Will China’s Xi Jinping Start WWIII With Taiwan Invasion?

YouTube host and geopolitical expert Hagar Chemali weighs in on the escalating tension between China and Taiwan, and how the Biden administration is working to prevent another world war amid a growing number of global conflicts.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


26 thoughts on “Will China’s Xi Jinping Start WWIII With Taiwan Invasion?

  1. China will not invasion Taiwan because mother will not attacks Taiwan son not like usa busybody attacks others country nothing better to do usa there country are people's are suffering and sooner goings to bankruptcy

  2. No! WWIII will start with Israel vs Palestine. This is because the Khazarian Zionists who rule Israel control the USA, and the US has colonies all over the world – including Taiwan, Japan, and So. Korea. China attacking Taiwan is essentially breaking up U.S. colonial rule. Because Zionists Israel controls the US government, they are painting Eastern “Authoritarian” China and Russia as a threat to their Western “Democratic” Empire, when the opposite is true!

  3. China will just sit and wait for America to collapse first. I would say they can wait until the handover of the aircraft carrier an adapted version of the J31 fighter in 2025 first.
    Meanwhile, the US is almost out of time and definitely it if money with the Ukraine and Palestine fiascos. The property market is about to collapse and take down the banks with them (US, not China) and the fed is out of ideas. The consensus is for the wall Street bubble to pop in 2024. With all these problems at home and abroad, why Americans are so in love with Chinese people from Taiwan province is a real head scratcher.

  4. 1 – China can't invade Taiwan, since Taiwan belongs, is part of China. Nobody can trespass his own property.
    2 – China's government already made absolutely clear that they don't want to "invade" Taiwan, since they want a pacific reunification.
    3 – A Chinese "invasion" into Taiwan will only happen if the US insists in weaponizing Taiwan against China (as they did Ukraine against Russia).

  5. Xi Jinping and Putin, two dictators who collude with each other! They have taken the protection of politically corrupt officials to the extreme! Behind the scenes is the common tragic fate of these two dictators! They have lost the support of the people! They can only brag and be self-indulgent!!

  6. WW3 already started

    China invading Taiwan would be an event that escalates the world war

    We all know most of the players and their chosen sides

    Its just a matter of time before the fire spreads from Europe and the Middle East

  7. Irrelevant question. If China takes back Taiwan, its sovereign province by force, who is going to defend Taiwan. The US ???? The US will not dare and cannot start a war with China. Why ? 1. The US only invaded and started wars with weak countries that were without nukes, like the Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan and many others and it lost all of them. 2. Taiwan people are Chinese and not white or European. The US Lawmakers are mostly racists and hypocrites and they would not want to lose over a war defending the Chinese in Taiwan. History shows that the US dropped Atomic bombs on Japan, a nonwhite country but not on Germany, a white country. 3. The US Lawmakers have killed more Muslims, Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese, in millions, than any other country. All are non-white people. China is a nuclear superpower and those who believe the US will come to Taiwan's aid, are either fools or idiots and need their heads to be examined.

  8. Man's greatest enemy is himself. Greed is an animal. Greed is a major driving force behind Genocide, Slavery, Colonialism and Colonization which are all evil things done and benefited by evildoers.
    Greed is behind everything that is bad. Those with no remorse or empathy for others who are greedy are the most cunning.
    They leave trails of debris, through Genocide, Slavery, Colonialism, Colonization, Imperialism., no matter where they go.. Whenever they left, they left it in strategic violence and tension.. It's such an evil world we live in. 😔

  9. Taiwan is an integrated part of China, so China cannot invade what is rightfully theirs! What China will do is just recognize this situation! America shouldn't stick its dirty nose in like it usually does because it's none of their business! America should not think that China is Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Libya, etc…

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