Trump PAC ATTACKS RFK Jr As ‘LEFTY LOONIE’; Bobby: Then Why Did He Ask ME To Be His VP?

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s repeated claim that the Donald Trump campaign asked him to be Trump’s running mate. Originally aired April 16, 2024. #trump #rfkjr

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Author: Rafael Nieves


39 thoughts on “Trump PAC ATTACKS RFK Jr As ‘LEFTY LOONIE’; Bobby: Then Why Did He Ask ME To Be His VP?

  1. Both conservatives and Republicans are angry are any of the current presidents not because we can't be energy independent, but because we are drill baby Drilling and then selling everything which makes our prices at the pump higher and the oil companies are making double the profits off of a false scarcity while we are currently producing more oil than ever before. Joe Biden isn't going to get a pat on the back for conservatives because they want us energy independent and that means we need to stop selling our oil to foreign countries.

  2. Both parties dirty politics bring up Bobby’s past drug problem like he is still using that’s not very American. We celebrate people that overcome there addictions he is the underdog in this race I’m voting for!

  3. The sad truth is, there probably won't be much even the most ideal president can do in terms of saving us. The only reason the US was ever a thriving and influential world power is because the original American system (by the people and for the people) consistently produced exceptionally high quality individuals— THE PEOPLE. The smartest, sharpest, most diverse and most innovative people the world has ever seen. We had faith in our system because we WERE the system. I don't trust Trump or Biden because the CCP's sociotechnological attack on us was launched during the Trump administration and then was facilitated by the Biden Administration— the global pandemic and technological infiltration respectively. And that did more damage than bombs or missiles could ever do. It did a phenomenal job at moving us into authoritarianism, which then provided the perfect conditions to remove academics from our schools, brainwash our youth & our weak-minded and essentially create an Anti-American regime from within the country— One that will do away with capitalism and American values. And it's sad but true, a country that cannot support itself from within will crumble. Our children and their children will suffer, not only in knowing that the freedom they had is now gone, but that it's also their fault.

  4. I don't think anybody does much thinking or research at all which keeps them in everlasting ignorance They have no idea what true integrity is they'd actually have to learn by watching videos and growing up.
    Robert Kennedy Jr our* president 2024

  5. Don’t waste your vote on Trump or Biden. Vote for a sane and healthy America. Voting for RFKJr as a baby boomer and doctor wanting to make America healthy.

  6. The real race is betweeen Trump and RFK. We have 2 timelines presenting themselves here. 3rd dimension will have Trump as President and 5th dimension, it will be Kennedy. Where does your reality reside?

  7. Joe Biden is King S*** on US energy…? That's not quite what it seems! How did Joe Biden increase US energy….? Well…

    — Biden sanctioned nearly the entire Russian economy out of the Western World, forcing the Russians to sell oil at a discount & other oil producing Nations to cut supply & begin buying from Russia.

    — Biden destroyed a multi-Billion USD piece of infrastructure that fed LNG from Russia to Germany. The US has had to step in with LNG supplies to meet European demand.

    — With crushing inflation & Biden impoverishing the majority of Americans, the rising cost of gas has been subsidized by withdrawing from our National Strategic Oil Supply, which is lower than it's ever been before, leavinng enough oil to keep the US going for maybe ~2wks if there is a supply shock.

    Otherwise, aside from all that horrible horrible s*** that Biden did that has effectively crushed Americans in terms of US energy & has been emblematic of a painfullly non-savvy unwinding of US diplomatic efforts that were established by Nixon (the Petrol Dollar), then, yeah, everything else has been ship-shape!

  8. RFK can win for same reasons Trump won and surprise all the ignorant talking heads.

    RFK 40% TRUMP 30% BIDEN 25%

    Bring on the debates!

  9. Hey everyone!!!!!
    Let's all start giving a thumbs down for all the repeat weekend Rising videos?!?!?!?
    If they want more clicks then they should give us more content and or pay different teams to do original content. The fact they're trying to milk the same team without giving them anything is disgusting but predictable.
    The system works

  10. Personally, I think RFK Jr. will take away from both Trump and Biden equally. I don't think either Trump or Biden have done a good job with Independents. But with all honesty I could care less who RFK Jr. takes away from because both deserve to lose.

  11. It sounds to me like the Trump team asked RFKJ how he would respond if Trump offered him the job. That does not mean Trump offered him the job. If Rising characterizes it otherwise, thats what I describe as click-baiting, and listening to the topic discussion they're still obviously trying to make it look like he did. Until now, I've considered Rising one of the most reliably un-biased news analysts. This dramatically undermines their credibility.

  12. RFK is the Best Candidate. Look at the DNC,their tactics on Trump and RFK, the absolute distegard for Fair play to keep the Democrats in Control. People will decide this Election,not an "Agenda". RFK in 2024.

  13. Trump hated Vivek till he supported him. Holds the Bible but can't name one verse. Calls RFK far left but then asked him to his VP 😂😂. RFK POTUS!

  14. Does anyone think Trump and team tell the truth on anything that is inconvenient?

    RFK Jr has 300 plus fact checkers on everything he puts out

    Crazy to think he lied as he is running on a platform of truth

  15. Her ex husband is covering his face now bc it his money pays for her vp seat and her meow meow go around with Elon behind his back while married to him . Talk about that

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