My thoughts on Using Dashub to buy Auction Cars *NOT GOOD*

A ton of people ask me what I think about Dashub to buy Salvage, Rebuild Projects, rebuilt or Auction cars from Copart and IAAI. I always tried to stay neutral with my answer as I had a not so good experience, but then I was sent a link that I thought you guys had to see….

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Author: phillynews215


36 thoughts on “My thoughts on Using Dashub to buy Auction Cars *NOT GOOD*

  1. I was scammed using dashub and it sucks. The car I bought said it was a run and drive vehicle and there was no oil pan, no oil dip stick and the radiator and everything was all pushed up into the engine. Then once I tried telling them something they blocked my facebook profile from logging into their website.

  2. What do you think about EZ auto auctions. I bought 2 cars from EZ auto auctions last week sent 2 cashier's checks in haven't heard from anyone sense. The person I was speaking with was David Allard it appears I may have been scammed. When I was trying to buy a car he was very easy to get a hold of, after he received the cashiers checks he disappeared.

  3. erepairables does not mark the price of the car up, i noticed all of the fees on a car 7000? or more can be in the 1000 to 1200 dollar range and as the price of the car goes up from 7g to maybe 10g the fees are not a lot of difference. A individual broker is cheaper 200 300 broker fees? plus the iaa fees. I think a individual broker is half price as compared to my dash and erepairables?

  4. Dashub is a total SCAM – I provided them with what they claimed was a REFUNDABLE deposit back in October ($500). About 3 weeks later, I purchased a vehicle using one of their competitors and requested my refund in early November. It is now the end of December and despite multiple emails, phone calls and posts on their social media profile, they have not provided me with a refund. Back on December 17th, "Charles" wrote to me and claimed: "We’ve placed you in the queue and should get to this soon. Please bare with us. Our department is very small and a bit understaffed at the moment. "
    Since then they have not written back to any of my inquiries. This website is a total scam. STAY AWAY. Do not provide them with a deposit as you will NOT get your money back.

  5. It's normal for companies to take fees either side if a broker. Go ask your financial adviser on your 401k. In the end the price is the price. A market value is decided by the market across the whole marketplace not a single deal.

  6. You wanted a comment… so be it. I think you are a whiny bitch. You offer a price for a car + fees (which are disclosed) and you are charged exactly that amount and you complain. $1000 of fees to buy at auction levels is a great thing for ordinary Joe's. It is only a matter of time before there is more competition and the fees fall to $500 or so. Until then I think Dashub is providing a great service – I just wish I would have thought of it first.

  7. Dashub is a scam!The cars on Dashup are owned by copart.Dashub tried scamming me by thinking I paid for the car and gave me false receipts of bill of sale through email and the car was still available for sale on copart.I only needed Dashub for their broker agency and that's it or else I would've bought it myself.This is the part where the scam happens, they hold off and make every excuse in the world for you to not go pick up the car.2 weeks had past and I started getting extremely frustrated with their stupid shit cause i've owned exotic cars before and drove them home on the same day and im trying to buy a cheap ass SUV to drive my wife and 2 kids around in and it's taking forever to own it when I already supposedly had it paid for.So I use my military MP investigation skills and found out the car is owned by copart with the vin number and all that good shit.I got coparts number and gave copart a call about the SAME suv that I so called thought I had purchased and they told me on the phone"Somebody bought the vehicle 3 days ago(Remind you I thought I bought the Vehicle already a whole 2 weeks ago)and the dashub guy blowing up my phone with texts saying "let me talk to the copart people"I said"nah I got it all under control".From there I called my bank and reported Dashub for fraud for trying to sell me a vehicle that had already been sold when I supposedly made the purchase for it 2 weeks ago.Long story short,My bank refunded me my money and put dashub under investigation for trying to sell me a vehicle that had already been sold and soon their website getting shut down😎 With that said,if you fuck me over,i'll fuck you over 10×times more💯

  8. Use Dashub if you need a broker, but Copart opens certain listings to the public or hire a broker to represent you, no? is Is Copart about the best? are there any others? maybe just get a dealer or salvage license? LMK Samcrac

  9. Dam good thing I saw this video I was gonna start bidding on car through dashub but after this I’m skipping them. I have a question I have an access auction card and I got it through someone that owns a dealer basically he sponsored me can I still use that card even though I don’t affiliate with that guy anymore

  10. I don't know about most people. But all the brokers i've heard of and seen all use similar cheap ass tricks to make extra money. This is why I don't use, don't like and don't want to deal with brokers. Money hungry whores is who they are.

  11. DasHub is terrible. Don't use. They don't provide you with any information when attempting to purchase a car. You have to ask all the questions, and most of the time they either give you wrong information or provide the old adage "I don't know." You have to pay them $125 to get a car inspected, when any mechanic would inspect it for $25. The cars offered are mostly junk as well. It will say cars run and drive but that is loosely interpreted. The auction company that sells the vehicles are what you call cons. They take pictures of the vehicle but will hide certain major flaws that will turn anyone away from buying the vehicle. One such instance is they will only take a picture of the odometer, not the entire dashboard, when the dashboard has several warning lights indicating major problems. They also don't take care of the car. Mine turned up with a big hole in one of the wheels, but the pictures showed all the tires intact.

  12. autobidmaster Rips off customers with shipping I live about 4 miles away from a Copart and Coparts shipping price for a rsx is $111 which is OK for me and autoripoffmaster shipping price is $176 to ship to my house and the ones shipping the car is copart

  13. I tried dashub , they ask for a $500 deposit. I didn’t win the car that I wanted so after 30 days I requested my deposit, it took another 2 months to get the money back and that’s only because I had my bank take care of it. Dashub kept transferring me to someone that never answered and never returned my calls. Stay away from dashub.

  14. They ripped me off and they will scam you. Demand to see your copart invoice they will pay far less for the car they brokered for you and charge you more on top of their fees. Michael Lederman, Stan Johnson and Leif Causey are thieves. Email for more information.

  15. If you provide your highest bid value, they will try to sell it for that price to you even if you won the auction at a lower price…. do you really expect that from a Broker? A friend of mine just got scammed on a Salvage Tesla… BEWARE

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