Author: phillynews215

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Veteran police officer, 61, retires to focus on frisky online modeling career

A 61-year-old Canadian woman, who ditched her job in law enforcement to become a bikini and OnlyFans model, said she is raking in nearly $2,000 a week and has built a massive following online. “I was…

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COP25 Was Moved to Spain to Conceal Chilean Government’s Human Rights Violations

The concept of “loss and damage” and carbon markets are a sticking point at the UN’s climate summit, and protests are continuing in Chile, the original site of the talks. Oxfam’s Nafkote Dabi and Gary…

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All Is Not Lost for Labour

British activist Tariq Ali argues that Labour’s strategy was deeply flawed, but turmoil will follow Boris Johnson despite the large Conservative victory. Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Audio Engineer: Dwayne Gladden Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase…

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188 Democrats Vote for Trump’s Bloated Defense Budget

41 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent stood against a record  $738 billion for defense, which gives Trump his space force and the right to launch more wars.  Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew…

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Russian Justice Ministry asks Supreme Court to ban ‘international LGBT public movement’

The Russian Ministry of Justice is asking the nation’s Supreme Court to ban the “international LGBT public movement.” The ministry announced the lawsuit on Friday, calling global LGBT movements “signs and manifestations of extremist nature” that…

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Cop Charged with Making Multiple False Arrests

Baltimore Police Sgt Ethan Newberg is facing 32 counts of false imprisonment and assault for using illegal arrests to intimidate the community, prosecutors allege. Please join Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode…

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Trump’s Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Attacks Free Speech, Palestinians, and Jews

Dima Khalidi discusses the legal and civil society ramifications of President Trump’s executive order adopting the controversial IHRA working definition on antisemitism, defining Judaism as a race or nationality, which would threaten free speech on…

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Melting Greenland Could Displace 400M People; UN Climate Deal Does Little to Help

A new study says that Greenland is melting at a pace far faster than previously estimated and could displace 400 million people due to global sea-level rise. Producer/Research: Steve Horn Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio…

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Across America Thousands March To Support Trump’s Impeachment

People turned out in over 600 communities all over the United States calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. David Siever of MoveOn talks about what this means and what happens next. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley…

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Exclusive: Did A Sheriff intentionally Hit This Motorcyclist?

PAR investigates a collision that lead to serious injuries for a motorcyclist on Maryland’s lower Eastern Shore, and examines both the evidence and what police aren’t saying about the incident that almost killed a man….

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Zelenskyy says Russia wants to spark conflict in Balkans

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is sounding the alarm over what he calls Russian President Vladimir Putin’s desire to foment conflict in the troubled Balkans region.The Ukrainian president warned Putin is looking to distract from Russia’s…

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How to Save the World from Financialization

Labour Party advisor and author Grace Blakeley discusses her just released book, Stolen: How to Save the world from Financialization Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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GOP rebels send warning to Speaker Johnson after blowing up vote last week

Members of the House Freedom Caucus are watching Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., with a wary but hopeful eye after a GOP rebellion over government spending saw the new leader take his first major public setback. “He…

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Trump leads Biden on these key issues by massive margin: poll

A new poll suggests that significantly more voters trust former President Donald Trump in handling the ongoing crisis at the southern border compared to President Biden — just as the U.S. remains wracked by a…

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Anti-Indigenous Racism on the Rise in Post-Coup Bolivia

President Evo Morales, as Bolivia’s first indigenous president, introduced numerous changes to the country to benefit Latin America’s largest indigenous population. The new coup government, however, is seeking to reverse all of these changes. Subscribe…

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State of the race: Game on in Iowa as Haley battle DeSantis for second place behind Trump

DES MOINES, Iowa – He trails former President Donald Trump by at least 25 points in the latest polls in the state that leads off the Republican presidential nominating calendar, but Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis…

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Eddie Conway Talks Indigenous Peoples Day and Political Prisoners

TRNN Replay: Eddie Conway, Real News host and producer, talks about his perspective of “Thanksgiving” as a former political prisoner and current community activist. Subscribe to our page and support our work at **…

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Pompeo slams Biden admin officials who signed dissent letter on Israel-Hamas: ‘Moral compass is broken’

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo unleashed a fiery response to Biden administration officials who signed on to a dissent letter over President Biden’s pro-Israel stance in its fight against Hamas terrorists — with the…

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Buttigieg Pursues Black Voters at Rev. Barber’s Church

Pete Buttigieg spoke at Rev. William Barber’s church in North Carolina, discussing racial and inequality issues that are highlighted in the Poor People’s Campaign platform. But will this be enough to raise his support among…

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GOP lawmakers renew calls to ban Tik Tok following Osama Bin Laden trend

GOP lawmakers are renewing their call for the federal government to ban the Chinese-owned app TikTok after Usama bin Laden’s 2002 “Letter to America” went viral on social media and received sympathy from hundreds of…

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Do We Still Need NATO?

Macron said the alliance is brain dead, and Trump tweeted about Europe not paying its fair share. Bureaucratic inertia and vested interests are keeping NATO alive. Director: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Audio Engineer: Adam Coley Video Editor:…

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DeSantis slammed over 1st Amendment concerns in banning pro-Palestine campus groups: ‘shameful’

Ron DeSantis’ move to shut down pro-Palestinian campus groups is receiving pushback both from civil libertarian groups and at least one 2024 presidential hopeful.Earlier this week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit…

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Fossil Fuel Production Plans Could Push Earth off a Climate Cliff

The United Nations is beginning its climate summit in Madrid. Their new report says that if all booked fossil fuel reserves are burned, it could lead to a cataclysmic rise of global temperature by 2100….

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Agent Provocateurs and the Assassination of Black Panther Fred Hampton

TRNN’s Eddie Conway honors the 50th anniversary of Hampton’s assassination by describing the event and its significance for social movements today. Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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How Cops Shoot First, Get Paid Later

The Police Accountability Report explores how a controversial shooting may lead to a lifetime pension for the officer involved, and why concepts like blanket criminality and moral disqualification drive the system that rewards questionable behavior….

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How White Collar Criminals Get Away with Murder

White-collar crime prosecutions are at a 33-year low. Corporate leaders can cause environmental disasters, economic crashes, and the deaths of thousands and still walk free. But there’s a way out. Director: Adam Coley Audio Engineer:…

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Trump Declared War on the Poor–And the Poor Are Fighting Back

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced plans to cut SNAP benefits that could drive millions further into poverty. Liz Theoharis of the Poor People’s Campaign and Karen Dolan of IPS join us to discuss the…

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