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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


38 thoughts on “THEY PROMISED

  1. You are correct Laura as some one who is Homeless and still dose Homeless Cop watch at my own risk because it is something that needs to be done… I use my Law Degree and my Skills and training to help others to the best of my ability … and to Stand against Criminal Policy Enforcement … Tom has it a little bit better then I do right now but I see from his Videos that he is literally 1 maybe 2 steps away from being Homeless him self …. It would be nice if others would help him out a bit… I stayed near Skid row when I was in L.A. now I am in Monterey … and let me say this .. A lot of the Homeless here really appreciate me being here… and a lot of the Policy Enforcement hate it and would like nothing more then to lock me up or worse…. how ever a few Respect it and at least one that I know of Quit the job

  2. Now you really are a leader among cop watchers as you help the needed people on the streets. Furry potato from California give bankets, socks and others things to the gay community that live on the streets and now you had follow the lead from Tom Zebra and now you had become a leader in your community, GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  3. God Bless you and Tom always in my prayers for you both to be safe. Still hope to one day meet you and Tom and thank you in person for the work you do. So many could learn from you both.

  4. It is a proven fact that cops lie, cannot be trusted, are of a mindset that they need to lock up anyone they can… Whenever a cop approaches you and says " can I help you" , they really intend on hurting you, either physically or monetarily, or both…It is sad that what was an honorable profession is now anything but honorable.

  5. I've been sober for over 30 years now. TZ is a good man who has been afflicted with a disease called alcoholism. He'll be fine as long as he does not drink. The trick is how will he not drink? You can only be his friend. keep being his friend. And when that doesn't keep him sober, remember there is AA. It saved my life. Peace.

  6. About six months ago one of your videos came up on my recommended. At the time I had no idea what was going on with the cops you have certainly open my eyes. I’m not sure why your videos came up for a 60-year-old Caucasian X military but I’m glad they did. I watch everybody from high Desert to Tulare you name it. I really like you and Tom zebra thank you for all your hard work. Just saying🤔

  7. Laura good work you can't go wrong having a Caring Heart and don't give up on Tom I know he can be so flustrated but he also has a good heart look out for him you will be blessed my number one YouTuber.

  8. You should have told that customer that was in the bar 🍺🍺 that flip you the finger as she was number 1 too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  9. Tom Zebra has such a wonderful heart that sometimes gets him hurt. Even after being hurt he continues to give it unconditionally which says a lot about him!! He fights for what he believes and these are why Daniel is one of my Heros in this World.

  10. Did I count seven or eight officers come out of that place? How terrible that someone was suicidal, thank you SO much for being respectful of a very sensitive situation, too many wouldn’t be 💔😓💔 Tom is an inspiration for sure, I love watching him. You did a wonderful, selfless thing and your heart was in the right place while doing it.

    I have to tell you that my great nephew, who was about 2 1/2 when he started watching you with me, ask me what you were whispering at the end, so I told him. He spends the night with me quite often, I’ve helped to raise him. I walked into his room to read him books at bed time and I heard him whisper, “I am not afraid of you” 🤣 he was talking to a group of stuffed animals that included: Scooby Doo, a whale, a panda, two bunnies, an orangutan, several monkeys, Clifford the Big Red Dog and Garfield the cat! 🤣 IT WAS HILARIOUS!! All of those stuff4d animals sleep on the bed with him.

  11. Laura you are amazing 🌹🌹🇺🇸🇨🇦👍🏻👍🏻”The Lose Moose “🌹🇨🇦

  12. 👽 thx4 vid. spread the love ……………………………………………………………

  13. Wow Laura, you pick yet another issue where the two sides are diametrically opposed and virulent regarding their positions and beliefs. Fearless. Gotta be tough to live out West …. & double tough to hang with LauraSharkCW.

  14. Everyday we all learn something new. I am in the island were I was born and LIVE THRU my 23 birthday and we are going thru very hard time due to lots of earthquakes and I am looking at my PEOPLE helping each other IN A INCREDIBLE way and I feel very happy and very proud. My island is PUERTO RICO, GOD BLESS MY ISLAND AND MY PEOPLE.

  15. The very ,very Last person who should be on a welfare check is a Damn bunch of Pigs! Look it up ! Disgusting Pigs FTP all day everyday!

  16. Cali needs more over paid under educated pigs to get nothing done but harassing citizens and taking $$

  17. Laura, them fukrs arrested me night before last, I was on my own moms front porch, a known man tried to come threw her door, my moms 85. I deescalated no one was hurt are harmed, He called 911 , I called also, the cops arrive bumrush me, wrench my shoulders, tearing my rotator cuff again, take me to jail and let him go without a license no tags no license. He had drove 40 miles threatening me. I’ve seen how cops kill folks I figured it was safer to handle it myself, then call the cops. I’m out on 12k bond, nothing happened to him. WTF THE COPS EVEN GRABBED MY 85 yr old momma. I’d like to get some other people doing FOIAs besideds me. If ur interested please let me know, Sweetwater TX. Maybe Daniel will show some interest tooooo. I DONT NEED MONEY I NEED COMMUNITY BACKING, AS IVE BACKED SO MANY IN THE PAST THANKS FOR WHAT U DON

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