Author: phillynews215

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The “Permanent War State” Aims to Plunder Venezuela – Wilkerson and Jay

Trump promises “democracy and freedom” to Venezuela, delivered by Elliott Abrams who brought you illegal wars, coups, and support for dictatorships; and Mike Pompeo and VP Pence, both with deep ties to the Koch brothers…

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NRA blasts doctor who testified before Congress in gun violence hearing: ‘Gun control extremist’

The National Rifle Association (NRA) fired back at Yale School of Public Health Dean Megan Ranney’s claims during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week that Republican-controlled areas are most plagued by shootings compared to…

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Middle Class Loses, Plutocrats Win With Trump’s Tax Cuts

Trump’s “middle class tax cut” is a tax hike. Economist Bill Black says Trump could have been a popular President, if he hadn’t lied about middle class tax cuts and building infrastructure Visit for…

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DeSantis super PAC fires interim CEO after less than 2 weeks in latest shakeup of top officials

Never Back Down, the top super Political Action Committee supporting Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign for president, has fired its interim chief executive officer after less than two weeks on the job.The super PAC…

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What Does Venezuela Tell Us About Socialism in the USA? – with Paul Jay

According to Trump, the crisis in a small country with an oil based economy, facing onerous sanctions, discredits the progressive socialist movement in the United States – Paul Jay joins host Jacqueline Luqman Visit…

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Christians more likely to be skeptical of AI, fear tech in churches

American Christians are more likely to be skeptical about artificial intelligence and are particularly apprehensive about using generative AI in church services, according to a recent survey.Just over a quarter of Christians (28%) surveyed by…

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Sanders and Systemic Racism: Did He Answer the Critics?

In the CNN Town Hall, Bernie Sanders acknowledged he could have been stronger in his approach to racial inequities; he was asked if he supported reparations for descendents of African slaves – a discussion with…

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Key Freedom Caucus member predicts House GOP will fall short of government funding goals

A prominent member of the House Freedom Caucus is predicting that his Republican colleagues will wind up having to swallow a massive “omnibus” spending bill to fund the government in fiscal year 2024.Rep. Ken Buck,…

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Police Investigating Themselves Leads to Predictable Results

A deeper look at how police influence investigations into in-custody deaths, and what activists are trying to do to reform it. A discussion between Jacqueline Luqman, Stephen Janis, and Taya Graham Visit for more…

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GOP Rep. demands answers from Biden administration on Catholic priest imprisoned 26 years: ‘Innocent man’

FIRST ON FOX: A Republican congressman is calling on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to take action and explain steps being taken to free a Catholic priest the international community says has been wrongfully imprisoned…

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China using AI to ease economic woes, but focus is to stand at the ‘center of the revolution,’ experts warn

China may rely on artificial intelligence (AI) to manage approaching economic troubles, but that is just one part of the spectrum of goals Beijing has for the burgeoning technology, experts told Fox News Digital. “Certainly, China…

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Specter of Fascism: Cohen Says Trump Won’t Leave Peacefully in 2020

Hearings reveal deepening systemic corruption, further degeneration of GOP, progressive members standout in questioning – Jacqueline Lukman, Henry Giroux and Carmen Russell-Sluchansky join Paul Jay Visit for more stories and help support our work…

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Israel’s UN ambassador slams Soros for donations to pro-Hamas groups seeking destruction of Jewish state

Left-wing activist billionaire George Soros is facing intense criticism from Israel’s ambassador to the U.N. for pumping over $15 million into a network of nongovernmental organizations that allegedly support Hamas. “George Soros’ donations to organizations that…

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Canadian Company Profits from Apartheid Israeli Railway

Jonathan Kuttab discusses the lawsuit against the Canadian company Bombardier, which is building an illegal railway through occupied and confiscated Palestinian land in the West Bank, violating international law. Visit for more stories and…

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Can Sanders Win Black and Trump Voters?

Our panel discusses how Sanders must walk a fine line between appealing to white Trump voters and dealing with systemic racism and reparations – with Eugene Puryear and Norman Solomon, hosted by Paul Jay Visit…

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Why A Housing Guarantee Should Be in the Green New Deal (2/2)

In part 2, Daniel Aldana Cohen, a sociologist and writer for Jacobin Magazine, explains why the Green New Deal must tackle the housing crisis with a plan to build 10 million zero-carbon homes Visit…

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A Climate Sociologist Explains the Green New Deal (Pt 1/2)

Daniel Aldana Cohen, a sociologist and writer for Jacobin Magazine, explains why the Green New Deal must harness and expand the power of the public sector, and why its proponents cannot cut deals with the…

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Venezuelans Who Oppose Nicolas Maduro Say Trump Wants To Control Venezuela’s Resources

In an affluent part of Caracas, TRNN Correspondent Dimitri Lascaris discusses Venezuela’s crisis with ordinary Venezuelans Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Venezuela and American Manifest Destiny – Gerald Horne

A core concept of “Americanism” is the belief that the United States has a God given right to control all of the Americas in the name of democracy and freedom–but in reality, for plunder and…

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The Pain Doesn’t Go Away – Rachel Corrie’s Parents on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Craig and Cindy Corrie tell Paul Jay, “people find hope in the work that we’re doing and in the fact that Rachel was there that day, and stood against what was…

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The Pain Doesn’t Go Away – Rachel Corrie’s Parents on Reality Asserts Itself (3/3)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Craig and Cindy Corrie tell Paul Jay that in ruling against their claim, the Israeli Supreme Court essentially said that Israel is beyond international law. TRNN Replay of our 2015 interview…

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Parliament Votes Down No-Deal Brexit; British Growing Weary of Brexit Fiasco

Residents of Bradford, England say they are growing increasingly frustrated with the uncertainty that remains over Britain’s exit from the EU. Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at….

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Most US Coal Ash Sites are Contaminating Nearby Groundwater

Coal ash is contaminating water across the nation with toxic chemicals—and Maryland is home to to one of the most polluting sites, according to a new study Visit for more stories and help support…

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Trump’s Militarized Budget Slashes Medicare, Medicaid, and Clean Energy

Preparing for war with largest peacetime military budget paid for with devastating cuts to the poor, ending environmental regulation, destroying retirement and healthcare. Do divided Democrats have an answer? Lindsay Koshgarian of IPS analyzes the…

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Guaidó Claims He Can Authorize Foreign Military Intervention in Venezuela

Temir Porras, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under Hugo Chavez, says Guaidó’s assertion on Fox News is a violation of the Venezuelan constitution; Porras says the only way to avoid a blood bath is…

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Baltimore Is Slaughtering Black Children

In the aftermath of a shooting at Frederick Douglass High School, teacher Daniel Parsons argues Baltimore is systematically failing its young people Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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Class Struggle Over Brexit – Lapavitsas and Jay

The Brexit process is in chaos after a series of votes concludes with the government asking the EU for a three-month extension; Jeremy Corbyn calls for an election to let people decide on their future…

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