🚨 CASH POOR Trump Gets BAD NEWS From Michael Cohen and Top Analyst | Mea Culpa

Today we welcome back to our show, Bakari Sellers, a CNN political commentator who made history as the youngest-ever member of the South Carolina State Legislature at just 22. Sellers has been named one of the nation’s most influential African Americans and became a New York Times best-selling author with his memoir, “My Vanishing Country”. Sellers is known for his sharp political and social analysis informed by his first-hand experience both inside the Democratic Party and as a practicing lawyer and lobbyist. You can listen to Sellers weekly on his excellent podcast “The Ringer”. And watch out for his new book coming out in April, the Moment…Let’s go now to my conversation with Bakari Sellers.

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Author: phillynews215


35 thoughts on “🚨 CASH POOR Trump Gets BAD NEWS From Michael Cohen and Top Analyst | Mea Culpa

  1. Stay safe Mr. Cohen – you and your family!!! Thank you for what you’re about to do in the NY case in April!!!
    You are brave!!! Americans who love Democracy salute you!!!
    You are appreciated and LOVED!!!

  2. Thecrippingvapart of our democracy by tRump should be enough for the Supreme Court to make sure this guy is disabled. They are betraying this country if they don't reaffirm.

  3. He's right about Clinton..she knew Trump personally..he used to be a Democrat..he donated to Bill's campaigns..he chose to run on the Republican because he knew he couldn't beat Clinton and she wiped the floor with him in regards to the Popular vote

  4. Michael..can you give us a heads up when you go to a Ad..especially when it's Tommy Johns..i was away from my phone so thought you were replying to your co-host for the day😁

  5. Thank You Michael Cohen! It's very frustrating that my daughters have less rights then my 94 yr.old Aunt! Outrageous.⚖️🗳️

  6. I believe everything that is being done to Donald Trump is a political assassination against him to keep him out of the white house. And I think that Obama is the one pulling the strings behind the Biden administration because we all know of Biden and the vice president or not capable of doing anything right. Aldi's criminal charges against him I do not believe will keep him out of the white house because we want America back we're tired of the democratic party acting like it is a dictator they talk about Donald Trump wanting to be a dictator well Obama / Biden is the dictator of America right now and that's why our country is in the shape it's in we need to get them out and I don't care Obama is behind Biden pulling the strings and he needs to go because he is a reverse racist and everyone that follows him is a reverse racist and they are destroying our country

  7. Actually, if I am corrent, you are refering to Battery, not Assualt which, I believe, is verbal abuse. There would be no reason for the term Assault & Battery if the two words meant the same thing.

  8. Every real estate developer everywhere does this, he is just a smart business this is bullshit Joe go get em. When Trump gets back as the President some crooked guys will lose Hundreds of Billions a year. And that is what this whole thing is about, Trump is going to kick ass and stop the bull shit around the world.

  9. I’m listening to Michael Cohen deliver this Tommy John underwear commercial and I can’t stop laughing my ass off lol

  10. Looking from the outside (Denmark) I believe that the court system ( except J Cannon) is careful in beeing to hard on this trump person because they want to prevent (if possible) that the brainwashed misguided trumpler voters thinking that it is a wits hunt, which its not of course. Thank you so much Michael for your battle for a free world

  11. Trump is dangerous for Americans as x president, he isn’t a president for all, so many crimes and he is still out of jail. Why is he so privileged to say and do what he wants as he threatens people.

  12. John Oliver offered Justice Thomas a new RV and plenty of cash to resign. The RV is basically a condo on wheels. It doesn't look like he's going to take it. The offer expires within the next day or two.

  13. Jared is in the same position as Donald. Ok, probably a better position but his money is still tied up in real estate.
    I'm wondering if the Appeals Court stepped in and reduced the bond to reduce the chance that Donald would go to Russia or somewhere even worse to get the money. I started to consider that with the way all of that went down. That court doesn't even sit on Monday.

  14. America herd all of the warnings and turn. America you area stubborn mule. Judgement is at the door and it’s not looking good for you. Your judges are earthly and cannot veto the righteous Judge, stop following evil men like these two. They will lead you into bondage. Open your eyes, turn back now!!

  15. I hope the judge in New York ang put a gag on you Michael Chornobyl. You and your friends. Don’t you Americans realize that The mighty God of Israel is against all of you. God knows all about 2020. It’s best for all of you to consider the highest power not Trump. His judgement is sure. Period!!’

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