“I killed my wife” | The Interrogation of Skylar Nemetz

The following is excerpted from the report of Officer Darrell Moore, lightly edited for clarity and brevity: Skylar told me “I need to tell someone my story.” I directed the fire department personal to the apartment so they could administer medical attention. Skylar again stated, “I want to talk to you.” I stared at Skylar without saying anything. Skylar went onto say that he was in Yakima for field training with the military. Skylar said he returned home to his wife. Skylar said he loves his wife more than most other men, and that his love for her was special.

Skylar stated that he returned home from Yakima and he had left his wife with his rifle for her protection when he was gone. Skylar told me that he took out the magazine, and motioned taking out the magazine. Skylar said he was making the rifle safe, and for some reason he grabbed the rifle and shook it. I watched as Skylar demonstrated grabbing what I believed to be the upper portion of the rifle with his left hand and the lower portion of the rifle with his right hand. Skylar motioned holding the rifle at an approximately 45 degree cant. Skylar said, “I just shook it and it shot her.” Skylar began to make sounds as if he was crying, but I could see that he had no tears coming out. I also noticed that he had no tears during my entire contact with him. [End of report]

According to neighbors, they regularly heard yelling coming from the Nemetz residence.

Among the many statements initially made by Skylar Nemetz was a statement to his neighbor, that his wife Danielle had shot herself while she been cleaning the rifle.

On November 24, 2014, detectives traveled to Eureka, California, to conduct interviews. Among those interviewed was Samatha Minton, who stated that she knew Danielle most of her whole life. According to Minton, Danielle had met Skylar on the internet approximately two months before they married. Minton stated that she had observed what she thought was odd behavior between the couple. For example, when Daniella and Skylar would visit, Skylar would drop her off at the house and leave her there all day, while he visited with his friends.

Detectives also interviewed Michayla Yingling, who had known Danielle her whole life. Yingling confirmed that Danielle had met Skylar on the internet two months before they had married.

Yingling said Danielle never gave her any indication Skylar was being abusive. She knew that Skylar had broken Danielle’s cell phone, but she did not know the details. Yingling said Danielle never talked negatively about Skylar, but she got the impression that Danielle was being fake. Yingling stated that Skylar would not let Danielle come to her baby shower, and that Skylar was indecisive on wanting Danielle to get a job. Skylar would tell Danielle to get a job, and when she looked for a job he would tell her she didn’t need one. Yingling said Danielle just wanted someone to love her and take care of her.

Yingling said Danielle thought her new boss was attractive, and that Danielle had told her that her new boss used to be an underwear model. Yingling said she had a FaceTime session with Danielle and her boss, while they were out to dinner. Yingling was positive that Danielle would not cheat on Skylar.

Yingling said on the night Danielle died she had a FaceTime session with her at approximately 1600 hours. Yingling said nothing appeared to be out the ordinary, and that at one point Danielle had pointed the phone at Skylar, who had smiled and waved to her.

According to Mikala Rippeon, Danielle’s youngest sister, Danielle was always wearing long-sleeved shirts and turtleneck sweaters. Mikala remembered seeing what appeared to be fingertip bruises on Danielle’s arms.

On February 24, 2015, detectives contacted Skylar’s mother, Danetta Heller, as they had obtained information that she was possibly in possession of Danielle’s diary that was taken from her apartment after the homicide. The following day, Danetta confirmed that she was in possession of Danielle’s diary. Danetta stated there were some pages missing from the diary, but stated that she had not removed the missing pages. Danetta stated that she had removed the diary from the apartment because it contained information that she thought would be hurtful to her son, stating that Danielle was a “busy little girl.” After speaking with Skylar’s attorney, Danetta ceased to cooperate, however she turned over Danielle’s diary to Skylar’s attorney, who turned it over to the prosecutor. Several pages had been removed. There was an entry that was about Danielle having sex with a male named Kennedy. It stated that Kennedy and Danielle used to date, that they were still having sex, and that Kennedy’s current girlfriend Chloe did not know. The entry was dated 4/23/12.

Although the CVSA shown in this video is pseudoscience, the results were “no signs of deception.”

See pinned comment for meatier information.


@What You Haven’t Seen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-neYRsOFZU ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


46 thoughts on ““I killed my wife” | The Interrogation of Skylar Nemetz

  1. For a fairly thorough overview of mostly-unreported parts of the case, read on. It's on the long side. If you don't like reading, or you don't want to read, this is a good time to stop. To join the discussion on the Real World Police subreddit, visit rwp.yt/skylar.

    Officer Darrell Moore

    The following is excerpted from the report of Officer Darrell Moore: Skylar told me "I need to tell someone my story." I directed the fire department personal to the apartment so they could administer medical attention. Skylar again stated, "I want to talk to you." I stared at Skylar without saying anything. Skylar went onto say that he was in Yakima for field training with the military. Skylar said he returned home to his wife. Skylar said he loves his wife more than most other men, and that his love for her was special.

    Skylar stated that he returned home from Yakima and he had left his wife with his rifle for her protection when he was gone. Skylar told me that he took out the magazine, and motioned taking out the magazine. Skylar said he was making the rifle safe, and for some reason he grabbed the rifle and shook it. I watched as Skylar demonstrated grabbing what I believed to be the upper portion of the rifle with his left hand and the lower portion of the rifle with his right hand. Skylar motioned holding the rifle at an approximately 45 degree cant. Skylar said, "I just shook it and it shot her." Skylar began to make sounds as if he was crying, but I could see that he had no tears coming out. I also noticed that he had no tears during my entire contact with him.


    According to neighbors, they regularly heard yelling coming from the Nemetz residence. Among the many statements initially made by Skylar Nemetz was a statement to his neighbor that his wife Danielle had shot herself while she was cleaning a rifle.

    Eureka Interviews

    On November 24, 2014, detectives traveled to Eureka, California, to conduct interviews. Among those interviewed was Samatha Minton, who stated that she knew Danielle most of her whole life. According to Minton, Danielle had met Skylar on the internet approximately two months before they married. Minton stated that she had observed what she thought was odd behavior between the couple. For example, when Daniella and Skylar would visit, Skylar would drop her off at the house and leave her there all day, while he visited with his friends.

    Detectives also interviewed Michayla Yingling, who had known Danielle her whole life. Yingling confirmed that Danielle had met Skylar on the internet two months before they had married.

    Yingling said Danielle never gave her any indication Skylar was being abusive. She knew that Skylar had broken Danielle's cell phone, but she did not know the details. Yingling said Danielle never talked negatively about Skylar, but she got the impression that Danielle was being fake. Yingling stated that Skylar would not let Danielle come to her baby shower, and that Skylar was indecisive on wanting Danielle to get a job. Skylar would tell Danielle to get a job, and when she looked for a job he would tell her she didn't need one. Yingling said Danielle just wanted someone to love her and take care of her.

    Yingling said Danielle thought her new boss was attractive, and that Danielle had told her that her new boss used to be an underwear model. Yingling said she had a FaceTime session with Danielle and her boss, while they were out to dinner. Yingling was positive that Danielle would not cheat on Skylar.

    Yingling said on the night Danielle died she had FaceTimed with her at approximately 1600 hours. Yingling said nothing appeared to be out the ordinary, and that at one point Danielle had pointed the phone at Skylar, who had smiled and waved to her.

    According to Mikala Rippeon, Danielle's youngest sister, Danielle was always wearing long-sleeved shirts and turtleneck sweaters. Mikala remembered seeing what appeared to be fingertip bruises on Danielle's arms.

    The Diary

    On February 24, 2015, detectives contacted Skylar's mother, Danetta Heller, as they had obtained information that she was possibly in possession of Danielle's diary that was taken from her apartment after the homicide. The following day, Danetta confirmed that she was in possession of Danielle's diary. Danetta stated there were some pages missing from the diary, but stated that she had not removed the missing pages. Danetta stated that she had removed the diary from the apartment because it contained information that she thought would be hurtful to her son, stating that Danielle was a "busy little girl." After speaking with Skylar's attorney, Danetta ceased to cooperate, however she turned over Danielle's diary to Skylar's attorney, who turned it over to the prosecutor. Several pages had been removed. There was an entry that was about Danielle having sex with a male named Kennedy. It stated that Kennedy and Danielle used to date, that they were still having sex, and that Kennedy's current girlfriend Chloe did not know. The entry was dated April 23, 2012. (Prior to her marriage with Skylar.)


    Although the CVSA shown in this video is pseudoscience, the test results were "no signs of deception."

    Karie Faas

    On the morning of October 17, 2014, detectives were contacted by Karie Faas, who advised that she had information about the incident. According to Faas, Nemetz and Danielle had a violent relationship. Faas stated that over the two years she had known Danielle, she had seen Danielle with bruises up and down her arms. Faas stated that she thought she still had a picture of Danielle with her face swollen and bruised, and that Danielle had told her it was from a mosquito bite.

    Faas went on to say that Nemetz was extremely jealous and almost possessive, and that Nemetz was extremely controlling; he would not let her go places, and he controlled who she could see and what she could wear. Faas stated that Nemetz called Danielle names – specifically, "cunt." Faas stated that Danielle was getting close to her boss from her new job, and that he had kind of hinted that he was interested romantically but Danielle just kind of blew it off. Faas stated that she warned Danielle that she was playing with fire.

    Faas also stated that Danielle did not want to be friends with her boss on Facebook, because she didn't want Skylar to find out. Karie stated that Danielle was really happy that Skylar was coming home, and that she had gone out shopping and bought new underwear. Danielle stated that she had also bought Nemetz alcohol, so he would be happy when he got home. When asked, Karie stated that Nemetz is a big drinker, that he had a lot of barbecues on the weekend, and that a lot of people go to Nemetz's house to drink.

    Faas also stated that she heard Nemetz had "snapped" in the field. She stated that during his training deployment he had snapped and "freaked out" on a bunch of soldiers. Faas also stated "there is no way this was an accident, he was only home for a few hours". Faas stated that she knew that Danielle's new job was going to cause problems, and that she had told Danielle to stand her ground if Skylar tried to make her quit.

    Faas then stated she knew that Nemetz was upset when he left work over who had bought the alcohol for Danielle (which was actually for him). Faas stated that her husband, Anthony Faas, was the last one to see Nemetz at work and he had told Skylar that someone else had bought the alcohol. Faas stated that Danielle had a friend named Jeremy. who had just recently been stationed locally at Fort Lewis. Jeremy had spent the night a couple times with Danielle in the past three weeks. Faas stated that she had some text messages from Danielle that said "Jeremy is here, he can help you bring the kids' stuff up." Faas stated that she knows that her husband Anthony had gone through her phone, and that and he may have seen those texts and told Nemetz.

    In subsequent interviews with Danielle's boss, as well as with Danielle's friend Jeremy Newton, both appeared forthright, and adamantly denied that Danielle had cheated on Skylar. Those interviews will be uploaded.

    Anthony Faas

    Detectives subsequently interviews Anthony Faas, the husband of Karie Faas. Anthony stated that that Nemetz was assigned to his platoon back in 2013 and they became friends right away because they were both from Northern California. He stated that they would hang out together with their wives, and that after a few months, "Dannie" told them that Nemetz would hit her. He stated that at first that didn't believe it, but that they went camping one weekend, and when they got home Dannie had sent a picture of the side of her face swollen. Anthony stated that Skylar told Dannie to say it was the result of a bug bite, however it looked like she had been hit.

    Anthony said that he and his old team leader, Sam Phipps, confronted Skylar about hitting Dannie, and told him that if he ever did it again they were going to do something about it. He said that Skylar never admitted to assaulting Dannie, and that he subsequently became distant from him and Phipps. Anthony stated that Skylar was a really good dude and a good soldier, adding that Skylar was really good with guns. Anthony stated that all Skylar wanted to do was build guns.

    Anthony then stated that the deployment was difficult because of new supervision and that everyone was on edge. Anthony stated that Skylar and he started to butt heads, so he pulled Skylar aside and asked him what was going on. Anthony stated that Skylar started cursing at him, and that Skylar was "freaking out" on everyone. Anthony said Skylar commented that everyone was picking on him too much. When he later met up with Skylar, Anthony stated that Skylar thanked him for buying him some alcohol. Anthony replied that he hadn't bought him any alcohol, and that some other guy had bought it for him. Anthony said that Skylar got "real mad" and that his hands were shaking.

    More to come.

  2. What a sicko . You know he beats his wife and sadly you can tell he beats his dogs cause they pee on the carpet. They're free now.

  3. Whyyy is so much of your content from Yakima or Washington? My home town has gone to shit, and the way it's still going should keep you in steady supply of videos.

  4. Don't beat your wife, kids or dogs 😬 that's what the police department should remind all of the troopers at then end of each of their shifts!

  5. Hey, I was in the US Army Infantry for 24 years. I can tell you that even with trained soldiers, every once in awhile, some guy will have an accidental discharge. I mean it happens, and they usually get an Article 15. I've seen officers have accidental discharges. In my years in I did hear about a small number who were accidentally shot by it. I don't know if this kid did it on accident or not, none of us do. But yes it can happen even to a trained soldier who has a freaking brain fart. Especially if some alcohol was involved. Sad.

  6. Can sure turn on & off the tears pretty easy! I would be absolutely inconsolable, if something that tragic had happened! Would not be able to do or understand anything anyone was saying! He is Giving way too much detail & info! Not to mention the covering of his eyes & other body language that makes me believe he is guilty of intentionally shooting his Wife!!

  7. Not one tear, he could care less.
    He was controlling, abusive and manipulative.
    Can't believe he didn't get life in prison.
    13.5 yrs was a slap in the face.

  8. in the back of the police car, he said “I go to jail when she was the one running around with another man” this person only got 10yrs smh

  9. Danetta stated that she had removed the diary from the apartment because it contained information that she thought would be hurtful to her son, stating that Danielle was a "busy little girl." After speaking with Skylar's attorney, Danetta ceased to cooperate, however she turned over Danielle's diary to Skylar's attorney, who turned it over to the prosecutor. Several pages had been removed. There was an entry that was about Danielle having sex with a male named Kennedy. It stated that Kennedy and Danielle used to date, that they were still having sex, and that Kennedy's current girlfriend Chloe did not know. The entry was dated 4/23/12.

    He killed for for this.

  10. I will tell u why his story is hard to believe, especially by gun owners like myself!….. it’s bc a bullet is very small, the chances of u accidentally hitting her in the HEAD while sitting down are slim! Also bc no gun owner is going to clear a gun with the barrel pointing towards anyones direction! Especially ESPECIALLY someone, like he says of himself, that has cleared a gun a thousand times and is cautious of everything when using a gun bc it becomes second nature to u and a habit to always watch where the barrel is pointing even when the gun is completely clear!!.

  11. Dude, so you hadnt showered for 20 days and yall still had sex?? Gross! You must have been really stinky, else LIE!

  12. This "person" should've been given a life with no parole OR even better, death penalty! Our system sucks, what happens once he gets out gets involved with another unfortunate girl & he loses it with her?? Another innocent person will be gone ! This upsets me more than I can put into words 🤬🤬

  13. He only got 13.5 years! His family cashed out a high profile attorney apparently. A jealous mofo is a weak mofo! Be a man and move on with your life! Even the army couldn’t teach this coward how to be a man!

  14. "okay maybe the gun was on my shoulder"
    "OKay maybe my finger was on the trigger"
    "OKAY maybe I fired the gun"
    "OKAY MAYBE I killed my wife"

  15. If I learned anything from these interrogation videos over the years, it's that people who are guilty give tons of extraneous unnecessary detail when asked straightforward questions, the prevailing theory being that the person being interrogated wants a momentary reprieve from the confrontational questioning and will talk for as long as possible in order to get that sense of escape. This dude was asked about his timeline of the morning and day that he got back and this scrub goes on for 15 minutes talking about his cell phone service, his buddy who's supposedly cheating on his partner, his wife's make up, all these details about his dogs, and so much more.

    An innocent person would have just given the facts. I got up around this time, I called my wife around this time from my friend's phone and said this to her. I arrived to and left work at this time and this time. I got home at this time. My wife and I did this at this time.

  16. 2:40:02 "I should have been thinking about my wife but isntead I was thinking about myself with some other mf-ing….myself" He almost let it slip. He was thinking about himself with some other woman?

  17. Anybody who openingly states they like/love the government is immediately a person of interest.

  18. He shows quite a few classic signs of deception: 1) Doesn’t refer to his wife by name; 2)all the details he offers focus on everything BUT the actual crime; 3)he’s not behaving like someone who’s just lost a loved one—no emotion—and you can tell his “crying” is fake because it shuts off instantly ; 4)his story keeps changing; 5)his REAL emotion and concern is all for himself, and “why me?”, not for his wife.
    Guilty. And he’s a really bad liar. They will love him in prison.

  19. The army did a bad job of breaking him down,from his egotistical self.Looking at their relationship,it sounds like he may have thought that she was unfaithful to him while he was gone,and that crushed his manly hood,and he shot her smack dab in a center shot to the back of the head,which is his military training.

  20. Wait.. his first thought was to go to another bedroom and put the rifle on a closet – not to render first aid to his wife he loves so much. My wife and I were doing DIY and hit her finger and yelped. I dropped the drill and ran to her.

  21. He’s fking tiered, he even said he was going to pass out! He probably wanted /needed to sleep but was trying to be a good husband and stay up !!
    I’m telling you if I accidentally killed my husband I love , I’d be terrified of going to prison !!! I’d probably pore the drink down the toilet !! He’s gun,military and all that mad ! Look he doesn’t want to loss the military AS WELL !! He panicked he’s a pretty boy and knows he’s going to be someone’s bitch in jail ! His guns etc are his passion !!
    The police detectives are paranoid as fk they need to except shit happens ! Probably over worked underpaid and angry as fk !!
    I believe he was showing of a bit and being a dick head looking like the big man !!
    His wife is dead he’s traumatized !! He’s now going to be even more traumatized now !!
    They are trying to put words in his mouth!!
    Imagine if the wife was having an affair and the detectives found out !! Skyler is fked and goes to prison innocent !!!
    Fk he needed a lawyer 💆🏼‍♀️
    This wasn’t the time or place.

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