Road To Roxham: The Americans Escaping to Canada

Road To Roxham: The Americans Escaping to Canada

On the outskirts of Plattsburgh, New York, a taxi industry that transports asylum seekers escaping to Canada has been booming. Fares are scooped up at the local bus station and whisked to an infamous irregular border crossing point. Road to Roxham is a look inside this community of drivers, following Mary Ann Ero, the owner-operator of “Spanky’s Taxi.”

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21 thoughts on “Road To Roxham: The Americans Escaping to Canada

  1. This title is totally incorrect why would Americans be entering Canada illegally through rocksam road those are not Americans those are migrants that have entered America on temporary visas and they over stayed and they chose to enter Canada illegally instead of being sent back to their countries.

  2. This title placed on this video is totally INCORRECT! There are no "Americans Escaping to Canada" ok….this is bull crap!!! The people fleeing to Canada are illegals LEAVING America & it has NOTHING to do with Trump….but hey! if they had stayed illegally in the USA, now, with this joke of a President we have everyone can come in illegally, criminals, rapists, drug dealers, murderers….come one, come all & Canada, don't forget, if you continue to be like us and let everyone in illegally you'll end up just like us here….murder and crime galore….so get ready to raise your taxes, build prisons & carry guns….you'll be getting a real taste for how most Americans live due to illegal immigrants!!!! Still, I have zero desire to move to Canada as lovely as it can be because I am an American and this is home, as imperfect as it may be.

  3. Sure. The whole Africa and Asia are suffering. I guess US & Canada should take whole Africa & Asia. Why not? You're so liberal after all.

    If you keep taking them there will be more every single day until the whole American continent is turned into a giant shithole like Venezuela or Nicaragua.

    Degenerate lefties finally destroy every country they are got in power. No exclusions.
    Now prepare for yourself for "No go zones" crime rate rise and all other beautiful consequence of stupid immigration policy.

  4. My city.. Charlotte NC has turned into a sanctuary city now…the only ones in nice homes and nice vehicles are illegal Hispanics…they get away with every type of crime possible with no repercussions. I wish every single one of you would go back to your own country and fix your own damm problems,..wait, I forgot, that's our problem too🤬

  5. It is interesting how Canadian police “ warns” that people will be arrested. None cares Illegal networks who transport those people makes millions But why lefty governments on both sides of the border care ? Who cares about those American citizens residents who live on roxham rd? Don’t they pay taxes for government to protect them? It was trumps fault as this story says. But what has happened since trump left office? The narrative changed of course but the traffic didn’t It is pathetic to see what happens to our democracy. How it is being ruined within

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