RAND PAUL On Rising: Dr. FAUCI, GOV. AGENCIES Had Knowledge Of Wuhan COVID Research

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) weighs in on new coronavirus reporting. Originally aired April 11, 2024.

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Author: Rafael Nieves


39 thoughts on “RAND PAUL On Rising: Dr. FAUCI, GOV. AGENCIES Had Knowledge Of Wuhan COVID Research

  1. If not for Paul refusing to let it go, very likley it would have been buried and ignored totally by now. He'd be the best POTUS the nation ever had, and would be a truly outstanding VP pick for the orange guy. Problem with Paul is he's too busy speaking facts and details vs making crazy claims and one liners for votes and such. I don't agree with his positions on all topics, but no one is perfect…

  2. Ferrets have one of the closest immune type to humans.
    UK has roughly 500000 (half million) Ferrets.
    Ferrets spread influenza to humans.
    Not a single case of 1 Ferret contracting, spreading or dying of Sars Cov2.
    Which animal has been chosen to test model CV19 vaccines on?

    The Ferret.

  3. Yah. No shtt! Thats obvious since the "wet market" explanation was exposed to be a lie. How about investigating other labs and not just wuhan? Like i dont know… ft. Detrick at the very least and what rand mentioned in Colorado?
    June 2019, near ft. Detrick the greenspring retirement community. A mysterious respiratory illness reported by the local news. Investigation of ft. Detrick called for? Nah, it was temporarily shutdown so no need to investigate, nothing suspicious there…. no Investigation was made and its too late for that now. How convenient…

  4. I can’t believe this isn’t on every news site all over the world. Sure raises a lot of questions about pretty much everything. Big thanks to The Hill for trying to draw attention to this and Rand Paul.

  5. There are direct connections between Dr. Fauci funded Wuhan (and Winnipeg) Gain Of Function virus research and the World Economic Forum Great Reset Agenda that has not been exposed to the public… yet.

  6. At this point, "Heads should roll", not metaphorically, but really. These bureaucrats murdered millions of people around the world with deliberate intent. I'm no scientist but have studied these issues for thirty plus years because of getting multiple sclerosis from the anthrax vaccine we got going to the Gulf in 89, upwards of ten thousand veterans were disabled or killed by one of four experimental vaccines. My wife died of multiple sclerosis and COPD four years ago. Statistically, the two of us both being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is off the charts, impossible, according to my four neurologists over the last thirty some years. I graduated high school in 75, we got intense education on DNA simply because it arrived in grade school text books when I was in the sixth grade. My freshman AP biology class did statistical research on Sordaria Fimicola, a mold spore we irradiated a sample and put a smear of it and the un-irradiated and tracked gene theory through the whole school year, proving the accuracy of "Gene Theory", back in 71. John McClain, GySgt, USMC ret.

  7. Why are we still talking like this was an accident knowing everything that we know now? Why are we not calling a spade a spade? IT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!! This WAS INTENTIONAL! HOW MUCH MORE DO WE NEED TO SEE BEFORE WE SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!?

  8. The US doesn't do too well with unknown or invisible threats without clear explanations from leadership. I'm not sure if any society does. Many conspiracies are simple stupidity. Hanlon's Razor. After struggling to run a business through the Covid era, it was a sh*tshow with the flames fanned by cable media. Guidance?

  9. Senator Paul seems to blame the Leftists for their centrist "strong state" stuctures, but in military projects, aerospace and biotech companies are getting amalgamized into centrist apparatuses anyway.
    This is the elephant in the room.
    Sunday Times described in detail, how in adjacent labs in Wuhan the US military and the Chinese military acted as competing apprentices of the great sorcerer, which is Mother Nature herself. They seemed to play James Bond games onto each other.
    Seems that China invited the Americans for their Hitech, when they had a couple of dead scientists that had crawled through some bat cave in China and had got an infection.

    Why is then each of these politicians and media regulars avoiding the elephant?

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