Author: phillynews215

Posted in Entertaiment

How Do We Recover El Dorado’s Sunken Treasure? | Witness | American Colonial History Documentary HD

Faced with an ever-growing demand for precious metals and dwindling extraction sites, the world’s oceans are being seen as a new Eldorado. Thousands of shipwrecks litter the ocean floor with cargoes of these ’precious metals’….

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The Father Who Fought The US Police To Solve His Son’s Murder | Witness | Unsolved Case Documentary

In the twilight of his life, Mike, an ordinary American man from Kentucky, is convinced of one thing: his son Kelly was murdered. The police have closed the case but Mike intends to uncover the…

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America’s Opioid Crisis: The Doctors On Trial For Murder | Witness | Prescription Drugs Documentary

Oxycontin. Codeine. Fentanyl. All prescription drugs to which countless patients have become addicted. As America battles an opioid crisis that sees 170 citizens die everyday, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to bring an end to…

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Preparing For A Life Sentence: The Big Business of Prison Consultancy | Witness | Crime Documentary

‘How to Prepare for Prison’ focuses on the lives of three vastly different people who are steeling themselves against the daunting prospect of serving prison sentences for the very first time. Shot over three years,…

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Hartheim: Hitler’s Secret Death Castle For The Disabled | WW2 Euthanasia Nazi History HD Documentary

In 1939, as the world stood on the brink of World War II, Hartheim Castle, Austria, was at the centre of a turning point of history. It had been a centre for those with physical…

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Corruption, Gangs and Violence: Brazil’s Deadly Favelas | Crime Documentary

In this war, there are no winners. Through personal stories from people on both sides of the conflict and powerful footage, ‘Favela Frontlines’ takes you straight to the heart of the battle between police and…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Crazy Highway Drivers!

Lt. Camacho with the Florida Highway Patrol talks about some concerns including delineators, aggressive drivers, lane divers, and much more! source

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Life Before Fame: Gabriel García Márquez’s Humble Beginnings | Latin American Literature Documentary

How did a boy from a backward town on the Caribbean coast become a writer who won the hearts of millions, from the poorest to the most powerful political leaders, and whose works changed our…

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Fighting Femicide: Italian Women Speak Out Against Domestic Murder Epidemic | Feminism Documentary

A woman is murdered in her own home every 3 days in Italy. And it’s not just an Italian problem. Violence against women is on the rise all around the world. “Femicide” is the intentional…

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The Mafia’s Counterfeit Olive Oil Scam That’s Making Millions | Calabria Organised Crime Documentary

All over the world, well-organised criminal networks work together to penetrate complex supply chains. Scams range from the intentional mislabelling of inferior products in order to pass them off as premium items, to the substitution…

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How DNA Evidence Helped Find The Golden State Killer: CSI Revolution | Crime Technology Documentary

It was a landmark achievement with the potential to solve any crime. In March 2018, US police tracked down the Golden State serial killer, who had gone undetected for 40 years, by identifying members of…

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France’s First Child Murderer To Escape Death Penalty? | True Crime Capital Punishment Documentary

Just before the abolition of death sentence in France a terrible and bloody crime is committed. A young girl is found at Gare du l’Est’s left-luggage office, raped and murdered, her name was Marthe Erbelding….

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Baby Mafia: The Next Generation Of Italian Gangsters | Drugs, Crime, Extortion Full HD Documentary

After the arrests of the Mafia godfathers during the early 2000s, Italy hoped that it had finally put an end to organized crime. Instead, some of the notorious mafia old guard have been replaced by…

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The Fentanyl Crisis: North America’s Worst Addiction? | Witness | Opioid Painkiller Drug Documentary

A new synthetic drug is killing more than gun crime, homicide and car accidents combined. 100 times stronger than heroin, the deadly opioid fentanyl is cheap, potent and small enough to send in the post…

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Found Innocent On Death Row: An End To Capital Punishment? | Witness | US Justice System Documentary

Nominated for a Goya, this short film tells the story of four men who – after spending years of their lives on Death Row for crimes they did not commit – were exonerated and freed….

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Colombia’s Child Gangs: Teenage Killers For Hire | Witness | Mafia, Crime & Exploitation Documentary

Childhood is not a happy time in Colombia, it can mean living in constant threat of coerced into gangs or caught in the cross-fire. In the forgotten barrios of Bogotá and Medellín, children find themselves…

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The Fall Of Japan’s Mafia: The Aging Gangsters Of The Yakuza | Witness | Organised Crime Documentary

The Yakuza, Japan’s organised crime syndicates, are a dying breed. Their members are aging and the government of Japan has launched a large-scale crackdown on them to eradicate them once and for all. But who…

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Thousands Missing In The Drug War: Mexican Cartel Abducting Children | WITNESS | Crime Documentary

Since 2006 when Mexico’s president Felipe Calderón declared war on drug trafficking, over 23,000 people have disappeared. The shocking events of September 2014, when 43 students went missing stunned the world. Unfortunately the scenario has…

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Enemies of Israel: Netanyahu’s Secret Agents In Jordan | Mossad & Middle East Politics Documentary

Mossad’s Kidon unit has but one objective: to kill the enemies of Israel. Active all over the world, this unit of 50 elite agents obeys only one man: the Israeli Prime Minister. What are their…

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Drugs, Cars & Guns: Inside France’s Professional Gangs | Witness | Organised Crime Documentary

Ever wondered how to steal a Merc? A BMW? Or perhaps you might be considering going into the drugs business? How about illegal weapons? Now’s your chance to find out. A team from Canal +…

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Brothers Grimm: The Real Story Of Germany’s Storytellers | Witness | HD German History Documentary

Once upon a time there were two brothers, united for life by their passion for literature and their study of language: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Their name is mostly connected with their fairy tales, those…

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Godfather Of Modern Torture & His Experiments Funded By CIA | Witness | Eminent Monsters Documentary

Eminent Monsters traces the roots of western governments love affair with torture. In the 1950s Dr. Ewen Cameron experimented on his patients, using sensory deprivation, forced comas and LSD injections. Covertly funded by the CIA,…

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20 Years In Solitary Confinement: Innocent On Death Row | Witness | US Crime & Prison HD Documentary

In 2014, filmmaker Jessica Villerius met death row inmate, Clinton Young, who had been convicted of a double homicide and became convinced of his innocence. Her documentary ‘Innocent on Death Row’ exposed the weakness of…

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When The CIA Spiked An Entire Village As An Experiment | Witness | US Corruption History Documentary

In August 1951, inhabitants of the picturesque French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit were suddenly tormented by terrifying hallucinations. People imagined lions and tigers were coming to eat them. A man jumped out of a window thinking…

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“I Will Be Murdered” | The Lawyer Who Predicted His Own Murder | Witness | HD Crime Documentary

A murder story, a love story and a thriller. In May 2009, Rodrigo Rosenberg, a wealthy, charismatic lawyer went cycling near his home in Guatemala City and was murdered. Nothing unusual there: Guatemala has a…

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What’s Life Like Inside A Japanese Prison? | Witness | HD Japan Jail Crime Documentary

We gained unprecedented filming access to two Japanese prisons to find out if accusations that the system is inhumane are true. What we witnessed was staggering. Inmates must march to their worksites attached by a…

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On The Frontline Of Miami’s Drugs Killing Crisis | Witness | HD Trafficking Murder Crime Documentary

It’s the gateway for cocaine into America with dealers and traffickers fighting for control. Last year, 217 people were killed in drugs-related killings in Miami. Confronting this crime wave is the elite SWAT unit. With…

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