I Was Locked Up With Wayne Williams (Random Stranger Visit In Prison UPDATE)

I Was Locked Up With Wayne Williams (Random Stranger Visit In Prison UPDATE)

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Author: phillynews215


37 thoughts on “I Was Locked Up With Wayne Williams (Random Stranger Visit In Prison UPDATE)

  1. Police hide evidence all the time. They tried to hide evidence in my daughters death. And yes they are trying to blame it on a black guy. We are a white family who paid for him a personal attorney . Just so he can get a fair trial. So to the ones who dont think shit like this happens. Consider yourself lucky. Cause until tragic happens in your life and you follow evidence that investigators turn the blind eye to or just mutilate it for there gain . As in this case and Ramsey case. People need to see the parts that wasnt told on news. Let me say this. A parent investigates there childs death . Better than anyone. Just like mine and my daughters death. Police just want to put it on a black man to be escape goat
    Dude that bought his mom the car. Shows he has character and a good guy. People make mistakes. We all do. Some get caught some don't. Best part is some change it around. Keep your head up young man. Great video

  2. Wayne williams was charged and found guilty of 2 murders of adult men. The children never got justice because the Mayor and his constituents would not accept that a black man would do this to their children. The murders stopped when he was arrested.

  3. You don't think it's weird that Wayne Williams was posting flyers looking for children between the ages of the children that had been murdered. I mean either he's the most unlucky person or the actual killer

  4. He was seen walking out with one of the kids and a lady did a police sketch before he was ever implicated. It looked just like him. Another guy seen one of the kids get in a station wagon just like his. Also Wayne was ALOT heavier in 1980.

  5. Wayne did not kill those ppl. He was only trialed for 2 adults as I remember. Look up the 8100 file. FBI informant came out and named them. The FBI buried it in fear of a race war

  6. There was no DNA evidence back then because there wasn't DNA testing back then. Wayne Williams was not a thin little man back then. Serial killers are manipulative and this is a perfect example of a guy who just got manipulated. Look at BTK, he manipulated his entire family for 30+ years!

  7. Wayne Williams didn't kill anybody and everybody in Atlanta knows it. One of the guy's mothers that he was convicted of killing, said "Her son would have beat the $hit out of Wayne Williams, and there was no way he could have overpowered him with his bare hands" and a mother knows her child. Also, the second person was seen by witness's days after the day the police said Wayne Williams threw him in the river and many detectives said his death might have been an accidental drowning or a suicide. Bottom line Wayne Williams was short fat and dumpy with no muscles and verry unathletic. Basically, some of those teens probably would have kicked his ass. The so-called fiber evidence was connected to a kid that several people said that they seen get murdered by a known pedophile in the area. Another thing that people don't know is, the murders didn't really stop. They calmed down a lil and the police and media swept em under the rug. Ultimately, he got done like Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence in the movie life. This guy drove on a bridge at night and got pulled over because the police was doing surveillance and said they heard something, then a couple days later they found a body. Which is absolutely ridiculous? That body could have floated from anywhere and no evidence was linked to Wayne Williams on that body, so how was he convicted for that.

  8. They found his hair on 2 victims too. They found hairs of his dog. Fibers of his matrass, his carpet, his gloves, his jacket on more than 2 dozens of victims. But yeah man a psychopath without emotions told me he was innocent in prison so I believe him. 🤦🏾‍♂️

  9. Good video but definitely didn't do enough on Wayne William to prepare for it.

    He was convicted of killing 2Adults on those carpet fibre evidence, which was in it's infancy at the time. They never linked him to the child murders. You could of got more out of him in this interview.

    Good video otherwise

  10. He was convicted for way more than a carpet fiber there’s a few great documentaries about him also season 2 of mindhunter on Netflix the last two episodes are about how they caught him best line on the show “you know what I call a music producer who goes to to the studio with children and makes no music and no money ….a FUCKIN PAEDOPHILE! he’s guilty idk if he definitely killed all 37 but he was seen with a lot of the victims

  11. Yoooooo I'm from Douglasville lol he's in trustee we got to smoke cigarettes and work outside the jail in trustee it was pretty nice

  12. Ok…. I was also locked up with him. I agree with his conviction discrepancies. I served with him from 1987to 91 he was working in the mail room. But prior to that he was he had a really rough time. They had him separated for his safety for several years. He was convicted in 1981 and trust me things were different in prison back then. He was hit on sight his first few years. Another fact,he received a huge payment from 60 minutes about his case and bought his mother a house etc. these are facts they passed a law shortly after that we’re no convicted Capital offense could no longer get paid for their story.
    I am 57 years old. Grateful for each day but don’t get it twisted Wayne Williams may not have killed all those children but he killed Luby Jeter (not sure of spelling) but I’m sure he was convicted of that kids murder. Back in the day he was repeatedly beat up on. Facts.
    Also I just stumbled upon your channel! Brilliant! I’ll be checking you out from here on out! Great entrepreneurship! Congrats on your personal turn around in life. I’m an old xcon who is just straight grateful for each day. I struggle each day just to stay afloat but I have a secret weapon for my life, one word….. GRATITUDE. One love bro 👍🏻

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