Author: phillynews215

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Ex-ICE chief Thomas Homan eyes ‘historic’ deportation op if Trump re-elected

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Busy week for the Senate

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Captain John Turnbull Aboard The Freedom Flotilla Headed for Gaza

Just 300 miles from Gaza, Captain Turnbull expects a confrontation with Israeli military within hours of this interview, he has 12 people on board Visit for more stories and help support our work by…

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Biden admin drive for green energy leads to accusations of forced child labor mining for EV battery metals

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Extreme Heat Could Make One Third of Planet Uninhabitable

Climate scientist Michael Mann says that, under a business-as-usual scenario, the mass displacement of billions could trigger an unprecedented national security crisis Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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General Elections in Zimbabwe: Results Uncertain but Seventy Percent of Eligible Voters Turnout

From the ousting of Mugabe to the unprecedented voter turnout for this election, it is clear that the people are engaged and demanding change says Prof. Horace Campbell Visit for more stories and help…

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Obama Says Inequality Led to Rise of the Right, but Takes No Responsibility for It  (2/2)

Prof. Leo Panitch and Paul Jay discuss Obama’s Mandela lecture where he describes how globalization led to the politics of fear and resentment, but won’t acknowledge how global capitalism and his presidency created the conditions…

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Sanders’ Plan to Eliminate Bail Could Hit Corporate Roadblock

Local advocates who have fought to eliminate bail at the state level say the well-funded bail lobby will fight to keep a system that monetizes criminal justice Visit for more stories and help support…

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Instagram: The Next Social Media Platform to Censor Political Content?

Jesse Duquette, a political cartoonist who regularly criticizes President Trump, had one of his cartoons removed from Instagram with no explanation. Marc Steiner talks to him about his cartoons and what happened Visit for…

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Class Conflict Intensifies in China as it Heads into Uncertain Times

Prof. Minqi Li analyzes the impact of class conflict and the context in which it is currently taking place, with China firmly embedded in world capitalism and a growing private debt burden Visit for…

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Lula da Silva: “Brazil is Undergoing a Right-Wing Coup”

The unraveling of Brazil’s social safety net, put in place by the PT, combined with the legislative manipulations and extreme neoliberal austerity, constitutes a right-wing coup, explains Mark Weisbrot of CEPR. Visit for more…

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Posted in Cop Watch

Pro Se Depostion Of Ignorant New Mexico State Police Officer – Full Depostion

Depostion Of the camp janitor Doug Downey. subscribe to Lane Myers while you’re there! Send videos you’d like to see featured on the channel to The videos on this channel are for the purposes…

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Revolution and the Third World: Exploring the Radical Ideas of Anti-Imperialist Economist Samir Amin

Samir Amin revolutionized economics by centering the Global South. TRNN’s Ben Norton explores the radical legacy of the Egyptian-French anti-imperialist Marxist with scholar Ali Kadri Visit for more stories and help support our work…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: August 17, 2018

Eze, Dharna, Khalilah, and guest host Faraji Muhammad of WEAA’s For the Culture discuss the causes and effects of violence in Baltimore, discrimination against Black girls in schools, police accountability, and Baltimore artist Devin Allen…

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Authoritarian Patriarchy Is the Root of Sexual Abuse in the Church

Pennsylvania Grand Jury report uncovers 70 years of sexual abuse of at least a thousand children by 301 priests. We speak to theologian Matthew Fox about the scandal’s causes and consequences Visit for more…

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Venezuela’s New Economic Program: Will it Stop Hyperinflation?

President Maduro is introducing a series of deep economic reforms, to put an end to hyperinflation and to re-start the economy. But this can only happen if faith is restored in the currency and if…

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New Information Reveals How Israel Covered-Up the Killing of Four Boys in Gaza

Shir Hever discusses the Intercept report, revealing that the Israeli military used an armed drone to kill four children playing football and injure four others. The Israeli investigation of the killing is exposed as a…

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Aretha! Unapologetically Black, Unapologetically Woman

Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, passed at 76.  She leaves a legacy of music, commitment to Black and human liberation and defined America’s DNA Visit for more stories and help support our work…

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TRNN Exclusive: Flint Mayor on the Struggle for Clean Water

Flint Mayor Karen Weaver speaks with Eddie Conway about how budget cuts, poor existing infrastructure maintenance, and government mismanagement have caused a health crisis in her city Visit for more stories and help support…

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Over 2,000 Cities with Higher Lead Levels than Flint

Baltimore, Milwaukee, Chicago and Cleveland all have been victim to high lead and other toxins in the water. Eddie Conway and Eugene Puryear discuss the frustrations of citizens and the struggles to get clean water…

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Have a Little Carcinogenic Glyphosate With Your Morning Oatmeal

The Environmental Working Group just released an article showing the potentially cancer causing glyphosate found in Round Up is all over the oats in your favorite cereal and health bars Visit for more stories…

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After Attempted Killing of Indian Leftist Student Leader, Activists Accuse Gov., Media of Incitement

Left-wing student leader Umar Khalid was shot at by a right-wing Hindutva extremist near India’s parliament. JNU Professor Jayati Ghosh says their school, the media, and the BJP government have incited this sectarian violence. Ben…

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Trump Explores Creating a Military Branch to Dominate Space

In violation of international accords, Trump wants to create a new branch of the military that will dominate the frontier of space with weapons Visit for more stories and help support our work by…

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A look at high-profile events in hearing room where alleged staffer made NSFW videos

Several high-profile hearings have taken place in the Senate hearing room where an alleged congressional staffer reportedly filmed a sex tape.The U.S. Capitol Police told Fox News they were aware of an amateur pornographic video…

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Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery will be removed despite GOP opposition

Despite efforts from a group of Republican lawmakers, a Confederate statue in the Arlington National Cemetery will be removed in the coming days.The Reconciliation Monument, known as the Confederate Statue, is part of the push…

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German Police Attack a Jewish Professor, and Blame it on “a Palestinian”

Prof. Yitzhak Melamed was the victim of a hate crime in Bonn, perpetrated by those whose duty is to protect him Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at….

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Baltimore’s Girls Are Being Pushed Out of Schools at Alarming Rates

In the first of a two-part series, Khalilah Harris explores the disproportionate discipline Black girls face in Baltimore schools, and the steps being taken to eliminate the bridge between classrooms and prisons Visit for…

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