The Two-Minute Self-Incrimination of Emmanual Brandon Perry

Viewers regularly ask why people talk to the police after being explicitly informed that their statements will be used against them. One answer that is rarely mentioned – probably because of its relative rarity – is that some people don’t.

This is an example of a nearly-unicorn interrogation.

Notably, the heart of Perry’s trial was spent trying to suppress the brief statement he provided, in which he demonstrated knowledge of an incident at Subway before anyone else had mentioned the store. Combine that with the video, and self-incrimination can be accomplished in remarkably few words.

Perry was ultimately sentenced to nine months in jail followed by one year probation and restitution in the amount of $549.99. The victim required jaw surgery.





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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


31 thoughts on “The Two-Minute Self-Incrimination of Emmanual Brandon Perry

  1. Viewers regularly ask why people talk to the police after being explicitly informed that their statements will be used against them. One answer that is rarely mentioned – probably because of its relative rarity – is that some people don't.

    But even among the rights-invocation minority, some still self-incriminate.

    Notably, the heart of Perry's trial was spent trying to suppress the brief statement he provided, in which he demonstrated knowledge of an incident at Subway before anyone else had mentioned the store. Combine that with the video, and self-incrimination can be accomplished in remarkably few words.

    The backstory, largely excerpted from a small portion of the police report, which will be posted on Patreon shortly:

    On September 17, 2018, a victim was brutally assaulted by an unknown male while he was working at a Subway store in Lynnwood, Washington.

    When Lynwood Officers first arrived on scene they found the victim bleeding from his mouth, holding a paper towel against his mouth trying to stop the bleeding. A witness stated that she was inside Subway paying for a sandwich at a the end of the counter when she observed the suspect enter the store. Witness stated that the victim told the suspect that he would not make him a sandwich if he did not re-park his vehicle. Witness said that she did not see the suspect vehicle outside or how it was parked. She reported that the suspect then began pick up bags of chips and started throwing them at the victim.

    Witness stated the suspect jumped over the counter to contact the victim and that the suspect continued throwing items at him and pushing him. She said that the suspect then jumped back over the counters and headed towards the doors to exit Subway. She reported that the victim yelled he was going to call the police and in response the suspect came back inside of the restaurant. She stated that the suspect approached the victim inside of the store again and began punching him. She said that the suspect then began to exit Subway once again until the victim walked to the front door with the business phone in his hand,

    Witness stated that the suspect then re-entered the business and attacked the victim for a third time, punching him and pushing him to the ground. She said that the suspect then took the business phone from the victim and threw it to the ground. After the third assault the suspect left the store. Witness said she believes the suspect punched the victim at least eight times.

    After speaking with witness Officer Ro interviewed the victim, who stated he was working behind the counter at Subway when he observed the suspect park outside perpendicular to the business, taking up three parking spots in front of the business. The victim stated he told the suspect he would not serve him and that he would call the police unless he re-parked his vehicle. The victim picked up the phone to call the police when the suspect took the phone from him and threw it at the ground. The victim said that the suspect hit him several times. He believes the suspect was driving a white Chevy Blazer or a Ford Explorer. Officer Ro noted that the victim had a hard time recalling the events that took place.

    The Subway restaurant was equipped with video surveillance footage which include three cameras. The video footage was accessed and per the video, at approximately 2039 hours on 09-17-2018, the suspect enters Subway, the suspect appears to be an African-American male in his late-20's to early-30's; about 6'0" tall; and wearing a dark gray or black T-shirt, black shorts, black shoes. The victim was behind the counter making a sandwich.

    The suspect and the victim start talking, and the victim can be seen pointing outside the business windows towards the parking lot. The suspect begins grabbing chips from the front of the counter and throws them at the victim. The suspect jumps over the counter and cornered the victim. The suspect hits the victim several times in the head and walks away. The suspect jumped back over the counter and exited the store. The victim then jumps over the counter, and the suspect walks back into the store. The suspect can be seen punching the victim several times. The suspect picks something off the floor and walk back out of the business. The suspect re-enters the store and followed the victim down the hallway…"

    The victim ultimately required jaw surgery. Perry was sentenced to 9 months in jail followed by one year probation and restitution in the amount of $549.99.

  2. Imagine he just made the sandwich and didn’t play parking police? Jaw would be just fine eh?. This one was for rude ass service workers that don’t realize when to be polite and move on. I love how he hopped the counter as if he could fight. FINISH HIM!

  3. Suprised those detectives have their guns on them. When they switch his cuffs in the beginning that dude could of potentially wrestled it away and someone could of got shot. Guy's pretty big too lol

  4. The lady must’ve been really hungry to stay for that sandwich 🥪!🤦🏼‍♂️

  5. I would prefer to have a lawyer but what do you want to know??? The music is creepy as hell. Did he get his order wrong or something??? Dude keeps going to the front n gets beat e'ry time.

  6. Wow he deserved way more time for this brutal assault 💯💯💯

  7. $550 doesnt seem like a lot for the victim but theres always the civil suit he could take this guy to court for everything he has. its on video too

  8. That lady really wanted her sandwich just standing there. At least leave the subway and call for help or the police.

  9. Knuckle sandwich at Subway. In all seriousness, unnecessary for the big man to do that. However, the door was open and the dude wanted a sub and the clerk said no. The time stamp said 840 so I assume the store closed at 830 and he was hungry. Would have turned out different if the clerked made him a quick sandwich.

  10. Either a malignant narcissist or a sociopath. Probably the former. Despite being a dumbass, he is well-spoken, manipulative, calm. I have family members that would flay a newborn during The Purge if it was legal.

  11. He just kept coming back🤔 they must’ve not had his choice of bread in stock🤣😭

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