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Full story: https://truehomestead.com/2020/09/14/watch-records-clerk-attempts-to-persuade-cops-to-arrest-man-for-requesting-records/
This is Mcdonnough vs Fernandez Rundel
His page: https://www.facebook.com/TrueHomestead/
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Newest ID REFUSAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Fy27Ls0vzeo
There's crimminal activity going on there. I smell racketeering and fleecing of the public. Send a RICO task force.
Anyone who has followed this man's battle with the City and one cop in particular, knows this is a very, very corrupt City and Police department. I feel sorry for everyone who lives in that corrupt City and lawless Police department…shameful..
You’re already getting by our taxes.
? We already pay their salaries so why do we have to pay them again to do their jobs.
Our government is like going to the store to buy a 12 oz steak. It's 96$/lb. 87% fat. At check out, 67% sales tax. Get tackled by security for not showing your receipt for one item in hand. Only to see a parking ticket on your car with cops trying to give you a trespass warning for resisting arrest and breach of peace. Cops broke your window and put a boot on your tire asking why you are there.
Hint from the future…it gets worse !
What's she talking about staff get paid regardless and why should they be paid twice for a task their employed to do
She can’t stop and drop to help because she is swamped with waiting for stuff from someone?
Public records request should come at no cost because they belong to the public any viewer or thought else wise is just a scheme by whatever city-state county district municipality to generate more funds for something that's already there
Don't these people get paid from the city already. Why would we pay someone two times. for doing the same job.
They are already getting paid. Then you get charged again for your records.
you guy know law but never think other people
Charge the public for records as well as take a salary? Nice.
Is Jeff Daniels the man behind the camera?
Government is slow to help but quick to threaten or force people.
Unbelievable. Trash Department
Demacrats war on the poor.
Thats a lot of splainin for NOT doing her job.
The shaved head guy is yet another jerk agitator.
6:30 Wait: THAT interaction made her afraid?
5:05 "… we don't get paid."
So you're saying those ITS personnel's kids wouldn't get to eat the next week if you didn't get paid this exorbitant fee? Don't they already get paid to do their duties? And isn't this one of their regular duties? Are you telling me these employees get paid overtime for doing this? I just don't understand why I'm being charged for work that employees are already being paid to do out of the regular budget. This is part of their jobs, isn't it?
If the street in front of my house develops a pothole, and the City sends a repair crew, do I have to pay the road crew's wages? No. That would be silly. They already get paid out of the road department operating budget. How is this any different? You all get paid a handsome wage to do your jobs. Part of your job is filling public records requests. You're already paid out of your department's budget for doing that, as well as other tasks you do.
Do you charge everyone who pays their water bill and extra $1.27 for the time spent processing your bill? If course not. How, then do you get to charge for time spent recovering records? It makes no sense.
Oafish bureaucrats like that are more useless than tits on a broom handle.
She seemed like a really nice lady stuck between a rock and a hard place. I believe she did her best to be Accommodating to his request but just wasn't able to at the time. Life happens. I think she handled herself very respectfully and professionally.
It's all about money with some cities. We already pay them but they always want more. Until we get money we dont work for you is what she is saying.
The city should look and see why citizens are winning lawsuits when lousy public employees dont do their jobs…she should never but in a position where she knows the law and refuse to do it causing the city moneys and nothing to correct it sad
She has some attitude 😒
Well she sure knew her job. I don’t blame her feeling intimidated, she has two men acting very rudely against one woman trying to do her job. 😡😡😡
She owned his ass
She seemed awfully uncomfortable when it was pointed out that the length of time it took for a response was unlawful.
She HATES having to speak to the public, typical lazy govt slug
Florida open records laws has become a joke and a game played by cities to fuck people.
What a charade. When arrogance and incompetence collide, you get this and her. Disgusting.
Am I the only one person having a problem grasping why they get to be paid twice. The public pays them and a person requesting records pays them. I wonder how much money they make of this scam. So stupid paying for something that already belongs to you.
Talk about being robbed by the government!!! How can they issue an invoice and require you pay BEFORE they even begin the work?! Since a large part of the work is billed by the hour, how can they know how long it will take? Bottom line, this is a tactic to scare away most people because they will not want to pay those hefty fees. Those that do will have to wait months to be given one piece of paper and be told that that one paper is all there is. No transparency allowed! Another thing to think about. Your taxes are paying for her and her staff to be there 40 hours per week. Their job is to maintain the records and to provide copies of them to whoever needs, or wants, a copy. So, unless you need to pay to reimburse for materials, like using a copy machine, there is NO extra costs incurred because THEY GET PAID EVEN WHEN NOBODY ASKS FOR ANYTHING!
Why is it MAJORITY city/state/federal government employees think they can get away with all kinds of shit WITH IMPUNITY!
Ha! Try Sweetwater County Wyoming, Sheriffs won't let you past the front door if you mention FOIA….
Wonderful country we live in Get paid twice Why an invoice b4 item picked up
This is great we need hundreds of people standing with their boots on the neck of Tarry
These are 2 Karen's. Chicken shits, starting a fight with an older woman who is just doing her job.