Glenn Greenwald & Megyn Kelly AGREE: VIVEK RAMASWAMY Is Right About January 6

Jessica Burbank and Spencer Brown discus Vivek Ramaswamy’s performance during this week’s GOP primary debate. Originally aired December 8, 2023; #2024

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Author: Rafael Nieves


44 thoughts on “Glenn Greenwald & Megyn Kelly AGREE: VIVEK RAMASWAMY Is Right About January 6

  1. it's not that the new immigrants will be able to vote (soon). it's that when we reapportion respresentatives after the next census the massive influx of new people will drastically change how many respresentatives states get. this will forever change america and may well lead to a forever democrat ownership oif the house. residents are counted for apportionment not citizens.

  2. The weird racist undertones are coming from Democrats who say things like "if you are not voting for Biden, you ain't black". There is nothing wrong with saying "stop illegal immigration". I love it when Dems conflate legal immigration with someone jumping over the fence in the middle of the night. Also, Democrats can and do have MULTIPLE reasons for facilitating illegal immigration. Voting demographics is just one reason, but human trafficking and drug smuggling is another. This issue is not limited to Democrats either–it is an establishment area of interest. How else do you explain 80,000 missing children brought to US illegally and surrendered to US DHS before their disapperance? Look it up.

  3. I am not convinced that all the illegal immigrants Biden let in will vote Democrat. First most of them have no respect for these idiots. They also know at some point there is going to be blowback that is going to endanger their status, that there is not enough handouts to go around, that the new ones are going to be competing with those who got amnesty for jobs, housing, schools, etc…

  4. This reporting was not complete BS some salient point but i still get the feeling of anxiety that y'all just read teleprompters and have your talking points rehearsed and that being thrown a curve ball you would completely miss.

    3/10 serious room for improvement but potential is there.

  5. Van jones was shaking with fury bc Vivek touch on a self inflicted wound he himself had done in the past, the hypocrisy of this guy is stinks and that’s why I don’t watch cnn or msnbc or public news founded by gov $ bc they are in bedded with everything that is wrong in our country, the way Tucker and Rogan talk is just as normal as anyone talks, straight forward w/o apologies as Mr.Ramaswamy addressed his speech, we are adults not kids for God’s sakes, we don’t need sugar coating words full of poison ☠️ we can take straight talk full w/ “TRUTH”

  6. Sorry Van Jones, you are not the person I thought you were. You change opinions depending on how convenient they are. Besides….you have to play CNN game……how sad when money and power is above integrity, honesty, intelligence, fairness ,,,,,,,,,humanity.

  7. "Demographic change is happening, and it's fabulous!"
    "Demographic change is happening, and I think it could cause problems."
    MEDIA – Why are you spreading conspiracy theories?

  8. Jessica's massive gaslighting notwithstanding, polling clearly shows immigrants have voting patterns different to the host population. Sounds like she just doesn't want us to notice until it's too late…

    Ever her example of Arab voters turning on Biden supports the case. Can Jessica point to any party 30-40 years ago that even bothered to worry about the Arab vote back then?

  9. Oh Jess you’re ideological capture is legion. Like van Jones, Jess thinks any fact inconvenient to her cult is thusly misinformation or racist. And it’s a false duality to claim that everyone against illegal immigration is anti-legal immigration. And the bar to immigration law reform is a he democrat political-religion if open borders. Biden encouraged probably over 10 million illegals to enter in just over 3 years. The skin color, religion, ethnicity is irrelevant. You cannot do this and have a nation-state — short of a vast explicit need to add 3% of the population. It’s quite obvious, dem’s prevent building of new housing to inflate home prices beyond the point of a middle class dream. The they add over 3% of the population on mostly military aged, unskilled & uneducated men. Housing becomes impossible, labor rates bottom out and drop. Economic and social discord and meltdown invite leftists sick techno-feudal hellscape because “let no crisis go to waste” has clearly become “create crisis to consolidate power and push through Marxist & neo-fascist political religion through a fearful and desperate populace. Jess is hysterically obtuse trying to play the “reasonable one setting it straight”, she’s a pure propagandist in this segment. And this is why she glosses over the first victims of this hellscape, the poor and working class, the muscular class. Many of them are blacks and Latinos and they are furious at Biden fir this treachery. This IS the post modern neo-Marxist repressive tolerance tactic of Herbert Marcuse (from observation to proactive subversion). It his is how dem basically pay or bribe a demographic for votes, and then isolate that demographic from all other political parties, policy positions and alternatives. Until the next demographic comes along (or is created) and first demo is suddenly abandoned and exploited by the dem’s. The dens call them bigots, racists, phobes etc if they speak out, call them traitors for it. They totally isolate them like a religious shunning with no where else to go. Shane and exclusion and character assignation is a huge part of it. It’s like cult capture with lots of love and attention in the beginning, but once captured you’re fully exploited and punished if you don’t obey the mandated performance pieties.Basically Marcuse was claiming that liberal principle of tolerance is actually harmful because its results aren’t perfect. He discusses playing groups off a disfavored group, like divide and conquer. He talks about the use of social he repression stick to correct problems resulting from the tolerance carrot. Marcuse might say today he was only observing it and not advocating it, but that’s almost an impossible assertion for nice you read his work and understand his world view and political philosophy. Really, Jess is repeating the performative pieties so repressive tolerance is aimed at her, punishing any misdeed like telling the truth in this segment. Lastly, this is the process, the mental malignancy used by leftists ti excuse true brutality, oppression, criminal violence if the state etc. — it’s always just a small stick or inconvenience now so better and bigger carrots, utopia, can be delivered later. And the state repression or even violence is acceptable because the so called “crime” of thought speech or failing to live up to woke pieties is collectivized as a crime against the people, the nation, the state. And the state is just a reflection of the people so it’s really just the people punishing the criminal and thus it’s just and you n the service of bettering the criminal and the state and it’s people. This is no exaggeration or some abstraction. This is all proven from a long history of these radical leftist authoritarian despots who controlled nation states.

  10. This is the same thing that President Johnson said specifically. But he was the one talking about it being done, he started it. That's why Kennedy met king before Kennedy Matt king blacks were republicans. Nixon would not meet with king Kennedy did and you can read what Johnson said. From now on, we're gonna have the inwards on our side. Because they are new slaves basically is what he He said the N word Had to type it in and it wouldn't let me say it it. It kept changing it. Yes, he had the most dead black americans vote for him in the history of the world

  11. No real surprise but the title of the segment is unfortunately misleading. Kelley and Greenwald might agree with Vivek on immigration issues, but it doesn't reveal anything about Jan 6. Seems to add more misinformation to the debate sphere.

  12. Even if immigrants cannot vote themselves, the immigrant population is used to decide how many seats in congress are assigned to each state – so Democrats benefit from having large numbers of immigrants in their cities.

  13. Can somebody please ask her to stop? This is not a new idea. It is a true idea, but not a new idea. Her condescending attitude simply drips off of her as it does most self-proclaimed progressives.

  14. Fear Mongering? Ok name one non white, non east asian Country you would want to move to…and live as an average citizen. Replacement is happening, and the conspiracy theory is whether or not it is intentional or not. Van Jones himself has said they are looking forward to the day of a whites not being a majority as if that will Improve America somehow. I dont think people have an issue with this if it happens thru reasonable immigration and birth rates but the idea that this is being intentionally pushed is infuriating. 80% fall in the window of believing that some level of Immigration is good and neccessary, yet we shouldnt have unlimited immigration or "Open Borders"… the Argument is how much Immigration and who is allowed to come. There are 7 Billion people in the world. If 10% want to come to the US that twice our current population. We cant let everyonme in, And the idea that we are calling people Racists because they will allow 1 million immigrants a year and you would allow 1.5 million is ridiculous and just trying to shut down the conversation.

  15. she is wrong, first it's issuing driver license, (whihc these immigrants wont buy car going up) then allowing these guys to vote in a county which is happening in some State and eventually they will be able to vote federally . Look at California.. these people are getting free healthcare, overrun our school.. Newscum is gonna run for President.. I hope not

  16. The issue is not necessarily about illegals voting just yet. Think about the kind of strain it put on the economy. From what I watched nd heard in recent past is that Chicago is spending $ 7000/- per month per illegal immigrant. Show me how many even 3rd and 4th generation Americans make that kind of money working 1-5 to 2 jobs? Even a starting computer science graduate hired in the field does not make that much. And for what ? Their MFinf contribution to the society is nothing but poop on "THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO". Just though of Karl Malden / Michael Douglas starrer from my Chicago days.

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