stop calling the police like a child

stop calling the police like a child

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24 thoughts on “stop calling the police like a child

  1. You think this Karen-culture is going to stop? It's accelerating. And the quarantine is only helping. But it's not the root cause. It was there before the virus.

  2. I'm never done with the TRUTH ! Truth is your loving cops are corrupt and sadistic. Truth is they are the world's largest terrorist gang. Truth is they don't stop or fight crime, they are responsable for most of the crime. You praise them as hero's when they are actually cowards hiding behind their badge. You worship them as your gods placing cops above anyone and everyone else.

  3. Go into the comminity they said…… we did, wore firearms and body armor, guarded local busineeses so no riots would nreak out. Days later they calling us rscists in the press and on social media.

  4. i can’t agree more i hate going on calls of “ OH MY GOD TERRYS OUTSIDE HE IS GOING TO GIVE ME THE COVID” i get there and he is walking his dog with a mask socially distanced 🤦🏻‍♂️

  5. Has your station or any other station that you know of ever thought about hiring some people to go to the dumb phone calls so you all can go to the major calls? I would do it, just not in Detroit

  6. Got saved once by a deputy in the middle of nowhere and while we waited for a tow truck for our car he told us that one night he got sent to a call for a woman who saw a deer in her back yard, thought it was lost, and wanted a cop to help it find its way home

  7. well I'd say as with everything it's always a series of grey answers.
    if you walk into a park and the basketball court has a hundred plus men playing basketball yeah you probably should call it in…. yes?

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