37 thoughts on “NEW! Phone Call To Bexar County Court 1 – Come In Or We Will Hunt You Down

  1. Show up with a cellphone video 📹 at the front door 🚪 and video the room with out someone knowing. (On Time )stay about 30 minutes you have purf you was there on time. They can't lock you up.

  2. The system is not for the people, the Holly Bible give's instruction to stay out of the court system because there is no justice and it is corrupt

  3. “We’re gonna come get you and bring you in our way”😡
    Sir, you new to lower your tone and calm down….
    Wow. Corrupt from the bottom up.

  4. Unbelievable isn’t it. Yet WE PAY these clowns??? ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE. Our government has gone Tyrannical at every level.

  5. There should be massive amounts of people at every courthouse stopping this criminal activity from going on. They cant have court if its closed by the people permanently.

  6. Was a warrant issued for the prosecutor! 🤔😂🤣😂🤣

  7. Saw Rob Wolcheck once followed a judge to see what he does all day, showing up late, not showing up, lying about going to conferences while actually going on vacations. Maybe some investigative journalism should be done about these no show prosecutors and judges.

  8. they look at is as,you are the criminal,too bad.We do what we wan't, you do what we tell you,or we will break you.

  9. I just watched your video !!! I hear you said it before as well. This is more proof that they are worthless. Sad when you show up they get a free pass. However, if you car is broken down it not ok. It does not make any sense as even. That especially not fair you was there two times and they never show up. On top they wasting your time and playing games with you. To me that not fair system.

  10. WoW!    Most excellent…..I am Befuddled in the legal ideology and fairness concerns!  Just WoW!!

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