7 thoughts on “War by Other Means: Understanding and Challenging U.S. Sanctions Against Russia (3/3)

  1. unbelievable. The wealthy in our country are so sociopathic, they are still mad at Putin when he halted the orgiastic free for all when the oligarchs were buying up his country. So sleazy and cowardly, our oligarchs are! At least he had balls and put oligarchs in cages

  2. @The Real News Network : ERROR: This was NOT a presentation by Prof. Jeremy Kuzmarov, at all. Instead, it was presented by Reza Ghorashi, professor of economics at Stockton University. How could TRNN make such a dumb mistake?! OtherwIse, the presentation was very good; and, quite a "wild ride", due to all of the info. provided in the presentation. If you don't believe it was Prof. Ghorashi, then just watch the start of the video, for the name is shown when he begins to speak.

  3. Just want to add to the first brotha's comments; D.O.D. has a memo/policy in/about the managing of M.E. resources specifically "Muslim Countries"…. Are there "muslims" in the E.U. or Eastern Europe knocking on Putin's door???… hhhmmm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Ukraine something to think about. Much slander of "Islam" and muslims has been spread, howEver all of the USofKKK "forefathers" had a Qur'an on the bookshelves. Hhhmmm… Ponder Deeply, why is that?

  4. I don't know who this young whyte dude is at the beginning but he's sharp…. well done!!!…. "Amerikan Imperialism" (notice the "ism") at it's best… here here!

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