New York special election: Tom Suozzi (D) wins, flipping George Santos seat | LiveNOW from FOX

Democrat Tom Suozzi has won a special election in New York for the U.S. House seat that was left vacant when Republican George Santos was expelled from Congress.

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Author: phillynews215


44 thoughts on “New York special election: Tom Suozzi (D) wins, flipping George Santos seat | LiveNOW from FOX

  1. So NY votes for a white guy vs black female?
    Their hypocrisy is blatant about how important it is to have more blacks Hispanics and women in government.
    They will vote for a frog if a D is front of the name.🤪
    What’s even more crazy is they think we can sustain a never ending immigration forever. 5 million, 10, 20, when does it end?
    It’s not compassionate to put illegals first over American citizens. It’s inhumane and crazy.
    Can they honestly admit we as a country have had a great track record in taking care of our American homeless,, elderly, children, drug addicts, mentally ill and veterans before allowing millions to entire!?
    What a joke! It’s all about getting votes.
    Unfortunately, because we can’t feed and house the world it will backfire and all these entitled fantasy thinkers will lose more freedom, rights, with increased drug related deaths, increased cartel influence, terroristic threats, and then it will be to late to turn back the clock without a complete military takeover.
    They want to be a third world country or another Brazil or Honduras, is so crazy that I hope it happens.
    The fact that I grew up in a patriotic nation where people understood America was the greatest power on earth with the greatest freedom and rights for all is a blessing.
    I’ll be long gone when it erodes into complete lawlessness.
    Maybe the Democrats should just admit they want America to be just like Mexico or the Middle East. (Which shows in their pro Palestine rallies)
    They are fools, and until they lose it all will they be sorry, or not.


  2. Honestly I pretty sure biden is going to win reelection
    If most of the county is seeing how much democrats are destroying the country and are still winning then there’s no way Trump will win
    We’ll all just keep getting worse and worse and democrats will just keep on winning

  3. I bet you many of these MAGA Republicans that are commenting on this thought that Santos was a democrat😂🤣🤣. They elected a Maga republican, and looked what happened! He was nothing but a crook, and was expelled from Congress by a large margin!

  4. At last decency returns…. Drop the right wing extremist like trump and his Nazi sycophants and return to responsible politics republicans. Where books aren’t burned, the belief in freedom and democracy is respected and women are treated as equals.

  5. Anyone with SENSE could see that 1after that great truth teller/con man BOY GEORGE SANTOS embarrassing run in congress that a Republican wasn't gonna get that seat back this go round!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. You people in New York complain about your mayor and about things that are bad that they taking your money that the crime rate is up. But you keep voting for the same people. So you deserve everything you get so I don't want to hear any complaint coming out of New York anymore

  7. The GOP's mistake was not immediately expelling Santos. Republicans in the district asked them to. They came to DC to speak to McCarthy. It was a slap in their face not expelling the fraud then.

  8. Trump ordering Republicans not to pass the border security bill so he could run on the border, even though the Border Patrol wanted them to, caused them to lose this race, and will cause Democrats to end up in full control of everything after 2024. Voters aren't dumb. They know what happened.

  9. All these Dems should have money taken out of their bank accounts EVERY MONTH TO SUPPORT ILLEGALS. Republicans should not have to pay from their taxes.

  10. “I can’t believe people voted in a Democrat” – People talking about a district where a Republican was expelled by a bipartisan vote for corruption.

    You just can’t make it up 😂 this is why they needed to get another impeachment vote on the record after the embarrassing defeat last week. The republicans need to waste peoples time getting an impeachment out so they can appease the orange man, even if it had 0% chance of passing the Senate.

    Also, Trump was acquitted by 57 guilty votes, 43 non guilty votes. 😊 just want to make sure all Republicans know more Senators than not, including multiple Republicans, think he’s guilty as sin.

  11. I left NY because of what was taking place. They just don't learn!!!! New York will get worse up until the elections. Ignorant beyond belief. Keep them poor , stupid and under control!!!!

  12. The migrant situation is not swinging New Yorkers from voting Democrat. Therefore I could care less what happens to New Yorkers from now on it's their issues to deal with because they keep voting the same way.

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