COLUMBIA Student Journalist Gives INSIDE Glimpse Of PROTESTS; Shafik’s Job On The LINE

Columbia University student and reporter for the Columbia Spectator Emily Forgash gives first-hand account of what’s unfolding on campus grounds as pro-Palestine, pro-Israel protests persist. #protests #columbiauniversity

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


43 thoughts on “COLUMBIA Student Journalist Gives INSIDE Glimpse Of PROTESTS; Shafik’s Job On The LINE

  1. These same protestors fight for 'safe spaces' where people don't experience harassment, discrimination or micro aggressions. Pull out a mirror and understand what you create for Jewish students. Interviewers seem biased in their questioning as if there is no aggression or hostility and it's being fabricated, and asking about Islamophobia, rather than anti-semetism as it relates to the encampments. The student journalist, Emily Forgash, does a great job of staying on facts, being balanced, citing other news sources, and including the very real intimidation experienced by the Jewish students.

  2. I bet they want people to wear the star of David and stop using companies that affiliate with Jews…
    Now where has that happened before…

  3. It is very distasteful for Jewish students speak against Israel. On Palestinian side there is only hatred and violence towards Jews either in Israel, or anywhere else including in the USA. It was clearly shown last October 7. God Bless America and Israel!

  4. So far as the protest at Columbia is concerned the student protesters have the right to free speech. Even if it’s labeled “hate speech” it’s still protected speech. However, they don’t have the right to destroy private property, trespassing, disturbing the peace, criminal mischief, vandalism and resisting arrest. If they were arrested for illegally entering a private building and destroying it, then that’s on them. They went from peaceful protest, which is protected, to violently taking control of a private building, which is not a protected activity. You can’t break the law and then whine about the consequences. Civility demands accountability. Peacefully protest all you want, just keep it civil, keep it legal.

  5. All those who give funding to this columbia University madarsa should stop giving grants to this criminal university. Otherwise all these people who fund columbia University madarsa will be held guilty of crime against humanity.

  6. Not so surprising to see supporters of terrorists duck behind the shield of Islamophobia.
    Terroristophobia is a perfectly legit fear.

  7. Freedom of speech is one thing but a lot of people acting like a bully to get what they want is something else. Why should students tell the school what to do? Your free to go to a different school. If i don't like something that a store owner does i can shop somewhere else. I could stand on the sidewalk and speak my mind but if i gather a large group to protest i am being a bully. If i think that i am right on an issue does that give me the right to infringe on other peoples rights?

  8. Seems that Columbia students are in general VERY CONFUSED probably because they don’t know the origins of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict at minimum dating to directly post-WWII.

  9. Antisemitism is definitely real, but they have been using this excuse for too long and it’s time has run out.

    Jewish students don’t feel safe on campus and Palestinian people don’t feel safe in Gaza. Why aren’t these people who don’t feel safe on campus push Israel into having at the very least a cease-fire? There are tons of Jewish people/students who are protesting the inequity and carnage in Gaza and to a lesser extent in the West Bank.

  10. I wonder where all the media outrage was back in November when 3 Palestinian students were shot down by gunmen — for wearing Palestinian keffiyehs. Oh well, thank god there was no antisemitism involved!

  11. She should be clear, 99% came from counter protestors outside of the school, they were COUNTER protestors and it's on video….

  12. Why can you be on campus and others can't? Also an Israeli professor was denied entrance with an ID. I am afraid they are going to blame Jewish people on the arrests by claiming Jewish students didn't feel safe. We can never win. Saying Jewish students didn't feel safe and that is why people were arrested is dangerous. How about, all students couldn't study. And there are more effective ways to protest politcal beliefs than preventing movement in a public spaces.

  13. Amazing these ignorant hypocrites never protested the 600 000 slaughtered in Syria, half a million in Sudan, tens of thousands in Yemen, the Uyghurs in China? The hypocrisy and selective morality of some people is truly amazing

  14. My daughter graduated high school last year and Columbia was one of the colleges I have picked for her. She didn’t want to pick them but I insisted. She was accepted but she turned it down (much to my dismay) but now I see that she’s wiser them.

    Columbia can guarantee revenue loss. Students will transfer. Columbia gets LOTS of foreign students who pays more and party less. They can kiss those revenues goodbye.

  15. So 50 yr old police in riot gear’s assaulted and abused mostly peaceful, unarmed female teenager students & older professors. This is America. If you have been paying attention to the past 75 years, this is no surprise.

  16. Israel's main gold should had been to free the Hamas' prisoners, hostages even that means Israel had to free Palestinians prisoners from Israel's jails, so called terrorists. In this way everything would be over.

  17. Apparently Columbia doesn't VALUE their students, and clear they do not value the opinions of those they are supposedly educating. We see clearly how the institution "hopped to" after Netanyahu delivered his order for all the world to see! What a terrible EVIL we witness before our very eyes. The students are OPPOSED to genocide and wish for the university to divest from Israel. The university enforces silencing of student protesters, and won't even entertain a dialogue — thus clearly in FAVOR of genocide!

  18. This is a free country, if the amendment of free spech is blocked, then we are not living in an a Democracy, then, wat is the game of the Congress??? They Forgotten the meaning of the Constitution??? You have the right to protest wen you feel like they are oppressed on your rights, " To be, or not to be, "That is the question "… Jlc. 4/30/24. Si comprende???

  19. This speaker is wrong. When the police show up, that is NOT the time to be more committed to a cause. When the police show up, that is a time to discuss if your protest is causing more harm than good.

    Many students thought being admitted to Columbia would give them a huge boost in life. Not just Columbia, but all affected Universities, they have the right to reverse that decision. If you think you have the right to control a building on school property, the proper response is to take away your right to attend the school.

    So, we've reached the warning point. You're not going to divest anything. But you will be given a restraining order and you will not get a degree from that university. Don't tell the world that you control a building. You don't. When they arrest you and put you in a prison cell, you don't control that prison cell. It is time to find a different way to continue your protest. Following a book from 700 AD is a dead end. Hopefully, the result will be an Amendment to the Constitution saying Islam is not a religion, but a terrorist organization that uses brainwashing. we are about to enter a new era dominated by AI and machine intelligence. I can't imagine a computer brain will give Islam much respect.

  20. There is a difference between "feeling unsafe / uncomfortable" and "being unsafe". Its fine for those supporting a genocide to start feeling uncomfortable: those in Gaza are a lot worse off and ARE unsafe

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