Original VIDEO @Samantha Panda Channel! Myrtle Beach police. This and a few other videos coming soon. WERE INVESTIGATING THIS TOWN ASAP!
Felony stop with mom and daughter
Specified anatomical areas means human male or female genitals, pubic area, pubic hair, buttocks, anus, vulva, or any portion of the female breast at or below the areola thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in the nude on any public beach, beach access, in the public waters, any other public property, or in view of the public.
It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally appear on any public beach, beach access, in the public waters, any other public property, or in view of the public in such a state of dress or undress so as to expose to the view of others specified anatomical areas.
It shall be unlawful to simulate or engage in specified sexual activities on any public beach, public beach access, street end adjacent to the beach, or any government land is immediately adjacent to the beach, or in the waters adjacent to the public beach.
(Ord. No. 2011-27, 5-24-11)
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Hi this is me
dumbest fucking cops ive watch this month
These are moral police officers… All they want to do is kidnap this girl… Place steal handcuffs on her wrist… Throw her in a cage… Make her pay extortion… Put her life in hell … Because these police have morals…
Cops are probably fulfilling their perverted fetish/fantasy of a hot blonde in a skimpy bikini in handcuffs. This is just plain ridiculous on so many levels!
immoral people enforcing immoral law
They’re probably just gay, those chicks got them thangs on them ðŸÂ‘
Helluva ass tho
I love seeing beautiful women like that on the beach. Other women just get jealous!!
Fire them. Take their pensions and donate them to foster kids
Nothing like detaining somebody under a false presumption, and attempting to interrogate them until they admit some fault to some fabricated charge and I will add most of which are not accompanied with an affidavit complaining party attached. Poster board boys for police defundment right here.
I want ask myself how Nazi Germany became Nazi Germany without the German people rising in opposition… I didn't know that I was going to relive the answer to that question.
Any excuse to look up her personal information too later victimize. Strip him of his costume and what do you have an armed man handcuffing a girl in a bikini on the beach and dragging her off with a co-conspirator. Put on a pair of shades and a shiny badge and apparently you are magically sovereign citizens and laws don't apply to them, funny thing is these are the same people they'll turn around and accuse somebody else of being a sovereign citizen lol
Completely pathetic.
Someone needs to send these two little boys back to grade school to grow up Mama's boys need to venture out amongst people
I honestly didn't sink is that the police department could hire anyone stupider Lindsey's to wow Police department must be really proud of these guys keep them away from the swimming pool weirdos
Superviser was never asked for,,,, Next time it should be the first words out of your mouth.
Poor girl that’s insane !
Fire these BONE HEADS! They are pissed because they got shut down in high school.. Unbelievable, that lady was gorgeous.
Who else knew that Ryan Reynolds was also a Myrtle Beach police officer? We all have Steven Segal to thank for starting this trend.
Selling bikinis needs to be illegal. Just like the gun companies! Right leftist scum?
The Supreme Court in 1981 I think it was that a butt is not nudity in public so that city law is not going to stand up
These cops are into men in Speedos ! That’s why !
What crime fighters !
That bird leg puss guy of a pervert cop is just jealous because a woman like that would never give a loser like him the time of day ! FYI Your going bald too loser !
Let me be a cop for 5 minutes and I will educate this clown of a pervert !
When will the public revolt and start looking these type of pervert cops up !
Two pervert cops that need a beating! You know what these two are up too !
They need a larger show of force for this terrible crime. At least 50 more highly trained cops are needed to twart this female criminal.
These cops are the lowest forms of life. The couldn't hold a job at McDonald's. They both should be fired for pulling this stunt.
What a sad shameful tactics coming from these public disgraces to arrest a female for wearing a bathing suit on a beach. I say again on a beach. I can not believe the cops would even want to go forward with it period.