Suspect Jovan Lowe for Homicide by Vehicle in the 16th District Blotter

Suspect Jovan Lowe for Homicide by Vehicle in the 16th District  Blotter

The Crash Investigation Division is requesting the assistance of the public in locating Jovan Lowe who is wanted for a Fatal Hit and Run of a 78-year-old female. An arrest Warrant has been issued for Jovan. He was operating a stolen vehicle in a reckless manner fleeing from police that were in the area and crashed into the victim’s vehicle causing fatal injuries.

Suspect Description: Jovan Lowe, Black male, light complexion, 18-years-of-age, 5’10”, 145 lbs., brown eyes, black hair with braids.

If you have any information about this crime or this suspect, please contact:
Crash Investigation Division:
215-685-3180 or 3181

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