New Mexico Traffic Stop Turns Up 49 Pounds of Weed, 10 Pounds THC Wax

This video provides a rare look at some of the techniques used by law enforcement in identifying and interdicting interstate drug traffickers.

On January 13, 2018, Officer Hermilo Lucero was conducting patrol operations near the City of Grants, New Mexico. While traveling eastbound on I-40, he came upon a White Chevy 4-door passenger vehicle which he paced at 80 mph in a 75 mph zone. He initiated a traffic stop, and as the vehicle came to a stop Officer Lucero observed a front passenger sit up in the seat.

Upon making contact with the vehicle’s occupants Officer Lucero observed a dog in the back seat as well as a duffel bag. Officer Lucero stated that he usually has subjects stand by his front passenger-side tire during traffic stops, but due to the extreme cold he conducted a pat down of the driver – later identified as Eric Vredenburgh – and then had him sit in the front passenger seat of his police car.

While making conversation with the driver Officer Lucero observed him to be uncharacteristically nervous: “he had shallowed breathing, he had a dead stare out the front windshield, [was] chewing his gum very rapidly, avoided eye contact, and became very talkative.”

The following selections are excerpted from Officer Lucero’s report: “During our conversation while I was conducting business, Mr. Vredenburgh was really nervous, every time I asked a question of concern he would rub his face, twist his mustache, attempt to change the subject).”

“At this time I advised Mr. Vredenburgh he was free to leave to have a good day and a safe trip. At this time Mr. Vredenburgh exited my vehicle and started walking back to his vehicle. At this time I had observed several criminal behaviors and items of interest of criminal activity. These items of interests are as follows:

1. My training and experience.

2. Coming from Portland, Oregon. (This city is known for receiving/shipping illegal narcotics into the greater United States).

3. Going to Austin, Texas/ Oklahoma City. (This city is known for receiving/shipping illegal narcotics into the greater United States).

4. The driver being very nervous. (Innocent motoring public tends to be nervous when first encountering law enforcement, but subsides as the contact prolongs, and his never subsided).

5. Their travel plans seemed implausible. (The rental car was from Portland, Oregon, Mr. Vredenburgh advised they were in Las Vegas for two days, so travel plans don’t meet the time frame.)

6. The luggage in the back of the vehicle, people tend to place luggage in the trunk of the vehicle if the trunk of the vehicle is not full.

Due to, but not limited to, the above criminal behaviors and items of interest, I had reasonable suspicion that Mr. Vredenburgh and passenger were involved in some type of criminal activity.

As Mr. Vredenburgh got between my police vehicle and his vehicle I called out to Mr. Vredenburgh he stopped I asked him if I could asked him some questions he stated yes, Mr. Vredenburgh returned to my police vehicle without any further direction from me. [As] Mr. Vredenburgh was returning back to my vehicle I advised him he could sit in my unit if he desired which he did sit back down in my police vehicle.”

“At this time I retrieved my narcotic sniffing canine Blek from my police vehicle. I deployed Canine Blek in a systematic exterior sniff of the vehicle, while doing so Canine Blek alerted to the vehicle attempting to jump in the driver’s side open window attempting to trace odor he was detecting and he alerted to the trunk of the vehicle. Canine Blek and I are certified as a team through the New Mexico State Police Criminal Enforcement Unit, and through CNCA…”

“At the office I drafted, applied, granted and executed a search warrant on the vehicle. Inside the vehicle I located 49 pounds of high grade marijuana, 3.5 pounds of THC wax in wax form, and several jars of THC wax in these jars.”

Due to space constraints, case disposition information will be posted in a pinned comment.

Some of you will remember the video where a New Mexico trooper called a woman’s dentist to confirm her appointment. Now you know why.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


47 thoughts on “New Mexico Traffic Stop Turns Up 49 Pounds of Weed, 10 Pounds THC Wax

  1. Once you are free to go leave. You are under no obligation to assist police with their investigation. "Can I ask you a couple of questions?" I'm free to leave and would like to break contact and leave. Thank you.

  2. So here in New Mexico we give you 2 options. I can screw you over this way or that way but this way takes a bit more longer but either way you are screwed so what you want to do? I'll take the longer way so I can be free for 20 more minutes 🤣🤣🤣🤣. That's how I seen that conversation go down.

  3. I always want the guys to get away when it comes to drugs. Thats the only crime that I want them to get away with. Just insane that people can get 20+ years for drugs.

  4. It so cruel to make them think all is well and that they're free to go… but wait.. a columbo moment.. just one more thing.. can we search the car lol. lmao

  5. Technically he should have read him his rights before questioning him about anything other than the traffic stop. Also when he said your free to leave they should have said ok and left and refused to talk.

  6. It’s scary but I’ve watched hours of videos about this stuff, I think it’s interesting, and I really wanted to learn my rights and what sort of behaviors to avoid with police, the first thing that became apparent to me was that if police want you, they will do whatever possible to get you

  7. The traffic stop was complete when the officer said have a nice day and let the driver out of the car. The drug charge will never hold up in court.

  8. Guys: he's gonna beat that 49 pound charge because the cop never read him his rights after saying he was free to go by law he has to understand that he has the right to remain silent and contact an attorney!!! Done

  9. Once he talked to the passenger and said okay were almost done, he meant were just getting started!! Your free 2 go, can I ask u a question? Answer should of been yeah with my lawyer.

  10. They was never ever to go the cop would not have let them BUT and a big but if they did try and leave they would have certainly mabe had a case against the PD for telling they could leave and when they tried COP goes grazy and changes his mind that scene would have been better than what they did

  11. Dont be fidgeting around.Control your breathing and adrenaline, them be the signs that something is wrong when they are close to you or questioning you in there car.

  12. When he did not remember the name of the company he worked for…….uh oh….this does not add up does it?

  13. what a waste of money and time, nobody would get hurt by this weed and theres nothing morally wrong, what a bunch of nonsense

  14. ✨🇺🇸🎭 ‘Back The Blue’ 🙏🏼⚡️⚡️⚡️

  15. Drive like a preacher if your loaded!! 💀🤦🏻‍♂️😂

  16. That officer "unlawfully extended the stop". Also those guys ought to check out their inner circle, figuring out which person(s) are the leak, it appears that the officer already knows that there is a load in this vehicle and that is why he
    Made the stop in the first place. He kept saying "you are free to leave" and those guys should have took the hint.

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