it is meaningless. Yes, Robbie is a conservative. Yes, I disagreed with what he said in this video. If one feels the need to comment, stick to specifics of that disagreement. Calling him names, assuming where he lives, does not advance the conversation. The same is true of what is said about Briahna. Jesus F Christ people, we are better than this?

  9. I support the Columbia encampment. Unfortunately, I found Ben-Menachem too dismissive of Zionist students claim of harassment. It is not good hasbra for the cause. Counter Points interview of a leader of the columbia movement on April 25 provides a better take.

  10. Speech is free, but not of consequences. What makes you privileged pompous children think you have any right to tell a sovereign country how to conduct a war.

  11. I want to both like and unlike this video. Everything Briahna and the student of Columbia said I want to like everything. All of Robby’s points I want to dislike. I believe in the right of freedom of speech and protest. It’s clear Robby does both. Clearly he is not a fair voice and unbiased. I like rising for hearing both points of view. Nearly Robby is not speaking with his conscious and it’s gross. You can lie to yourself man but we all see through it. You’re better than this.

  12. As a libertarian, I still don’t relate much with Robbie. I think it might be important to provide opposing viewpoints so appreciate his input, it is good to know that alternate viewpoints like Robbie have little data that can support his viewpoint.

  13. It’s quite simple, if Israel (I.e Jews) is involved they protest…..forget any other ongoing conflicts……but this has always been the view of the Left.

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