A Scammer Has a Picture of My House?!

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Scammers are threatening people with their personal details including pictures of their home! How did they get these photos? What can you do? Maybe watch the video and I’ll show you.


Author: Rafael Nieves


41 thoughts on “A Scammer Has a Picture of My House?!

  1. I got that an e-mail like this twice. Had a good laugh reading it to the boys. It's crazy how they caught me beating it on the webcam I don't have and the websites I have never been to LOL!

  2. Can you make video about scammer websites who lower prices in order to buy something cheap in their website? Find out if it is a scam or not, price of something can be showed 500$ that's the price of before but it becomes lower like 50$? Is those like of website legit or scam? So is Mekusa legit or scam please make a video about that?

  3. My boyfriend years ago received a few emails saying that they caught him doing things to himself. Also, that they were going to send these web cam videos to everyone on his email list, if he did not send money. I was like, oooohhhhhh, I am on the list. I look forward to seeing those videos. Darn it though, I never received the videos. 🤣

  4. I've gotten about 3 or 4 of those within a month. The first one kinda freaked me out, but i just searched it up online and found out its a new version of an old scam. What was funny is that the image sent was just a view of the street in front of the house, not the actual house.

  5. I just received this email as well, and I know what I did. Instantly block them because they didn't even bother to show my email, any old passwords or even my house so it was less than half the effort. These days scammers have no luck because of people like
    you, and I want to thank you for that.

  6. Got an email saying they got my phone & adult site…with my KNOB! But I don't use any adult sites ever & I have NO KNOB!!…nor any house, no any car, nor any in home cameras…
    This shows you how NASTY other customs actually are: they like nasty websites & misusing their bodies…they are gross!!!

  7. I got same extortion email. I use one-off emails for every company I deal with so I know exactly who it was stolen from. The stupid criminal tried to send me a picture of my USPS PO box. Except they were pointing the google street view the wrong direction. And the phone number is a one-off VOIP number as well. These scammers are terminally stupid.

  8. I got one of these once, and got to the part where "ive hacked your camera and watched you do filthy things". And i thought well that's awkward, cause i don't have a camera 🤣

  9. I had the same e-mail sent to me. Knew it was a scam right away. Buy the best part is, they a picture of the wrong house. Ha ha ha it was a picture of the house kiddy corner from me. Ha ha ha screw these guys.

  10. If you just think about it logically, if they have access to your devices as they claim, why on earth would they be sending you an email that likely ends up in spam folder? There's no universe in which anything like this is legit

  11. I had something similar happen to me, it was an email in my spam folder that said something about them hacking into my devices and saying they had video footage if nasty things on my computer and me…. at first I was worried when it spoke of hacking my device but the further I read into the email it became obvious that it was a scam. They also demanded bitcoin.

    Firstly, I dont watch those sorts of videos
    Secondly… my laptop doesn't even have a camera. So it's safe to say it was all a hoax. I also put the email up on reddit to warn people

  12. Aside from scaring you into thinking someone knows who you are and where you live, these allegations might ruin relationships. Imagine if a wife sees this email and thinks her husband is doing that while she’s not around. She’s gonna wonder if he’s doing it on camera for someone, or maybe their relationship doesn’t allow for this and she gets upset that he’s doing it when he thinks he won’t get caught. This is bad on so many levels.

  13. i actually got one of these scam emails, though it wasnt the one with the address it was a different type of email with the same premise, i couldnt help but laugh as they described looking into my camera…. because well, i quite literally have my computer front camera covered with a piece of tape at all times, seriously are there people who DONT cover their cameras while not using them?

  14. "oh you can pay us to remove you from data brokers"
    Yeah…..actually no…nothing spotting data center form just making new accouts and adding your info to that one anyway .
    those services of removal are like Doxing yourself

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