Author: phillynews215

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As Hurricane Florence Batters Carolinas, Media Ignores Climate Change Connection

Hurricanes are getting more powerful and more destructive because of global warming, which gives storms more energy, but as the mass media reports on the destruction, they leave out this connection. Climate scientist Kevin Trenberth…

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Ballistic missile fired from Yemen strikes cargo ship in Red Sea, setting it ablaze

A ballistic missile fired from a rebel-held territory in Yemen struck a cargo ship in the Red Sea on Friday, setting the vessel ablaze, a U.S. defense official said.The official identified the vessel as the…

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Kavanaugh Probably Lied Under Oath, But is Still Heading Towards Confirmation

During his confirmation hearings in 2004, 2006, and 2018 Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was repeatedly asked about stolen documents and repeatedly denied knowing about them, despite evidence to the contrary. We speak to investigative…

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California Energy To Go 100% Sustainable by 2045. Is It Enough?

Miya Yoshitani of the Asian Pacific Environmental Network says California Governor Brown must do more than sign SB100 to curb climate change and protect vulnerable communities Visit for more stories and help support our…

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AK Gov. Mike Dunleavy proposes $3,400 payment for residents amid nearly $1 billion budget gap

Alaska Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy revealed a budget plan proposing a $3,400 oil-wealth dividend for residents next year.The budget does not include an increase in the per-student K-12 school funding formula, but Dunleavy, a former…

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Trump Abandons All Pretense of Being a ‘Fair Broker’ in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Gideon Levy explains that the US is doing everything to disempower, humiliate and weaken Palestinian representation. Contrary to common belief, the US is not doing the State of Israel any favors ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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US floats possible plan for postwar Gaza, who could govern after Israel eliminates Hamas

The United States is currently debating what a postwar Gaza Strip could look like, including who would govern the territory, should Israel be successful in its military objective to eliminate Hamas.According to a senior U.S….

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The Economy Under Trump: Business Optimism Combined with Inequality

Trump’s Chair of Economic Advisors presented a glowing analysis of how business optimism and investment boomed with Trump’s election. But what do these figures mask and how accurate are they? We take a closer look…

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Brazil’s Workers’ Party Replaces Lula with Running Mate for the Presidency

Fernando Haddad will be the Brazilian Workers’ Party’s presidential candidate, replacing Lula da Silva. Brazil’s Supreme Court had disqualified frontrunner Silva last week and now the race is on to beat far-right Jair Bolsonaro. Mike…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: September 7, 2018

Eze and Khalilah sit down with Caryn York, Executive Director of Job Opportunities Task Force, to discuss Baltimore City School closings due to lack of AC, Gov. Hogan’s rhetoric vs. track record, abuse of women…

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UN, human rights, media groups rely on Hamas death toll in ‘systematic deception’: expert

JERUSALEM – Media outlets, humanitarian organizations and the United Nations continue to report and rely heavily on death toll data shared by Hamas-run ministries in Gaza, even though they recognize that the figures are no…

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Jackson Rising: An Interview with Kali Akuno (1/2)

We sat down with Kali Akuno, director of Cooperation Jackson, at the Fearless Cities conference to discuss the challenges of movement building in Jackson, Mississippi ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and…

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Chinese official who praised CCP makes another appearance at top Ivy League school: ‘Historic connections’

Morano: China is getting a pass Climate Depot’s Marc Morano discusses John Kerry’s remarks at the U.N. COP28 climate conference in Dubai on “The Ingraham Angle.” A Chinese official who sparked controversy for praising the…

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Far-Right Gains in Swedish Election, Continuing European Trend

The far-right and anti-immigrant party, Swedish Democrats, increase their share of the vote from 13 to 18 percent, while neither of the two major party alliances, of the center-left and of the center-right has enough…

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Issa says passport reform ‘long overdue’ as bill moves through House committee with Dem backing

Legislation that would overhaul the passport processing system in order to clear out a massive backlog facing Americans has passed through a top committee with unanimous support, with the bill’s author saying it now has…

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Are Warnings About Chemical Warfare in Syria Another ‘Weapon of Mass Distraction’?

Col. Larry Wilkerson says that it was the plan of John Bolton and the neocons to take Iraq, then Syria, and then Iran. These false flag operations are all about maintaining the perpetual war in…

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Bipartisan lawmakers eye AI safeguards for US agriculture industry

FIRST ON FOX: Lawmakers are eyeing safeguards for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into the U.S.’s agricultural sector.A new bill introduced by Rep. Randy Feenstra, R-Iowa, and backed by both sides of the aisle aims…

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Leaked Clips from Censored Documentary on Israel Lobby Reveal Attacks on US Activists

Excerpts of the censored Al Jazeera undercover film on the Israel lobby in the US have started to be leaked. The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah and the Grayzone Project’s Max Blumenthal explain how these clips…

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Top Biden aide’s spouse involved with group pushing electric vehicle transition

The spouse of a top aide to President Biden and first lady Jill Biden is involved with a group that views climate change as a national security threat and pushes for the transition to electric…

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Canada’s Yemeni Community Calls on Trudeau Government to End Arms Sales to Saudis

Hamza Shaiban says arms sales to Saudis cannot be reconciled with Canada’s commitment to ‘stand up for human rights’ Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at ** (Disclaimer:…

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GOP AG exposes DOJ funding to Soros-backed group that trains left-wing prosecutors, Kim Gardner

EXCLUSIVE — A Republican state attorney general is asking members of Congress to probe a Justice Department grant that he says benefits a “radically progressive” George Soros-linked group responsible for training prosecutors in ways to…

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Melania Trump reflects on ‘success’ she felt after becoming US citizen ahead of naturalization ceremony

EXCLUSIVE: Former first lady Melania Trump will speak to new American citizens on Friday about the “responsibility” of citizenship and the importance of “guarding our freedom” during a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives. Trump will…

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30,000 March for Climate Justice in San Francisco

Ahead of Governor Jerry Brown’s Global Climate Action Summit, protestors demand leaders prioritize front-line communities over profit Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Rep. Ro Khanna Denounces Support for Saudis in Yemen and Interventionist Foreign Policy

Ro Khanna addresses the war in Yemen and his new bill co-sponsored with Bernie Sanders that would force billionaires like Jeff Bezos to pay fair wages or face penalties Visit for more stories and…

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New ‘Poison Papers’ Leak: EPA Knew About Many Dangerous Toxins, But Kept Quiet

A new leak in the series of documents known as the “poison papers,” which were provided by whistleblower William Sanjour, show that unless regulatory bodies such as the EPA have real political backing, they will…

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California Net Neutrality Bill: ‘Gold Standard’ for the Nation

California passed a landmark net neutrality bill, which now awaits Gov. Brown’s signature. ISPs are going all out for him to veto the law, but activists are keeping up the pressure Visit for more…

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Activists Arrested for Blocking Boeing Arms Plant Speak Out Against Yemen War

To protest the US-Saudi war on Yemen, peace activists blocked a Boeing weapons facility in Missouri with a bus — a symbol of the 40 Yemeni children on a school bus massacred by Saudi Arabia…

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