‘Below Deck’ Star Ross Inia Punches Police Officer, Gets Arrested (Full Video)

This is a contender for the non-existent Real World Police award for getting away with a crime.

Ross Inia was arrested on 12/22/18. Court records indicate that he was initially facing charges of battery on a police officer, disorderly intoxication, and threatening harm to a public servant or their family., and that those charges were never filed. Intead, they somehow morphed into (1) battery, (2) resisting an officer without(!) violence, and (3) disorderly intoxication. I left a message with the State Attorney’s Office this morning inquiring about how and why that happened. You’ll know when I know.

Ultimately, the State Attorney did not move forward on either of the first two revised charges, leaving only the charge of disorderly intoxication to deal with. To that charge, after missing a couple of court dates, on November 22, 2019 Inia accepted a plea deal. He paid a total of $338 and entered a plea of guilty…

But that’s not the end.

Even though he entered a plea of guilty, that doesn’t mean that he was actually found guilty. (Just think of it the other way. He could have entered a plea of not guilty and have been adjudicated guilty. Plea and adjudication are separate.)

In the end, despite Inia pleading guilty to the misdemeanor crime, and despite missing multiple mandatory court appearances, adjudication was withheld. That means he won’t have a conviction on his record.

It is clear from the video that Ross Inia punched a police officer and made direct threats to the life or another police officer and his family. Inia was arrested and ended up in jail, where he was supremely uncooperative. It all went away for $338. No probation or anything like that.

If you ever find yourself in legal trouble, find out who his attorney was.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


35 thoughts on “‘Below Deck’ Star Ross Inia Punches Police Officer, Gets Arrested (Full Video)

  1. My question. Why is this department kissing their asses. Should have been done and over with on the way to the jail. Handcuffs in the front. WTH

  2. Even though the dude in red was being compliant, he was a little annoying. 😂😂😂

  3. Arrest them all (except red shirt maybe ticket him for disorderly conduct) and throw them in the drunk tank and charge dude with assault on a officer, disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice and making terroristic threats and charge blue shirt with disorderly conduct and obstruction and call it a night

  4. Did you swing at that officer ?
    He forgot to say it right Ya I did right after he smashed me to the ground.
    I say again right after I was assaulted then I swung.
    Yes I had to much to drink 😜😜😜😜.

  5. doesnt make any sense, but since nobody complained anywhere and everybody is happy, there is one simple answer to all that. Wasnt the lawyer… not even Matlock could have managed to drop charges with that evidence., it was money. Simple, everyone is happy.

  6. I love below deck but wtf are they doing 😂😂😂😂

  7. Someone was overserved, obviously too much liquid ambition. I am reminded of Ron White bit when he was thrown out of a bar (think NY). Charged with being drunk in public "I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability."

  8. This dude punches a policeman and probably didn't do very much time if he even had to do any time.I was sentenced to a year in county Jail for being high.This dude has money cause he's a celebrity so he didn't get any time our laws are beyond flawed and desperately need change. Homeboy would not stop saying that's my friend that's my friend that's my friend

  9. It’s always the guy that doesn’t even know how to throw a punch that thinks he’s tough! 🤦‍♂️🙄😂😂

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