Matt Gaetz: NO NEED FOR KARENS, Trump Can Win With Black & Hispanic Voters

Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke react to Matt Gaetz’ (R-Fla.) comments on members of the Republican Party. #GOP #Polls

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Author: Rafael Nieves


49 thoughts on “Matt Gaetz: NO NEED FOR KARENS, Trump Can Win With Black & Hispanic Voters

  1. This jessica lady is nuts! You have a problem with Ted Cruz, talking to "normal" people about fishing or hunting, but he fishes and hunts a lot. But im guessing she has no problem hillary or aoc, as soon as they're around black people, they all of a sudden sound like they're from the Mississippi delta, their accent gets so black and southern. Thats the left for you

  2. Im not worried about ANY democrat, which includes RFK Jr., a lifelong democrat who they through out for having the audacity to go up against biden. He's a DEMOCRAT! And any democrat is going to be just more of what you've had for the last 3+ yrs, under democrats. No change!! TRUMP in November is the only vote thats gonna fix this country. Vote Trump

  3. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ LOVE Trump.
    Love 45/47.
    Pro Life.
    Pro gun's.
    Freedom of Speech.
    God first.
    No backsins.
    Pro Church.
    Pro Exxon.
    Pro Work.
    Pro life.
    F cbs.
    F cbs.
    F cnn.
    F cnbc.
    F abc.
    Love country.
    Pro family.
    Man and/Women.
    No Disney.
    No Disney.
    No ESPN.
    No ESPN.
    No way .
    LOVE 💕 Trump

  4. 1:46 Finally conservative millennials engage in up-speak as much as the progressive ones. The beautiful melody of the English language is forever destroyed by a generation who, while allegedly being sure on the necessity to do everything different than former generations, ironically phrase everything like a question. Maybe they're not that sure after all.

  5. Matt Gaetz has undermined the House GOP's goals by attacking its membership who was elected by the people. He is still doing it and is an obstructionist to the GOP agenda. Republican leaders should not listen to him he will lead them to losing control of the House. I suggest looking at his money to se e if he is being paid by dems or to make sure he is not acting as a agent of a foreign power.

  6. This is why i dont vote. Both parties dont care about people who look like me just when they need votes. When she gave the percentage of white women to black men i see why she supports isreal and others like her. Women like her led black women astray many years ago with feminism to separate us

  7. No Trump didn't do anything in his first term except:
    Take the US out of WHO
    Take the US out of International Climate boondoggles
    Ended NAFTA (of course you young ladies probably dont know anything about NAFTA
    Enacted the First Step Act – undoing some of the harm done by biden especially to poor in criminal justice system
    Told the Germans the TRUTH about their reliance on Russian energy
    Told the TRUTH about NATO and improper reliance on US
    Made friends with Little Rocket Man
    Told you the TRUTH that Covid was from a Lab Leak (early on)
    Told you old tried and true meds should be repurposed to treat Covid
    Was not Putin's enemy + hence did not alienate a large portion of the world
    Withdrew troops from Greater Syria and had an amicable relationship with Turkey
    Stopped Military at Venezuela's border, would not allow invasion pushed for by military, brought troops home and fired Bolton – who predictably wrote a book..
    Created the Abraham Accords which kept peace in Mid East and was about to be signed by Saudi Arabia when Biden lit the fuse on the Hamas – the new Isis
    Which trump had gotten rid of in a YEAR!
    He also warned most young people should not take the covid vax cause they have good immune systems and it can cause heart issues..(as soon as that became evident)
    Of course he did all these things and many more in secret and code.
    Or MAYBE suburban housewives never listened…

  8. Jessica is adorable is her attempts to imply that ‘Trump took voters for granted’ and ignoring all the steps that were taken, in opposition to the existing laws, to enable others to ‘vote’ like Mail-in Ballots and boxes to collect whoever wants to throw ‘votes’ in there without any verification…….

  9. Cmon Man . ALL msm including the Hill keep pushing Haley 🤮.
    Look at the nonsense bias you yourselves project here.
    You state that DiSantis went to the Carolina campaign agenda cause he probably doesn't have a chance in NH !
    You NEGLECTED to Mention that DiSantis planned to DEBATE HALLEY in NH but she – being a
    sore loser with an oversized ego REFUSED to debate him ! DiSantis said he'd STILL show up and debate an Empty Podium. But the Powers that be (sponsers) decided to CANCEL DEBATE cause they couldn't show case their charming little war monger 😮
    You'd think Halley would want to debate DiSantis but she can't.
    Halley is an establishment candidate. If suburban white women can't see this they are fools. Unfortunately many also work so they're prime targets for MSM hype that Trump is somehow "mean" – a quality women more often find offensive than men.
    I hope you young girls start taking a lot better look at things where you are "influencers"
    Matt Gaetz does not speak for Trump but as with anyone else can get emotional AND be taken out of context.
    Perhaps you should ask yourself why folks like Brandon Straka & Candice Owens have left the democratic party and are now staunch Trump supporters.
    STOP acting like Trump supporters are unhinged dangerous lunatics and recognize that Trump is actually a moderate in many areas so far as Republican party.
    Watch the J6 tapes and STOP drinking and CREATING the KoolAid !!

  10. I like Matt Gaetz, but he should think twice about not needing votes from a certain group of people. At this point we need all people. This name calling will hurt the Trump movement, is that what he's trying to do. These are antics thats hurting democrats. PLEASE DON'T GO DOWN THAT ROAD. I like you Matt, you should walk that back.

  11. Matt Gatz can make statements that trouble some of us? …like he said …likes an eye for an eye rather than allowing forgiveness and forgiving others… is that progressive to understanding the Word? We could vote for honest people and don't just say it but prove it and Trump has been moving to do that more than ever could that be why his support has changed even more? Could he tried to do it the Washington way …with lots of mudslinging and using the system that was corrupt? Know we hopefully can see the deep mess we have? He gets support from solid women like Dr. Alveda King, Winsome Sears and many more and that was not covered in this news, nor maybe should it have been? Did you see Elise Stefanik in NH…hopefully Matt gets that as well? NH…where Biden did not even want to go …now want to write in only… because the DNC Corporation wants to change History because it is too bias to have the 1st primary in NH? The truth is coming out more now even in SC isn''t it? Even with many wonderful women we all know… When truth comes out… we really didn't know how deep the state was back years ago even though we heard it clear by RFK in his day… and now RFK Jr. as well and by real words allowed as Trump has spoken but edited and not played? Who is restricting free speech? Thanks for allowing real debate and discussion on The Hill for sure?

  12. they eyes of jessica are like the government brainwashed eyes … when they start talking about what they really beleive they look really out of touch and dumb … you all do great when you stick to the news … when you start talking the benefits of socialism you really sound young and dumb

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