This Prime Activation Scam is Getting SCARY

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Scammers are getting into your phone or computer by pretending to be Amazon support! Be careful what links you click on when activating your Prime Video!

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Author: phillynews215


50 thoughts on “This Prime Activation Scam is Getting SCARY

  1. man you are an angel! thank you for looking out what could have easily been my grandma. @pleasantgreen check out the movie the beekeeper. its a movie about this with jason statham

  2. "sir, this is Amazon, and you have been hacked by a scammer who bought a $500 gift card with your money. The only way to reverse this scam purchase is to buy a $500 gift card and send it to me as I'm amazon and that will reverse the purchase…" why does this make sense to people?
    Kinda like saying "that election was fake. Yes, 60 courts said no fraud, but we're going to put in fake electors and just fraudulently reverse it."

  3. Avoiding scams is simple, if the person answering the phone speaks in broken English, I hang up. If it's a US business that has farmed out their call center to a business in India, I still hang up and stop doing business with them.

  4. My beef is that the Comcast Xfinity is still allowing these cameras to scam through their company cuz that's not right man these companies are the ones that are allowing it like Xfinity I can show you some configurations right on the modem that anybody can ask that that prevents hackers and scammers from using your network so it's just proves that if the internet provider wants to prevent hackers to you they will do it they just don't care in my opinion

  5. Now that we all know that any desk is a scam mers haven why would we do allow it you pretty much explain that they have to use this program to get into your device and guess what if you're smart enough to actually go to your network configurations and disabled pair to pair and disable something called mirroring then you're smart cuz you can disable those scammers just in your own Wi-Fi settings

  6. How come it says “floridastatepower” as a sponsor of your site too on the main frame? I thought I was clicking on AURA? It wasn’t and now I’m suspicious of YouTube too! 😡

  7. I'm just saying it's just so strange that when she picks up. You go Hey and you hesitate. How come you don't just talk and tell her Hey, you're being scanned right now. Do XY and Z . it's kinda sketchy. But you completed the job, that's what counts?

  8. I wish the major and local news would feature more content on scams and less on petty crimes like shoplifting or auto crashes…
    Also why don't the phone companies stop the spoofing of caller ID.

  9. They also seem to know when to zero in on people. I had this happen when I was working on getting stuff ready for a funeral. The funeral director said they sometimes do searches on obits to see when people would be the most vulnerable. I think all social media also need to be careful who they sell ads to. It’s the Wild West out there. Thanks for the info. My internet and cable company hadn’t heard of this one when I reported it to them.

  10. I’m an old broad and tech challenged but I get it that Amazon and other companies will not call you OR ask you to buy on other sites like Target. I get 4-6 emails a week and (happily hit that delete button. Amazon will not call you, you call them. Get their number save to your contacts and only You should make contact.

  11. Really appreciate that their are people proactively preventing these scams. I don't understand how these scammers live with themselves taking advantage of people this way. Thank you for caring.

  12. American people don’t realize that their country is based on Christian principles and forget that other countries are built by other principles, for Chinese and Indian people it’s okay to scam to lie to steal as long as you are not caught. Even in Japan cheating is not considered smth bad if you are not caught. When you are caught then you messed up. In our post Christian society when you are doing smth bad you already messed up. So different cultures. Don’t try with words to make them feel empathic. It’s not gonna happen, they have totally different understanding of how the world works. The only thing you can do is just ban them, don’t talk to them

  13. Not "I Need To Talk To You Granny!"😮🤔🤣
    I pray for everyone who gets scammed that they get their $ back!! Honestly I truly believe every one will get scammed in one way or another in this evil/greedy world we live in whether it's through internet, Construction Contractor, AI, Romance app., car sales deal, mechanic ETC

  14. WTF… Buying gift cards to cancel a gift card transaction on Amazon… I really wish people would just stop and think for a second before they went along with these stupid scams. I get it. It sounds so obvious when we are watching it from a youtube video. But for the older generation, getting an official looking text from amazon can be really powerful in the moment. But if you just hang up and call your bank via the back of your card to verify if there were any pending charges… This one thing could save a lot of heartache. Getting scammed sucks. I got hit for $5k Dec 2022. But it was a fast food drive threw that got me. An employee either skimmed or photographed my card and then they went online and made multiple purchases for designer shoes, coats and even crystal wine glasses and a few $500 paypal transfers. I do not know how they got my billing address. Because its not my home address.

  15. Pleasant green, thanks for helping the online community. Knowing people like you exist to help the less knowledgeable like myself . makes me hope a little more for this world. Bless you

  16. Who cares, baby boomers destroyed not only this nation, but the world with their blatant greed and narcissism. They are a generation of psychopaths and I don’t feel sorry for any of them. My grandparents are baby boomers, and they are miserable. I haven’t talk to them in years because, they call me lazy, they said I should just get out there and work harder, while they have had nothing but good times handed to them. They sold my great grandparents house for a cool $500,000, they were part of two giant tech booms, worked factory jobs and then got hired back on as independent consultants. They tell me all the time about how hard they had to work. My grandfather got his job from his best friends. Dad who helped him along at a tire shop that got bought out by Goodyear commercial truck division. Then he went into Goodyear and worked 30+ years for them, no college, no technical training, and was making six figures a year flying around to make sure shops were making their quotas. They had to threaten him with force retirement or firing him because he refused to quit. He told me that they didn’t want him to work there anymore because he was old school and got stuff done. More like they didn’t want him to work there because he’s a miserable SOB and didn’t know how to use a phone or WebCam so he flew everywhere on the companies dime

  17. OMG – I encountered the "Any Desk" situation on the telephone when I believed I was talking to Customer Service at the brokerage firm – Charles Schwab in late December!!! Now at the 9:30 minutes mark – my heart it racing, remembering back to December 22nd when someone attempted a similar SCAM!!! 🫡 — So glad I just found your YouTube channel today –

  18. What I can't understand is when you hear Indian accent how is that not red flag at same second. India is famous for Amazon, Netflix etc scam call centers.

  19. It seems like 20 years ago now, but I remember the calls where they threatened that they were sending the police about some fictitious debt to the government. Our response was always “good, send them we’ll be here all day! “ …… still waiting😂

  20. By the way….all the same things you mentioned, he did to me but for NETFLIX, identical steps…i lost a total $1,400 but this was from my debit card

  21. It is a felony to perform abuse of telephone procedures. You are a black/ gray hat hacker. You are not authorized, qualified, trained or licensed to perform those operations. I have alerted the CIA regarding" scambaiters". You are to cease your operations. Hacking into innocent people's computer is a felony.
    You can also be prosecuted for international scandal and conflict when contacting scammers.

  22. I get them all the time in my email. Netflix and prime is expired. I just go straight to the site and if I can watch a movie than I know

  23. It is a lie that they don't spend any money on the weather as they are the one's that are manipulating the weather. There is always a plane spraying stuff in the air around where I live in the sky at a much lower flying height than 30k Ft like 10k Ft max then they go back and fourth spraying then clouds appear out of nowhere!

  24. I'm in the UK and I usually get calls purportedly from "O2" (a mobile phone company) offering 40% off my bill because I'm a "valued"" customer; I know it's a scam so I just mess with them. I've only ever had one "Amazon" call, from a guy who with an Indian Sub Continent accent claiming some purchases had been made on my Amazon Prime, however the number he called me on wasn't even registered with Amazon; let's just say it didn't end sell for him. As far as website links are concerned, if you look at the address it's usually not quite right, although a crafty scammer did use a similar character to "a" in one of his addresses – that would have probably fooled me had I received it.

  25. This may sound racist, but when I get cold called from anyone with an Indian accent, I immediately think it is a scam and hang up.

  26. These scams have been going on for years. I know people that spent $300+ on one or more incidents fo computer repair. Is anyone, any lawyers or any law enforcement providing refunds? There is at least one receipt.

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