Report: Medical Journals BLOCK Research on Hormones for Trans Kids Over POLITICAL BIAS

Amber Duke and Jessica Burbank discuss LGBT issues with Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow Sarah Parshall Perry. Originally aired February 16, 2024; #lgbt

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Author: Rafael Nieves


40 thoughts on “Report: Medical Journals BLOCK Research on Hormones for Trans Kids Over POLITICAL BIAS

  1. This is a simple equipment issue. A biological male pelvis is capable of producing 50% more torque and power due to it designed from birth. There is no spectrum on this, nor is it changeable. It produces unfair competition

  2. This is probably one of the scariest things I've seen in a long time. The government will be making a law that protects a very small minority of people who seriously have a mental issue at the detriment of half our population. I hate Trump with all my being but if they pass this I will vote for Traitor Trump.

  3. You can identify as a turtle if you want but the bathrooms needs to be off limits. If I had a daughter and males were going into het bathroom I'd have to go to jail.

  4. I would take it to court. Show the evidence of the push to stop such studies. And put forward that if we are not allowed to study this and find out then two things will happen. 1. Nothing its safe. But no medical or medication of anykind has ever been 100% safe. Or 2. It is something in the level of lead in water, food ect. Sice we don't know and they are trying to refuse to allow such studies we have to ask that such a practice needs to be banned and made illegal as it cannot be allowed to just continue blindly forward.

    So in short they want to stop the studies then they loose puberty blockers and hormone therapy.

  5. can smell the rise in home schooling from here… no reason to expose children to each other earlier than for the chaos that will ensue… Seriously when is Biden going to do that cognitive test?

  6. Of course. If we inevitably find out this is BAD for kids, it destroys the narrative. "Trust the Science," right, Democrats? Or prevent "The Science," from happening, if you don't like the results.

  7. To the interviewer: there is no such thing as a "transgender child" any more than there is a "vegetarian cat." Children cannot make that decision.

  8. Taking 90% of your public discourse while they destroy America for a condition that affects only .1 % of the pop, makes perfect sense.🤡

  9. I have to say it's fun watching one liberal vocal group screaming for rights colliding with another liberal vocal group screaming for rights.

  10. everyone is eating up the Trans-safety discourse but the double standard with the BLM kids is swept under the rug

  11. NEJM Feb 29th 2024 Rodriguez and Stoesser: They have a table of how the University of Utah Health system has changed over time. Prior to 2016 it was merit based.
    As of 2023, 29.4% is weighted on: Economic disadvantage, major health even of someone in household while in medical school, first generation college student, first generation of US citizen ship or an immigrant, parent during medical school.
    Essentially, they are bragging about removing merit and replacing it with "tough times". Somehow that will equal correct diagnosis/treatment?

  12. The woman trying to explain the difference between tee shirts was highly disingenuous and prejudiced. The only disruption was caused by removing the two boys. Besides BLM has full support and received campaign funds for the Democratic Party currently in power.

  13. This is so much more nefarious than appeasing voters. Why do these politicians do so much too allow minors to take experimental drugs with no solid studies? It's not to garner votes because not many in the trans community would ever vote republican. It makes no gd sense

  14. Curious how no one is born a Christian. Apparently this requires a baptism. So if you're born a non christian you can transition to Christianity. Sometime this happens with adults, but quite often parents will make this decision for their kids – without consulting them and without any concern for the likelihood of these children experiencing religious trauma later in life!
    We could all use a bit less hypocrisy here. Perhaps we should criminalize childhood indoctrination? How about we deny people calling themselves Christian because they weren't born "that way?"

    Funny how "belief system" shares an acronym with bull sh…

  15. isn't the real question why the so called "affirm early, affirm often" approach was allowed – a. in the first place, and b. became something that could not be challenged? Is it perhaps because of leftist politics invading spaces where it should never be allowed?

  16. Until these doctor are held financially resposible for destroying these children's lives this will not stop. These so called women's organizations need to be held accountable for both supporting the right of biological women. If nothing is don't biological women will be sent back to the 19th century.

  17. Affirming care? Is there any published data for confirming affirming? Would be nice to read them since DSM 5 has been changed conderning genser dysphoria

  18. Feminism and LBGTQ really, really messed up by going after the kids. The mounting backlash is going to be insane.

  19. Letting people with gender dysphoria get surgery to cut off body parts and hormones to destroy there bodies is not how we help them. That is so inhumane that these surgeons should be thrown in prison.

  20. No such thing as "twan$kid$" (trying to get past censors) and this outlet using such language is peddling soft propaganda. Curiously all the right-liberals (conservatives) don't seem to notice….kinda makes you go, "hmmmmmm"…..the "right" liberals are just as down with this lying as the "left" liberals (the composition of our "representative democracy") and yet people pretend this isn't the case. No wonder nothing ever changes.

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