Wilkerson: US Further Isolates Itself From its Allies Over Iran Policy

With the announcement that Iran will break the terms of its nuclear agreement, for stockpiling enriched uranium, the stage is set for a confrontation between the US and its European allies. The situation will contribute to greater US isolation, says Col. Wilkerson

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Author: phillynews215


25 thoughts on “Wilkerson: US Further Isolates Itself From its Allies Over Iran Policy

  1. Dark forces in Israel actually want destruction of USA at the hands of Russia and China. They are not friends of the USA.

  2. If the president wants to sit down and talk with Iran, he needs to FIRE Bolton and Pompeo who are pulling his strings like a puppet.

  3. Is true Europe don’t want to deal no more with American government and is going more close to Russians and Chinese 😢😢😢😢

    i'am SURE that if US and Israel goes to war with IRAN, there will be consquence in US and ISRAEL because there will be ' TERORIST ATTACKS' for years and a
    lot of people will die and a NECLEAR WAR IS IN FRONT of us !

  5. He missed a big player which is Israel, who got the most interest and for more than two decades been pushing Americans to do their dirty work at cost of Americans tax money.

  6. Trump will not be re-elected, he has been proven to be a liar and a warmonger. He has become as fake as the US media. He can not be trusted in any agreement as it is not worth the paper it is written on. What kind of world is this lunatic creating ?

  7. Correction – all of the EU are well over 500 million people – 520 – 530 with associated nations like Norway or Switzerland. And well over 400 million people if you count EU NATO memberstates. Among the wealthy ! and older memberstates (joined until 1996) there are some that are neutral or are not NATO members (like Sweden, Austria, Belgium, … ) but ever since it has become an unofficial requirement

    So for instance an obstacle for Serbia which had been also been bombed under a lie by NATO.

    The atroctities were triggered by the US escalating the situation and pouring gasoling into the fire (before it had been a civil war with atrocities on ALL sides but nothing organized or large scale).

    The German "leadership" and media – for whatever reason (that's another story) were going along with a version of "Iraq has WMDs", "Incubator babies", the Spanish attacked the Maine, or now oil tanker attacks lie.

    In the case of YU the very, very hesistant German population was sold the narrative that the Serbs had started concentration camps for other ethnicities (in the sense that they were separating the population, there used to be concentration camps that are not meant as death camps – see the Japanese internment camps during WW2 in the U.S. ).

    The claim was of course that the Serbs planned atorcities in those concentration camps and that they planned a genocide and to dive other ethnicities out (Potkova Plan, in Germany known as the "horseshoe" plan – the form on the map).

    That "intel" was based on the claims of ONE actor – who turned out to be a liar or lunatic. Likely the only function of that intel was to give the "leadership" plausible deniability – they had not started a war like that, they had been "misinformed".

    First they told the Germans – "No more wars – but also no more Ausschwitz" (that was the line of the head of the Green party addressing his own furious base. The Greens were the party that had absorbed the peace movement of the 1980s. Joschka Fischer had become Foreign Minister in the recently elected Socialdemocratic / Green coalition government.

    It would behoove the Greens and Lefties to be anti-war whenever possible. (one can only imagine that the U.S. spy agencies had some dirt on the leadership. And the "left" chancellor was a neoliberal sellout anyway).

    They had to invoke the Holocaust to turn public opinion around, and w/o Germany and to a lesser degree Italy going along the U.S. could not bomb Yugoslavia (Germany has it in their provisory constitution that they may not engage in war except when attacked !)

    Italy was a neighbour and Germany almost (when you discount that little neutral Austria is in between). But many migrant workers were working in Austria and Germany (from the 1960s and 1970s on) and the Germans and Austrians had gone to Yugoslavia for holiday – so war THERE hit home.

  8. And those same Allies will expect America to defend them with our lives for their wives and children. Let them all burn and focus on America only.

    Buy American, problem solved.

  9. "The Pentagon document laying out the US doctrine of nuclear operations was publicly available for about a week, then made ‘official use only.’ What’s inside is a chilling reminder that Washington sees nuclear war as winnable.

    “Nuclear Operations,” or Joint Publication 3-72, was dated on June 11 and made private since, but not before it was downloaded by Steven Aftergood, an activist at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). It is currently available on the FAS website as a PDF.

    The publication “provides fundamental principles and guidance to plan, execute, and assess nuclear operations.” The rest of it is in the same matter-of-fact tone, even when discussing practical consideration of potentially world-ending weapons." RT

  10. Donal Trump has been the greatest “Puppet” President ever for the FAKE State of Rothchild Zionist Israel, they are NOT the chosen people, the real Hebrews/Jews have always been BLACK!

  11. What you know about Iran.but what Iran think about USA Israel etc.but i m sure you consider Iran Iraq Korea or Pakistan.but what khaminai and followers consider this sophisticated tech confront to their faith.THE WEB OF SPIDER.why you forgot Hizbullah war.how many sanctions world impose on Iran.Iran doesn't believe that they can snatch IRAN'S morsel.because USA didn't create IRAN'S people.God created them.and God is aware from everything.and you can't worship who did not created you and can't give you bread.and khaminai never want to talk Trump.his special people are very keen to be killed under khaminai's mission.

  12. It's Iran's oil. If they want to sell it using their own currency rather than the petrol dollor so be it. They are a sovereign country. This false flag war is All about that, period.

  13. The superpower of the world must be revealed.

      Please attack us
    who can attack iran???? tramp???

    can u???

    we win in 2 world war but you dont know world war 3 and 4

    8 year with sadam hoseyn (US intelligence and command support faranc.miraj germany .chemical bob rosiyan .mig tank … We had captive 28 countries and arabs mony and help all country with out soriya…….) but no body sell just barbed wire to iran this is ww 3 and ww4 with Isis (from all of the world).

    Go and read the best records of the wars, nobody can stand our historical power.

    We are the first empire in the world.

    70% of the world's basic science is exported from Iran (ask for Kiristov Columbus and his Persian map)

    We never attacked any country for colonialism.

    We founded 2500 years ago the construction of the World Village and the Charter of the International Law.

    We will soon clear the whole world from corrupt and inhumane systems.

    In addition

    Why can not Tramp fake force the answer to our slaps and, like children, moan only to the United Nations?

    I give glad tidings to all the enemies of the humanity of the earth.

    Our historical task is to save the world. And all enemies will soon urinate.

    No one is more courageous than a Persian.

    Death in the way of humanity. It is our pride for us

  14. Trump is reckless with power he does not have because he wants to appear tough to his base.

    Should Iran call his bluff, he'd have to back down, because war with Iran would open way too many problems for the US.

    Trump, however, doesn't think Iran will call his bluff, because Iran repeatedly states, it does not want to go to war with anyone.

    So Trump thinks he can parade like a hawk without the danger of an actual confrontation. That makes him look like a war president (in his mind and in the minds of his base). That's what I think this is about, as far as Trump is concerned.

    BUT! Iran doesn't have to call his bluff with an actual confrontation. It can merely enrich more and more uranium until the West can no longer ignore it. That will put Trump in a corner because his the one who pulled out of the JCPOA; and (more importantly) that will put EU in a corner because they've done nothing to help release the pressure from the US sanctions.

    There is no leadership in the West to do anything overt, other than the meddling by Netanyahu. Nevertheless, no one will act because now the stakes are higher, Israel will scream and squeal, and Iran will get the bomb.

    Why? Because it know the US lacks the backing of the American people he needs to actually go to war. Trump's bluff will force him to act in ways NeoCons want and he and the rest of the government does not. That's why Trump is reckless with power he does not have.

    He'll manage to create a distraction, some disaster elsewhere, like in North Korea or Venezuela or Mali. I expect Iran will soon be joining the clan of nuclear nations, all thanks to Trump and the NeoCons.

    So, I believe US will not further isolate itself as Wilkerson suggest unless the EU grows a backbone, which it won't. They'll all huddle together tied to their sinking currencies. The feckless West will be cornered dribbling all over themselves, before being shooed away to their nuclear bunkers. Pathetic.

  15. the USA behaves above the law. they want to do whatever they like with the world unchallenged. the world should impose sanctions on the USA not the other way round, cause it is the USA that keeps waging Illegal wars on other countries. IRAQ is a good example of that where 1.5 million innocent men women and children have been murdered by the USA and its allies. American government officials have been caught lying to and deceiving their people and the people of the world. hiding behind false democracy human rights justice and freedom, when in truth they don't give a shit about freedom democracy justice and human rights. the Americans have proven over and over and over that they are the worst abusers of human rights. their actions around the world have made us all living in fear, of terrorism that is destroying our lives and innocent people's lives around the world.

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