1. People have nothing better to do. Go out and get a real hard working back breaking job instead of wasting time worrying about somewhere you live nowhere near. Make a physical contribution to society guy. No one cares otherwise.

  2. Ooooh shit. Tryna disrespect us people from NC. We dumb just don’t tell us cause we’ll dumb down and bring your shit with us.

  3. Round round sent around, you're sent around – yea,
    Sent around, round round, you're sent around……
    Sent around, round round – ooooooow.

  4. This guy is so dumb my dad works at the sheriffs department and it was illegal to do what the guy did they receive over 1,000 phone calls a day the guy was looking inside the patrol cars and was taking photos of the impound cars

  5. Oh.. I live near Marion and I can tell you the police here aren't well educated in laws on many civil rights. We are a small town community with most officers having equally small minds. I won't say all our officers are bad as we do have good ones that are very laid back, willing to hear out anyone they are speaking with even if it's for a possible crime. I say often our area could use some good auditors to visit.. I say some as there are auditors that I find as bad as the cops they hate on. Aggressive auditors will find they won't be dealt with here… At all. I think one such as yourself would be a good one to check us out here in western Nc. Good to see you are aware and make a point to speak to other states or counties that aren't in your area. I have to respect that out of you

  6. Yeah that place and Jacksonville FL suck speed traps even if your not speeding that place hates blacks and I'm a white guy telling the truth

  7. I have some information on this Department you will LOVE to see. The Depth of corruption runs deep in McDowell County. If you would email me at seminolebill15@gmail.com. I have some documents you need to see.

  8. man, im glad my grandmother isnt manning those phones…. i would kick her ass off of them as soon as i heard….. its sad to have family that you know do jobs that take away rights like this…
    fml….my grandfather would beat the fuck out of modern day government employees….. he did 30+ years post master general…. this would piss him off and i wouldnt want to be in his way

  9. if anyone you actually care about, tell them to get a new job if they work for cops in any shape or form…
    99.9% of all that work for cops or are cops, sleep with cops etc have got to be the dumbest segment of the population

  10. Oh my god….you sir are an idiot. You should know that DSS is Department of Social Services.

    You are a terrible person attacking innocent people.

  11. No, I will not like, comment, and subscribe. If I do, I'll be on the Terrorist Assassination List, and I haven't set up security cameras yet.

  12. It is ridiculous how he was treated by the mob outside of the McDowell County Sheriff's Office. I live in this county and we have our struggles for sure. But, you sir show your true colors by making fun of the way the ladies talk. Practice the same love that you expect everyone else to.

  13. I’m from Marion NC and proud of it! She’s hanging up on you at the Sheriff’s Department because you are tying up the phone lines for real emergencies!!

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