Many Russians Think Climate Change is Propaganda to Weaken Their Economy – Buzgalin (11/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Alexandr Buzgalin says Russian oligarchs find an oil based economy too profitable to consider transitioning away from it – with host Paul Jay

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Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “Many Russians Think Climate Change is Propaganda to Weaken Their Economy – Buzgalin (11/12)

  1. Considering global warming actually will benefit Russia by freeing up land from permafrost for farming and open the northern-eastern sea route to Asia,majority of us think global warming is a good thing

  2. You are all backwards for believing anything our mainstream media is telling you or the internet for that matter you are in a system of deceit and control and they shape the way you think people can’t remember yesterday and don’t know history

  3. Sorry but anthroprogenic climate change is horse crap, anyone who studies the geological record know that, just look up the Vostock Ice Core Samples, also do not conflate pollution and environmental destruction with carbon in the atmosphere they are too separate things carbon is not a problem but pollution is.

  4. The guy that said I don't know why all these right-wingers come here and comment. It's because they're trying to wake you dumb left-wingers up. Also just because your left wing does it mean you have to believe the mainstream media propaganda. This global warming scam should be obvious to you regardless of your political affiliation if you just open your eyes a little bit. 50 years of Lies and false prophecies that never came true. At some point you got to scratch your head a little bit.

  5. They don't believe it because Russian people are pretty smart a lot smarter than dipshitz in Canada in America on average. I live in the US and you wouldn't believe how many stupid dip shitz repeat these talking phrases like the host of the show with absolutely no research or evidence to back it up. Sorry to break the news to you guys but the science actually is not clear and 97% of scientists do not agree with the global warming alarmist agenda.

  6. 'Climate change' is far-left progressive Marxist inspired disinformation targeted at western infrastructure.  It denounces fuels such as coal, oil and gas; transport by road sea and air; agriculture particularly livestock production.  All intended to damage and undermine the west's financial, trade and industry position vis-à-vis that of the UN's communist friends.

  7. So you want to take power from the rich do you? Don't just accept the words of acedemic gatekeepers. It seems to me that the left and the right just parrot their own arguements, very few actually bother to look into the scientific data (Especially the global warming bandwagon). The oceans are being filled with radiation, 500 ppb of co2 is not the biggest problem.

  8. What else would you expect from a country that entirely relies on oil exports and is among the least impacted by climate change?

  9. "The science is clear" to the COD that is….many older climate specialists who do Not have to worry about career progression any longer have questioned the carbon meme as carbon comprises such a small percentage of the atmosphere and is controlled by the ocean temps more than anything and that is controlled by sun activity….No COD this does not mean we may not be on the verge of a sudden climate change, only that there may be another cause. On this issue I do believe TRNN is about as "fair and balanced" as Fox news.

  10. Many in the west cannot understand why Putin's powerful Russia with presence in Syria has no sympathy for Palestinians as they are wiped out by Israel.

  11. The only viable source of energy to replace fossil fuel is nuclear power I don't care about green bullshit so until there is efficient way to use nuclear power there is no point having this argument

  12. "Climate change," formerly "global warming," may or may not be serious, or even real. But anybody who thinks it presents a greater danger to life on this planet than nuclear war is deluded. Maybe the push for concern about "climate change" is just a distraction from the much more important danger of nuclear war. Maybe we should stop calling it "nuclear war" and just call it what it is, the end, if not of human life or all life, but of civilation on earth. If "climate change" is serious, we'd better do something about driving our cars less. But the believers in "climate change" somehow miss that.

  13. [ You are an awareness ]
    The earth generation could never evolve into civilised world, until they clearly intellectualise the concept "*God", and understand their own existence what it is by the fact. Then you could understand that you are not expected to die, but to live eternally with the Miraculous Existence of the World of the Reality, that is the GOD. It Exists as the Miracle by the Fact, only as Now.

    You are an awareness as a person of your own making. The body you occupy and use is not your property, but of the God's Nature, built of forever active Immortal Atoms. The Church or Chapel or Temple or Shrine, the sacred house of the God, never meant to be any kind of man made buildings, but the body with the miracle senses, you occupy and use. As the body is a part of the God with the awareness of the God, existing and functioning by the efforts of the God to generate your awareness for you, the God cannot be not knowing the everything about your being and doing of your manor and attitude. You must not ill-occupy nor ill-use it, if you do not want to lose the chance to live eternally in the Eternal World of the God's Reality.

    The individual awareness as "you as a person" is the only thing belong to you. Only if you appreciate the gifted life-awareness and behave yourself within the God's acceptance, you can live forever with the Reality of the God which is Forever. Also, your life-awareness is the only thing you can lose by the fact by the Judgement of the God. When one has failed to deserve the God's efforts to keep the one exists and functioning, the body shall set age to die to end the efforts to generate the one's awareness, and decays back to the constituent molecules. It is what the death of anyone means.

    *God: (Ref.: (176Kb) )

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