Author: phillynews215

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Top Republican calls on Dem fundraiser ActBlue to stop processing donations for Hamas-sympathizing groups

Read this article for free! Plus get unlimited access to thousands of articles, videos and more with your free account! Please enter a valid email address. By entering your email, you are agreeing to Fox…

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The Green New Deal Must Take on the Fossil Fuel Industry

Greenpeace’s Janet Redman says the Green New Deal proposal from Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Markey is a step towards unprecedented climate action, but that it must mandate a phase-out of oil, gas, and coal Visit…

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Biden admin makes exceptions to sanctions on Venezuelan airline to allow deportation flights

The Biden administration has made limited exceptions to sanctions on a Venezuelan airline to help facilitate deportation flights from Canada and Latin America of Venezuelan illegal immigrants to the socialist country.The Treasury Department’s Office of…

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Trump Administration’s Rejection of Pope’s Mediation Offer Sends Ugly Signal

Trump’s efforts to overthrow the Maduro government in Venezuela reached new heights when it halted a Senate resolution supporting self-proclaimed president Guaidó because it also included a line against the use of US military force…

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NY gov drops plan to overrule local zoning amid Dem fears for 2024 elections

New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul confirmed she is dropping an initiative to pass legislation mandating the Empire State expand its housing growth in individual communities as Democrats head into an election season that could…

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Cryptocurrency Firm Loses Codes and Gets Hacked, Millions Lost

Recent developments in the cryptocurrency world highlight the dangers of trading in this type of “coin.” But how important is cryptocurrency to the financial world and why should we care? We discuss the issue with…

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Baltimore’s Clean Air Act May Shut Down Massive Incinerator

The bill, which would force Baltimore’s Wheelabrator trash incinerator and medical incinerator to clean up or close down, passed through a preliminary council vote and is due for a final vote in the coming weeks….

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Climate Justice Advocates Testify At House Committee Hearing

In their first hearing since Democrats claimed Congress, the House Natural Resources Committee heard from climate advocates. We sat down with one witness, Climate Justice Alliance’s Elizabeth Yeampierre. Visit for more stories and help…

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Hundreds of Students Walkout to Oppose Johns Hopkins’ Ice Contract

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Trump Withdrawing from Old Wars While Threatening Iran with New One

While Trump is withdrawing US troops from Syria and Afghanistan, he is ramping up aggression against Iran — acting both less and more hawkish than his intelligence agencies. Trita Parsi says Washington is violating international…

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Trump Nominates Fossil Fuel Industry Lobbyist David Bernhardt as Secretary of Interior

Trump is not draining the swamp with Bernhardt’s nomination. Rather, he shows he is filling it with polluters, says Jesse Coleman, senior researcher at Documented. Visit for more stories and help support our work…

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Global Tech Companies Renew Push for Control Over All Data

Google, Amazon, Facebook, among others, have developed ecommerce rules that would benefit them and, with the help of the US government, hope to have them adopted by the World Trade Organization. CEPR’s Deborah James discusses…

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Activists Found Guilty After Providing Water for Migrants

In Tucson, Arizona, a US Magistrate handed guilty verdicts against four No More Deaths activists, who were leaving water for border crossers, along the US-Mexico border. The activist group calls the decision a retaliation for…

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Trump’s State of Union Stokes Fear With Nationalist Rhetoric

The President’s State of he Union speech demanded an end to investigations, while demonizing immigrants and Venezuela, and attacking abortion rights. Our panelists Jacqueline Luqman, Eugene Puryear, and Helena Olea discuss the speech Visit…

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Hundreds of Teachers Protest Budget Cuts

Hundreds of teachers in Baltimore County packed a Board of Education meeting urging the full funding of public schools Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at ** (Disclaimer:…

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VA Governor Northam Won’t Address Racist Reality, Runs From Blackface Past

The reemergence of Blackface as an issue, around Gov. Northam’s inaction, exposes the depth of American racism. Our panel with Jacqueline Luqman and Eddie Conway explores the topic Visit for more stories and help…

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How Kleptocracy Impoverishes Angola, Côte d’Ivoire, and South Africa

Léonce Ndikumana discusses his newest research on capital flight from Angola, Côte d’Ivoire and South Africa between 1975 and 2015. 290 Billion dollars were funneled out of these countries over this period through misinvoicing and…

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Are Palestinians Living under a Double Occupation? (1/2)

Legislator Mustafa Barghouti discusses President Abbas’s dissolution of the Legislative Council, the attempt to alter the Paris Accords, and explores Palestinians’ life under double occupation. With Israeli elections approaching, the Palestinian leadership does not challenge…

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Are Palestinians Living under a Double Occupation? (2/2)

Legislator Mustafa Barghouti discusses President Abbas’s dissolution of the Legislative Council, the attempt to alter the Paris Accords, and explores Palestinians’ life under double occupation. With Israeli elections approaching, the Palestinian leadership does not challenge…

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Warsaw Conference’s War with Iran Agenda, Met with Low Level Delegations from European Allies

Pompeo, Netanyahu urged Arab leaders to consolidate and prepare for war with Iran at Warsaw Conference. Europe sent low level delegations. A leaked video from the conference reveals that Arab leaders are ready to abandon…

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Teen Environmental Activist Tells Congress to Stop Putting “Profit Over People”

Nadia Nazar, a 16-year-old leader of youth environmental organization Zero Hour, responds to a representative dissing the Green New Deal and explains the role of youth in fighting climate change Visit for more stories…

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TRNN Visits a Working Class Neighbourhood in Caracas

TRNN’s Dimitri Lascaris speaks about Venezuela’s crisis with Gustavo Robledo, an ambulance driver who has spent his entire life in the Valle district of Caracas. Visit for more stories and help support our work…

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First Step in New York State Towards Universal Rent Control

State Senator Julia Salazar introduced a bill that would cap annual rent increase by no more than 150% of the consumer price index. We speak to Sen. Salazar about the proposal Visit for more…

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Role Reversal in India-Pakistan Conflict

Whenever there is a clash between India and Pakistan, media and pundits present India as the good guys. In this case, at least, India is the aggressor and Pakistan is seeking dialogue, says Lahore Professor…

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Trump Missed his Opportunity for a Deal on North Korean Sanctions

The two sides may have been close to making an important agreement on denuclearization and lifting sanctions. It’s not clear what went wrong, but it seems that hardliners prevented an agreement, says Tom Collina of…

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Why the Green New Deal Includes a Jobs Guarantee

Pavlina Tcherneva, one of the economists behind the idea, explains how it can fight the climate crisis and promote economic stability for American Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Are the Deaths of These Black Men in Police Custody Really Accidents?

A TRNN investigation looks at several cases of African-American men who died in police custody that were ruled accidents or due to natural causes, but outside experts argued were in fact the result of an…

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