‘From the River to the Sea,’ Bibi Pledges, As Biden Says He’ll KEEP BOMBING YEMEN: Rising

Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss the latest missiles the Houthis launched on the Red Sea. #Palestine #Gaza

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Author: Rafael Nieves


38 thoughts on “‘From the River to the Sea,’ Bibi Pledges, As Biden Says He’ll KEEP BOMBING YEMEN: Rising

  1. Obamas are war criminals arrest them for sedition and treason and conspiring with the globalist’s regime. Putin is a world class leader and has no problem looking after his peoples and border sovereignty while defending Russian people’s freedoms even when threatened by the US Military. MSNBC are Globalist schills and have paid off most voices of descension with power and cash settlements actually quite embarrassing since this is exactly what Trump has literally campaigning against with the Globalist grab for all power over the American people now digital cash conversion to a FIAT and non-backed banking proposal these Elites have no shame or interest in serving any of the G20 with the insane policies that are being forced upon free people by Cabal criminals. Arrest Biden and his administration for war crimes and sedition. They are causing the threats while lying about their collusion and treason to the American Taxpayers

    Arrest Zuckerberg for fraud and public mischief and if he has paid to interfere with elections arrest him and seize his assets and dissolve his companies.

  2. From David Moffet

    Professor Philip Hitti, Arab professor and historian 1946:

    “There is no such thing as Palestinians in history, absolutely not”

    The Jordanian daily newspaper Al Urdun, April 9th 1953:

    “I could go on and on with this forgotten or deliberately obscured history. But you get the point. There was no Jewish conspiracy to chase Arabs out of their homes in 1948. It never happened. There are instead plenty of historical records showing the Jews pleading with their Arab neighbors to stay and live in peace and harmony. Yet, despite the clear unambiguous words of the Arab observers at the time, history has been successfully rewritten to turn the Jews into the bad guys”.

    Zuheir Mohsen, a senior PLO leader, admitted in 1977:

    “The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity… Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons.”

    The first mention of a “Palestinian people” to mean Arabs in Palestine appeared in the 1964 charter. Previously, and particularly during the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine 1919-1948, “Palestinians” had been commonly used to describe Jews living in the territory.

  3. Just watch how Kirby undercuts reality in what he proposes AND ….
    verifies his total lack of understanding of the Israeli/ palestinian relationship with his unrealistic proposals (!!!) …….
    This typifies so many of the feckless biden regime cabinet members that are unqualified for their positions;
    What a dismal reality …

  4. The "Palestinian land" is JORDAN. The British gave 78% of the Mandate territory to the Arabs for a state which today we call Jordan. If Arabs want to live as equal citizens in Israel, from the river to the sea, that's also fine but they have to earn that right.

  5. most Christianity is fake you support the synagogue of Satan you should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting the genocide of the Palestinians for over 75 years now!Revelation 2:9

    “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

  6. It's amazing to hear Jessica spreading terrorist propaganda.
    There was never any country called Palestine until Israel gave Palestinians self determination in the West Bank and in Gaza and what did Israel get in return? A terrorist country in Gaza.
    So Netanyahu says correctly that he will never allow Gaza to be a Palestinian territory ever again. Israel will occupy this territory and the religious and municipal leaders will be Palestinians appointed by the Israeli military governor.
    The idea to give Palestinians self-determination has now proved itself to be too dangerous for Israel. Deal with it.

  7. So, how is the US planning to guarantee the safety of the Israeli citizens? I don't hear these two "Barbies" calling for the release of the hostages or the disarming of the evil, barbaric Hamas terrorists.

  8. In a perfect world which this isnt
    Jesus appears over Gaza and says 3 words
    Love thy enemy
    Hammas loves IDF
    Palestinians loves Jews
    Jews love Palestinians
    IDF loves Hammas
    Who is left fighting folks???
    Are we that far up the Tower of Babel that spiritual truth in physical conscious form is denied when its the ONLY path?

  9. it's amazing how this is an open book test and ppl still fail to see the truth about this entire situation! lady in the white said hamas can't stay in power and look at what they have done to their ppl. I haven't heard or seen not one single Gazan say they condem Hamas or even turn against Hamas and I tell you why because they are their family members their their cousins they are their friends and they are all fighting to be free appose to Israel ruling them she still failed that! Israel still has a blockade so HAMAS uses the tunnels to get Palestinians things from the outside world such as chips,fabric, macaroni and cheese there is alot they can't get legally because it's an occupation still failed that test. I'm surprised she didn't say their favorite line hiding behind citizens, as if they aren't armed citizens fighting for freedom they are the very citizens of gaza they arent an army because they don't have a palastenian state to defend! It would be better if we just said this is to hard for her to understand it's above her scope of practice lol!

  10. Anyone who said it was formerly Palestine does not know their history! Why do you keep putting that out there? It's as if you want to create chaos. The Jews and the Arabs lived in peace together for a very long time. time.

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