WATCH: Megyn Kelly Goes AFTER 60 Minutes Over Moms for Liberty Interview

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to heated interview between 60 Minutes host Scott Pelley and co-founders of parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty. Originally aired March 5, 2024; #bookbans #momsforliberty

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Author: Rafael Nieves


37 thoughts on “WATCH: Megyn Kelly Goes AFTER 60 Minutes Over Moms for Liberty Interview

  1. It's interesting what they left out of Megyn Kelly's commentary about the 60 Minutes interview, such as how she felt the women should have answered regrading indoctrination, i.e race essentialism and gender ideology. Reading, writing, and arithmetic. These are what schools should be teaching. Politics and ideology of any kind do not belong there. Period, no "debate"! Common sense has really been drained from the minds of these two.

  2. Success on standardized testing has less to do with student achievement, and more to do with how much time and resource the district has to prepare kids for test taking strategies. You’re not actually assessing their capabilities the way we think we are.

  3. Standardized testing is a horrible way to measure success. Without specifically going into any kind of cultural issues, there’s also a vast amount of research showing that we are using it to glean more information than it actually represented in the data. Especially considering there are upwards of 16 subjects covered in a school, and the standardized testing only tests 2

  4. CRT embedded in everything they teach is the issue. It looked to me like a lawyer put the fear of god into those women before the interview…..

  5. Conservatives plan working perfectly; since Bush there has been a coordinated effort to dismantle the public education system and ensure the American youth is the most uninformed and undereducated in the developed world (with some developing countries actual scoring higher).

    When the church reveals their true face they'll burn the secular constitution with the rest of the science and history books.

  6. it was most definitely a hit piece. The ladies did not do well. The segment was about books. Moms is about so much more.. and how the system has been eroded over decades, higher ed teaching new generations , and the doctrines being passed on to children.

  7. They were unable to articulate their points well. That doesn't make them wrong about indoctrination in schools. The key element, that Bri doesn't want to acknowledge, is the gender ideology nonsense that has been pushed on young children by bad people with dubious motives under the guise of 'LGBTQ support'.

  8. The Moms are right. Sadly, they were inarticulate at expressing their viewpoints. They will not effect any change if they do not emerge from their "Echo Chamber Traps".

  9. If the Moms for Liberty needed examples:
    1. The Portland, Oregon school district mandates that students be taught that gender roles, as we know them today, were brought over by white colonizers. This is ludicrous in that even Native tribes had gender definitions and roles. The men fought the wars and hunted game. The women took care of the children, made clothing, prepared and preserved foodstuffs, grew corn, etc.
    2. The introduction of Critical Race Theory as it relates to the formation of the colonies and later, the United States. America was not colonized for the sole purpose of expanding slavery. Did slavery come with colonization? Absolutely. However it wasn't just the British that brought it over. Spain and Portugal imported millions more slaves to the New World than Britain; and most of those went to the West Indies, Central America and South America.
    3. The normalizing of the trans-gendering of children, using hormone blockers and surgery. Children have neither the emotional or intellectual maturity to make those kinds of life altering decisions, let alone be taught about them.

    There…fixed it.

  10. I’m so confused. Can’t Americans see that by meddling with basic knowledge in biology, history, geography, philosophy, etc., their standard of education goes down? A doctor who is not able to perform basic medicine like an abortion will not find work in other countries or neighboring cities. It’s like a farmer who doesn’t know how to fertilize his cattle because some religious people think it’s indecent. There is a reason why all Western countries are secular. Religion and education are contradictory. If you are religious, cool, but do it in the confinement of your home. Understanding human biology is educational. Finding God is spiritual and does not belong in schools. You finding God shouldn’t be a burden to other people. Evolution belongs in the curriculum; Adam and Eve belong in Sunday school.

  11. Okay, first off, why are you promoting Megyn Kelly? This really fascinates me how people go out of their way to promote people with tiny audiences. Since when did promoting people with tiny audiences become the norm? Weird

  12. As someone from outside of the USA, it is amusing to see the inner intellectual discussions of the country that will, probably, cause the destruction of the planet, by accident or design.

  13. Good grief! What kind of word salad is Robbie making? He is not an intellectual equal to Brihana and really not an engaging personality. He is shrill and self-righteous. Why is he still working for the Hill? With all the talent out there… I don’t get it.

  14. These two, always fail to recognize the challenges to tradition. That many are trying to defend. As in the whole indoctrination into the trans, child self-sterilization/indoctrination movement. This is the insanity we want to stop.

  15. Swear to god I’ll never watch another 60 minutes again for as long as I live. Another victim of the sickness

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