Author: phillynews215

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Thousands Rally with Bernie and AOC at Iowa Climate Summit

The day after he held the biggest Iowa rally of the election cycle, Sanders held a climate summit in Des Moines. TRNN’s Dharna Noor and Jaisal Noor spoke with attendees. Disclosure: Dharna Noor donated $27…

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Brazil’s Ex-President Lula Freed, Promises to Continue Fight for Justice

After spending 19 months in jail on a 12-year prison sentence, Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled that Lula had to be freed until his appeals are exhausted. Supporters greeted him enthusiastically and Lula promised to fight…

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AOC Says Bloomberg Run Isn’t ‘What We Need Right Now’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells TRNN that grassroots movements are “winning, beating the billionaires,” and paving the way for a Green New Deal. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only)…

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Bolivia’s Evo Morales Forced to Resign in Coup d’État

Even though Morales agreed to the OAS’s push for new elections, the country’s opposition and military forced him out. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Trump: The Most Corrupt President in US History

So says whistleblower and former federal investigator Bill Black, who defines with fine detail what will likely be emerging from the impeachment hearings. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer:…

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More than a million Palestinians in Gaza are now displaced, why are Arab countries not opening their doors?

JERUSALEM — At a summit of leaders from more than 50 Arab and Muslim states held last weekend in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Israel’s military response in Gaza following Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre was fiercely condemned. But…

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Elite Institutions Hoard Wealth While Cities Die Around Them

A movement to tax non-profits in a city mired in poverty has hit an obstacle: The richest institutions claim they already pay enough. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer:…

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White Nationalists Are Running the White House

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch report on the leaked emails of Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Miller shows the deep connections he has to racist white nationalists. Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Sea Level Rise Could Be Three Times Worse Than Previous Estimates

A new study and mapping visualization tool by the organization Climate Central says hundreds of millions more people than previously thought live in coastal flooding risk zones. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Netanyahu Kills Palestinians to Keep Opposition From Forming Government

Provoking a conflict with Gaza led to the deaths of 32 Palestinians. But was the real objective the creation of an emergency government so Netanyahu can remain in power? Subscribe to our page and support…

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Comcast Willing to Gut Civil Rights Law to Stop Byron Allen Lawsuit

Comcast Corp. v. National Association of African-American Owned Media might seem like a simple David and Goliath story of a Black entrepreneur fighting white-owned corporate power. But the implications of the pending SCOTUS ruling reach…

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Denver spends millions on transporting migrants to other parts of US

The city of Denver has spent millions of dollars in the last year transporting thousands of migrants to other parts of the country, officials confirmed this week.CBS News first reported that Denver has spent nearly…

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How OAS Deception Helped the Coup in Bolivia

When the Organization of American States misled everyone into thinking that Bolivia’s presidential elections were fraudulent, it made the coup against Evo Morales possible, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot. Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Democratic Socialist members of Congress fail to condemn violent anti-Israel protest targeting own party HQ

Members of Congress belonging to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have not condemned the violent anti-Israel protest that targeted the headquarters of their own party in Washington, D.C., this week.The offices of representatives Rashida…

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Scams targeting older Americans in 2022 caused $1.1B in losses, most prominent scams utilized AI

Older Americans reportedly lost $1.1 billion to fraud in 2022, according to the annual Senate Committee on Aging report released this month, and most of the scams utilized AI technology to clone the voices of…

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Human Rights Watch Director to be Deported From Israel

Omar Shakir published reports of human rights abuses not only in Israel, but also by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Despite this, Israel is increasingly afraid of any criticism and is stepping up repressive measures….

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2024 battle for Senate majority: These five seats held by Democrats are most likely to flip

Joe Manchin not running for re-election in 2024 FOX News senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram reports on Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., deciding not to seek re-election as he polls 13 points behind West Virginia Gov….

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Patriot Act Renewal Sneaks Through Congress With Dem Support

The stopgap funding bill, which postpones a government shutdown, also includes a barely noticed 3-month renewal of the Patriot Act’s warrantless data collection. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer:…

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AIDS conspiracies to anti-Semitism: Inside Bin Laden’s deranged letter picking up new support online

Usama bin Laden, the Islamic jihadist who organized the 9/11 attacks against Americans over 20 years ago, has been back in the headlines this week after his “Letter to America” picked up attention on social…

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Exclusive: The 911 Call This Swat Team Doesn’t Want You to Hear

The Police Accountability Report obtained an exclusive recording of a 911 operator threatening to arrest a caller complaining about a SWAT team that stormed her property without a warrant. The call is part of our…

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The War on Terror Cost $6.4 Trillion and 800,000 Lives

A new study on the cost of U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan presents a harrowing picture of the cost exacted in lives and taxpayer dollars. Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Hong Kong’s Socialist Students and Labor Activists Are at the Center of the Struggle

Kevin Lin from the Lausan Collective of Hong Kong artists and activists unpacks the complexity of the struggle historically and in the streets. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer:…

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Posted in Cop Shows

What happens when you call a cop a bootlicker? #cops #arrested #police #bootlicker #crime

The featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Central Bank Independence Is a Myth. They Need to Be Democratized.

Gerald Epstein discusses his new book, a collection of essays on how central banking is shaped, how it shapes the economy, and how it can be made more responsive to people’s needs. Subscribe to our…

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Chile: 1 Million Protest Extreme Inequality in Latin America’s Richest Country

Chile pulls out of two major international summits amid mounting protests against austerity and the privatization of virtually every public good. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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PG&E Blackouts Spur Calls for Public Ownership

PG&E cut power to millions throughout California this month as fires blaze across the state. The move has prompted many to call to municipalize the company. Democracy Collaborative researcher Johanna Bozuwa explains. Subscribe to our…

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Lebanon’s Prime Minister Resigns, but Protests Continue

Human rights campaigner Samah Hadid discusses Hezbollah’s decision to switch from supporting the protests to opposing them, why the prime minister resigned, and why this is not enough to end the protests. Subscribe to our…

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