24 thoughts on “Armed Home invasion robbery interrupted by deputies.

  1. Very intense. I have had attempted home invasion years ago. All the fear came flooding back. My heart is still pounding. Glad all turned out well. 🙏 for family.

  2. This was a great upload. Bravo to the officers for handling the situation properly and getting everyone out safe.

  3. Should of just brought the burglar out the back yard and shot each of then. Problem solved us tax payers don’t have to pay for their meals and medical in prison. Simple solution,play dumb games win dumb prizes

  4. Most police would have fired on the suspects once they knew an Ak was present. Lucky none of the victims got killed, police did as good a job as they could have possibly done in my opinion.

  5. Iam glad everyone was ok but honestly that was chaos, the cops didnt seem to have a plan at all, matter of fact they seemed to have been abit afraid to even stop the invasion as they looked in window. Not to mention they TOOK FOREVER TO GET TO LITTLE GIRL.

  6. Sure, they usually do their jobs (catching criminals) but after a short time who is and isn't a criminal becomes blurred in their minds. So, everyone becomes a potential criminal.

  7. Show me your F@$King hands!! Get on the F@$King ground!!! F@$Ki!!! F@$Ki!!! F@$Ki!!! F@$Ki!!! F@$Ki!!! I think these guys need some communication training. I would love to see them slip and transmit their language over the air. LOL!!!

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