Author: phillynews215

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COVID-19 surges in Florida after data whistleblower fired

“Somebody needs to put a muzzle on [Trump] before he gets another 100,000 people killed. The United States does not have this under control.” Subscribe to our page and support our work at **…

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Illinois Senate approves reversal of decades-old nuclear power moratorium

The Illinois Senate approved lifting a 36-year-old moratorium on new nuclear power installments on Wednesday in a plan proponents say will ensure the state can meet its carbon-free power production promise by 2045.The Senate’s 44-7…

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How a government shutdown could cause chaos at airports

A government shutdown would force essential staff at the Federal Aviation Administration to work without pay, but the agency has another deadline to worry about. CBS News senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave explains. #news…

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Police Punish And Wall Street Profits

Taxpayers are paying double for police brutality settlements thanks to local governments buying bonds from Wall Street to cover payouts. San Diego cop watcher Kat from Irate Productions discusses recent police harassment of unarmed residents….

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Oklahoma Parole Board will recommend clemency for inmate who insists double homicide was in self-defense

The Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board narrowly voted Wednesday to recommend sparing the life of a man set to be executed later this month for what he claims were the self-defense killings of two men…

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Rev. Dr. William Barber II: A Multi-Racial Coalition Is Necessary For This Moment

Poor People’s Campaign Co-Chairs Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis and Rev. Dr. William Barber II want to seize this moment with a broad-based, multi-racial movement to change an ‘impoverished democracy.’ Producer: Ericka Blount Danois Director: Dwayne…

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Ramaswamy launches $1M ad buy in early primary states blasting politicians ‘leading us into World War III’

EXCLUSIVE – Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is launching a $1 million ad buy in the critical states of Iowa and New Hampshire, calling out politicians on both sides of the aisle he says are…

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Inside the second Republican debate, Gov. Newsom discusses Biden 2024 and more | America Decides

Trump fills his debate absence with Mich. speech; Newsom on Biden 2024, DeSantis, Calif. crime bill #news #politics #republicandebate CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and…

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GOP flips New York seat held by Democrats for 20 years: ‘Political earthquake’

Republicans on Long Island, New York, scored a historic victory on Tuesday night, solidifying gains they have made in the area and providing a small bright spot in an otherwise disappointing night nationwide.Republican Ed Romaine…

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Stir Crazy! Episode #68: The Secret Police Are Coming

On today’s show: Managing Director for K-12 Education Policy at the Center for American Progress Dr. Khalilah Harris, Baltimore-based activist and recording artist Eze Jackson, and “Why You Should Give A F*ck” co-host Tunde Ogunfolaju….

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Kosovo to document Serbian war crimes with institute dedicated to 1998 conflict

Kosovo is setting up an institute to document Serbia’s crimes against its population in the 1998-1999 war, the country’s prime minister said Wednesday.Albin Kurti said the institute would document the war crimes so “the Kosovar…

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DeSantis says Trump is “missing in action” at second Republican debate

Several Republican candidates took former President Donald Trump to task Wednesday night over his decision skip the second primary debate. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is second in most polls, said Trump was “missing in…

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Instead Of Battling COVID-19, Trump Launches A War On Protesters

The Nation’s Ken Klippenstein discusses the leaked documents that reveal CBP as the federal agency detaining protesters in Portland. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Subscribe to our page and support our work at ** (Disclaimer:…

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Germany projects underwhelming economic growth through 2024

Germany’s economy will shrink by 0.4% this year and grow only by a relatively modest 0.7% next year, the government’s panel of independent economic advisers forecast Wednesday.The panel joined several other forecasters in revising downward…

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Trump skips second Republican debate to deliver speech in Michigan

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Biden, Democrats and the Big Three automakers over electric cars in remarks in the Detroit suburbs Wednesday night, as his Republican opponents were getting ready to take the stage…

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Report: Hogan Killed Mass Transit Despite Discriminatory Impact

Md. Gov. Larry Hogan is accused of killing a project that would connect disinvested Baltimore neighborhoods with jobs and opportunities, despite the racially discriminatory impact. Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Subscribe to our page and support…

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Erdogan-backed law carrying jail time for ‘disinformation’ upheld by Turkish high court

Turkey’s highest court on Wednesday upheld a controversial media law that mandates prison terms for people deemed to be spreading “disinformation,” rejecting the main opposition party’s request for its annulment.The legislation calls for up to…

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Fossil fuel interests have large, yet often murky, presence at climate talks, AP analysis finds

The badges said they were there to participate in negotiations to curb climate change. They stated affiliations like the government of Brazil, Indigenous organizations of the Amazon, the Climate Registry. But in reality, the livelihoods…

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Stir Crazy! Episode #69: A Failed State?

On today’s show: Director of the Law Enforcement Action Partnership Neill Franklin, Chinatown Collective founding member Leandro Lagera, and TRNN host Marc Steiner. Hosted by Kim Brown. If you have comments/questions/suggestions email us at…

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Assessing Nikki Haley’s performance at the second Republican debate

In one of the sharpest lines of the second Republican debate, Nikki Haley told Vivek Ramaswamy: “Honestly every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say.” Kirsten Kukowski, adviser…

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Hamas billionaires: Lifestyles of the rich and terrorists

They are living the Hamas high life.While the people of Gaza live in poverty and have suffered under the horrors of Hamas, the terror group’s leaders apparently are living high on the hog.Israeli officials say…

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Outrage At Maryland’s Plan For In-Person Voting Despite Pandemic

Eric Cortellessa, digital editor for the Washington Monthly, talks about Md. Gov. Larry Hogan’s plan to make absentee ballots optional—a plan critics say is more expensive and complicated than universal mail-in voting. Director/Video Editor: Will…

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Denmark scores win in legal battle with Islamist fighter who claims he spied on country’s behalf

Denmark’s domestic and foreign intelligence services on Wednesday won a case against a Dane of Syrian origin who claimed he worked for them in Syria in 2013 and 2014 and spied on Danish jihadi fighters.Ahmed…

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This Is Not A Drill – 2020: Stand Up, Fight Back

Any strategy about the 2020 elections has to take very seriously the threats and attacks on particular groups and communities. Black, trans, immigrant, and indigenous folks, are organizing hard for radical change and to shape…

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Where government shutdown talks stand two days ahead of deadline

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are running out of time to avert a government shutdown with no deal that can pass both the House and the Senate anywhere in sight. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Behind the Uniforms – Tony Sentmanat

Trigger warning! A special episode of Behind-The-Uniforms with Tony Sentmanat – RealWorld Tactical about his time as a Marine and running S.W.A.T. in Miami. Heads up – we swear a lot. But this episode will…

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Brazilian authorities foil Hezbollah terror plot to attack Jews in its country, Israel says

Brazilian authorities, working with Israeli intelligence, foiled a plot by Hezbollah to orchestrate attacks on Jews in the South American country, officials said Wednesday. Brazil’s Federal Police arrested two people suspected of being financed by the…

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