Facebook Marketplace Scam Backfires: PS5 Thief Faces Charges

In May 2022, the Dunwoody Police Department received a report: a young man had his PlayStation5 stolen from him in the parking lot of a Best Buy store in Dunwoody, Georgia.
He had met with another individual through Facebook Marketplace to sell the gaming console.
However, the supposed buyer took off with the PS5 after claiming to have sent payment via CashApp.
The victim quickly reported the incident to the police, providing them with a detailed description of the thief and the license plate number.
Fast forward to May 26, when the diligent officers of the Dunwoody Police Department spotted a vehicle matching the description of the one involved in the theft.
The driver, fitting the suspect’s description, was promptly detained and questioned.
Initially feigning ignorance, the suspect eventually admitted to the transaction, claiming a glitch in the CashApp system.
The officer called the victim and informed him that the individual matching the description had been pulled over in the same vehicle.
He asked if the victim could come to confirm the suspect’s identity. Although the victim was a bit far from the location, he agreed to come and identify the suspect
The officer went into a vehicle to complete some paperwork and informed the suspect that his driver’s license was suspended.
The suspect was then formally arrested and placed in the backseat of the vehicle.
The victim arrived and informed the officers that he wished to press charges. He positively identified the suspect as the one who stole his PlayStation5.
Despite the suspect’s apologies and offers of money and a new PlayStation5 to drop the charges, it was too late for such negotiations.
He was charged with possession of marijuana, less than one ounce, driving while license suspended, and theft by taking, and transported to DeKalb county jail

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Author: phillynews215


35 thoughts on “Facebook Marketplace Scam Backfires: PS5 Thief Faces Charges

  1. This thug trying to pretend like he is just a normal kid, just caught up in a huge misunderstanding. I mean who gets a huge neck/face who is a “good kid”. Why do dumb people think that just saying they are a good person is enough to trick the cops? It’s so juvenile.

  2. What the heck is up with people these days? Does no one have any self dignity anymore?? What happened to people making an honest living? Hideous behavior!!! NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE!
    YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, Knucklehead! 😢😢😢

  3. "I'm a good kid"😂 People that are under arrest and in police handcuffs are not good. Are adults kids? I would say you are acting like a kid and you need to grow up and be the adult that you are and take responsibility for your own actions. 🤷

  4. If he had stolen a NEW PS5 from the store, it wouldn't have been a felony since the MSRP is only $499. Yet, he paid $625 for a USED PS5 which made it a felony. He's a special kind of stupid.

  5. Georgia B male starter kit includes:
    -A little Marijuana
    -A gun usually 9mm
    -Suspended driver's license
    -borrowed car/no insurance
    -200 dollar pair of shoes

  6. I’d be willing to bet that this guy has done this dozens of times prior. This dude thinks he is “a good kid”, but I already know what he has done his whole life. Based on the way he acts with the cops. He probably was the favorite child and always given the benefit of the doubt.

  7. 16:30 – "Officer, everything there is mine. I call it my mini-store. I drive around buying and selling stuff"… Your license is suspended. "Officer, I don't even drive, I haven't driven in months". HAHAHAHAHAA Can't make this crap up.

  8. He’s got tracking numbers for everything in that car he says does he got a tracking number on that marijuana? And I’m sure the guy is not gonna take somebody else’s PlayStation when that was probably stolen. Also, he wants his PlayStation back.

  9. Always meet at a police station. In my city a few years ago, a couple drove from out of state to make a purchase off FB marketplace. Met up with the seller in a store parking lot. The seller robbed the man and shot and killed him. Don't trust anyone.

  10. This is Disgraceful… To steal a stupid PS5 ???? This is beyond ridiculous why not buy a PS5 on Best buy or target? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  11. I'm annoyed at him calling himself a kid. Curious to know how old he is because when I think of kids I think of someone under 18. 😀

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