Math’s NOT MATHING? Haley LEADS BIDEN By 15 Points In Wisconsin Poll, Trump Too

Ameshia Cross and Jessica Burbank discuss the latest polling on Donald Trump and Joe Biden. #NikkiHaley #biden

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


36 thoughts on “Math’s NOT MATHING? Haley LEADS BIDEN By 15 Points In Wisconsin Poll, Trump Too

  1. Excuse me, what is the difference between Biden's, Obama's and Clinton's foreign policies with regards to wars and Bush 1's, Bush 2's and Reagan's? They were all beholden to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and were all warmonger!

    Trump alone stands out as a president who openly opposed foreign wars and the interests of the MIC.

  2. Whatever just cook those books their almost done. Haley ahead of Trump, in what bizzaro universe are you talking about. 😂🤣😂

  3. Dont help the Neocon stooge how to run for the GOP candidat! Nikki are a MIC stooge, a crazy warmonger that will continue the MIC demand of endless wars so they can make more money. She is a dangerous candidate

  4. Data does not lie, data is just is and will always be there. I like what Paul Ryan said in one of his talk show interviews recently that as of now on both sides of the spectrum, there is the subjective truth and objective truth. Nobody sees the objective truth and everyone sees the subjective truth and like to be in their own little bubble… Nikki Haley whether you like or hate her deserves all the praise and credit for staying in the race this far. She isn’t perfect but if corrupt politicians like Biden get a pass, a dictator wannabe like Trump get a pass- so Nikki doesn’t just cuz she reached success by being an ambassador of the UN, governor of South Carolina x2 with reasonable success, come one dude the bias shows like crazy. Her stance on Boeing has been clarified millions of times in her debates… she is extremely careful where she spends her money and you can see how she spends it in her campaign live. Where does Trump spend his?? Ehem in court cases. Shows me a lot who is truly fiscally responsible without even trying. People are just so dead and dumb nowadays it’s truly pathetic they don’t look at details anymore. The sentiment on the majority of America matters. I’m an independent and moderate and I think Nikki is what we truly need in a president.

  5. Anyone can say vote for me , then offer nothing to country on improvements to the country. Like nikki , the country deserves better then that, from any candadate.

  6. Nikki i cant trust her , she says one thing about hillary c. Then later says opposite later , she regular flip flops on evrrything she says. Then she offers the public nothing on improvement for the public .

  7. Out racist the racist?? You all need to realize there are actual racist in the world, Trump is not one of them.

    People can see the outcomes from so-called black leaders to date. Prominent ones i can think of, Thomas Sowell, Dr. King, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Winsome Sears, Colin Powell, and Tim Scott who I would love to lead the country.

    However, the rest I know of are race hustling socialist hurting the black and America colture.

    Unfortunately, many of my black brothers and sisters fall into the race trap, like the one in this video. Calling people racist simply because they prefer proven leadership.

    Perhaps we ( monority community) should concentrate on producing leaders that show results in uplifting our communities AND the rest of America so people will be less reluctant to vote them into the highest office.

    I would have voted for Vivake over both of these geriatric men, but I can see why some were apprehensive. Racist, not really. Apprehensive based on results, more likely.

    Stop downplaying the problems in our communities and stop blaming others. Take responsibility and show improvements in the communities. I promise people will take those candidates more seriously. Unfortunately, the left perpetuates the stigma by not allowing those strong leaders to emerge. So simply calling one racist without context is racist in and of itself. You ladies are the true racist and the problem!!

  8. We can thank Wayne Allen Root, Talk show host Vegas, and Steve Bannon’s War Room Posse for orchestrating her getting humiliated by losing to “nobody above” 😂 they promoted this, she thought she could claim victory in NV running against nobody but still lost 😂😂

  9. ONLY because the MSM spikes EVERY negative story about "Last Place Haley". Were Haley to be the nominee, MSM would go 24/7 negative against her, and she'd lose. Trump's already immune.
    If only that pesky candidate "NO ONE" would STOP showing up on the ballots next to Haley!

  10. Another piece deservedly given the thumbs down by the majority of the viewers (check out the Tucker-Putin piece > 20k downvotes). Still trying to prop Haley up when she just lost a vote to 'none of the above' and it wasn't even close – which bizarrely doesn't get mentioned. What exactly is the point of The Hill? People see through this watered down CNN/MSNBC propaganda by omission BS, and we aint buying it no more.

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