NYPD “Critical Response Command” almost causes death of bicyclist for Blocking Bike Lane

NYPD “Critical Response Command” almost causes death of bicyclist for Blocking Bike Lane

Everyday, NYPD vehicles from all area Pct’s are Parked blocking the Bike Lane in front of the 7-Eleven on 116 Street, 2nd Avenue in East Harlem to get there coffee and shit, disregarding the lives of bicyclist that have to get off the Bike Lane & into traffic to get around and back onto the Bike Lane, which in this instance, a Mexican almost got his life snuffed out by a van on the road because he had to go around a NYPD (CRC) vehicle that was blocking the Bike Lane…I felt that the situation had to be addressed so I decided to inform this officer that his blocking the Bike Lane almost caused someone their life, his response was motionless, didn’t give a fuck, and full of shit!! NYPD..STOP BLOCKING THE BIKE LANE…PEOPLES LIVES DO MATTER!!

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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