Meeting Eric Brandt

Meeting Eric Brandt

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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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21 thoughts on “Meeting Eric Brandt

  1. Eric was arrested today if I'm correct. He was with Otto at the courthouse to get his ankle bracelet off. When sherriff's came in and arrested him for warrants he has in another city.

  2. Yea wen I spread my word around I make sure to give recognition To Laura Shark Tom Zebra Onus and sometimes Ricky Boy. lol I been hanging out since TZ was at 37k subscribers from my personal YouTube account dannyboy 777. There's a lot of us to support each-other no need to feud guys were all here for the same purpose. I love ma cop watchers All of them is all good with me.

  3. You'd never know by his actions how smart the guy really is. By that I mean he's always clowning around. But he is retired from the the Navy I believe and from what I've heard he did some of the technical schematics on nuclear subs.

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