Author: phillynews215

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Crown Prince of UAE has an Army of Private Military Contractors

Antony Loewenstein: War crimes are rampant among military contractors – they work off the books, work that is illegal and with much looser rules of engagement. Who are they accountable to? Visit for more…

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Youth Take to the Streets in DC to Demand Climate Action

Youth from across the country marched on Washington and lobbied electeds to break ties with the fossil fuel industry and preserve their future ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes…

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Preview: Zero Hour Climate March in DC

Dozens of youth marched in DC on Saturday to call on world leaders to take decisive action on climate change ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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Is Putin’s Rule a Dictatorship? – RAI with A. Buzgalin (8/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Alexandr Buzgalin says while Putin heads a powerful state, this is not a system of one man rule; more than 100 billionaires and a stratum of top bureaucrats have political…

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The Next Global Financial Crisis is Inevitable (Pt 1/2)

It has been ten years since the last major financial crisis. With systemic deregulation undoing the safeguards, we are due for another crisis very one soon. Thomas Hanna, research director of the Democracy Collaborative’s Next…

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The Left Must Get Ready to Seize the Next Financial Crisis? (Pt 2/2)

Instead of bailing out banks when the next global financial crisis hits, we need to be prepared to nationalize them and create a public banking sector, which will not only be a way out of…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: July 20, 2018

This week Eze and Khalilah discuss reporting from the Baltimore Bureau including concerns about Baltimore police overtime, immigrant rights advocacy, and which candidates for Governor of Maryland transportation advocates are supporting. They also review Marc…

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Why is Putin so Popular When People Are so Poor? – RAI With A. Buzgalin (9/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Alexandr Buzgalin says under the slogans liberal democracy and market capitalism was delivered chaos and crime; Putin stands for traditional Russian values and culture, social order and making Russia great…

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Intersectionality: Strength Through Joint Struggles

Katherine Moos: there is no inherent contradiction between Marxist political economy and intersectional analysis. Policy should be comprehensive but not color-blind Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at….

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Maryland Governor’s Race Brings up Future of Transportation

Gubernatorial contenders have different ideas on how to approach the transit crisis in Maryland. Voters challenge candidates to deliver real solutions Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at….

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Is Trump Implementing the ‘Bannon Strategy’ by Courting Russia?

Prof. Gerald Horne examines the Trump-Bannon objectives of forming an alliance with Russia to isolate China and Iran, while Democrats spin out of control in their attacks against Trump Visit for more stories and…

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Trudeau’s Youth Council Outraged by Kinder-Morgan Bailout

Youth played a significant role in Trudeau’s 2015 election, now many are denouncing his decision to save the Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline and his lack of commitment to reduce carbon emissions Visit for more stories…

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European Union Fines Google $5.1 Billion, While Trump ‘Protects Monopolists’

The EU’s Google fine should have been imposed a long time ago, but it comes better late than never. Meanwhile, the Trump administration continues to side with monopolies, leading to worse outcomes for US consumers,…

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The Mayor of Naples, the “City of Peace”, Calls on the EU to Defend Palestinian Rights

After visiting the Freedom Flotilla in the Port of Naples, Mayor Luigi de Magistris Expresses Support for Sanctions on Israel Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at **…

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Why is this COP touching me!? Orange City Lieutennant asks about my kids #police #cops 💻 My new site – ▶️NEW CHANNEL: ————– Support JMA! ————– 💰 DONATE – 💪 BECOME A MEMBER ON MOBILE – 💻 Visting This link to order on…

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Putin is Anointed King, but Big Capital has the Real Power – RAI with A. Buzgalin (7/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Aleksandr Buzgalin says after the chaotic ‘90’s, the Russian oligarchs needed a stronger central state to defend their class interests, but Putin’s individual power should not be exaggerated – with…

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Holiday party attack in Mexico leaves 12 dead: authorities

A dozen people were killed in an attack when a group opened fire on them at a holiday party on Sunday in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato, according to Reuters.Mexican authorities reported the attack…

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73 Years After Atomic Bombing of Japan: Nuclear Threat More Immediate Than Ever

We tend to think that the nuclear war is a remote possibility. However, on the 73rd anniversary of the second atomic bomb drop on Japan, in Nagasaki, historian Peter Kuznick reflects on how the nuclear…

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Chilean voters reject conservative-written constitution; will continue to run on Pinochet-era set of laws

Chilean voters headed to the polls on Sunday and rejected a proposed constitution written by conservatives to replace the country’s current Pinochet-era set of laws, created when Gen. Augusto Pinochet, a dictator, ran the country.The…

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Progressive Groups Tackled Tough Races: Winning Some, Losing Others

The Nation’s John Nichols analyzes the results of Tuesday’s elections. Rashida Tlaib won Rep. Conyer’s seat in Detroit, becoming the first Muslim woman to go to Congress. Although few other progressive candidates won Tuesday night’s…

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Car plows into Biden motorcade near Delaware campaign headquarters

A car smashed into a parked SUV that was part of President Biden’s motorcade near his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware Sunday evening. The sedan hit a U.S. Secret Service vehicle being used to close off…

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The Roots of Greece’s Wildfire Crisis: Climate Change, Austerity, and Historical Neglect

Dimitri Lascaris talks to Greek journalist and documentary filmmaker Aris Chatzistefanou about the many factors that have caused Greece’s devastating wildfires Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at….

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Freed Israeli hostage warns soldiers not to go into Hamas tunnels: ‘It’s a colossal danger’

A group of recently released hostages and their relatives met with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and war cabinet minister Benny Gantz Saturday evening. One of the freed hostages, quoted by The Times of Israel, relayed…

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Progressive Education: A Discussion with Troy LaRaviere

In the first of a series of interviews with political candidates about progressive education, Khalilah Harris sits down with Chicago mayoral candidate Troy LaRaviere. He discusses his ideas for bringing progressive education policy and practices…

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NYC Mayor Adams migrant crisis will lead to ‘extremely painful’ budget cuts; doesn’t expect feds to help

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Sunday that city officials will need to make “extremely painful” cuts in the budget next year as the effect of the migrant crisis on the Big Apple was…

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How Do We Confront this Climate of Fear-Mongering? Q&A (Pt 5/5)

In Part 5 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the controversy over Trump’s visit to Helsinki they talk about what can be done to counter fear-mongering – From a live…

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America’s For-Profit Criminal Justice is Crushing the Poor

A recent push by Senator Bernie Sanders to eliminate cash bail highlights how systemic monetizing of law enforcement continues to enrich cops, courts, and prosecutors Visit for more stories and help support our work…

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