What Is Prison Rehabilitation..? Am I Rehabilitated..?

What Is Prison Rehabilitation..? Am I Rehabilitated..?

In this video, I want to dive deep into prison rehabilitation and what exactly that is and means. Am I or are you rehabilitated? Does anything the prisons offer even work? Watch till the end and let me know what you think.

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Other Videos to check out!
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My FIRST day in PRISON: https://youtu.be/57cxNR4WFEU
5 Myths about Prison: https://youtu.be/6Lh3Q2iE8js

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Author: phillynews215


23 thoughts on “What Is Prison Rehabilitation..? Am I Rehabilitated..?

  1. i have never been to prison

    but i did fail for a long time, and i was already 26 when i realized i was going the wrong way, and could end up in prison or dead if i didnt change

    now im 30 and the oldest in my class because i decided to get a diploma, and im proud of it, because i know i went into the right direction

  2. He is in Leavenworth KS for supposedly a failed drug test, which his PO just dumped it out said another 14 months in prison won't hurt you. Originally 35 years ago for selling drugs. Had never failed a drug test and yet he is serving a life sentence for non-violent crime a very long time ago. American justice system Sucks!

  3. Absolutely right. Everything is about the dollars. All of the companies only want to make a buck. There are a few individual people in those programs that really care but the companies don’t.

  4. I consider myself rehabilitated. I don't do the dirt that I used to to that got me sent to prison anymore. I went in a criminal, and I came out a productive member of society. I've been free since '09, and I haven't gotten so much as a speeding ticket. I'm that 11%. My first bid wasn't enough, but the second one broke me.

  5. I just got to a point and thought I only get a short while on earth and I don’t want to spend any more of it locked up with others running my life. The crappest day in the free world is always better than my best day in prison was .

  6. I don't think you know what 'don't shoot the messenger' means, that's for when you're just relaying info between two people or groups. It doesn't apply when you're the one that holds the opinion and you're voicing it.
    Don't shoot the guy bringing a letter to you from the other king.

  7. Rehabilitation in New York prison is a joke. The drug program asat we watched intervention and my strange addiction everyday and nothing else. The anger management program ART was absolutely useless too. Occupational therapy was almost useful. They were always understaffed, and we never had enough tools or materials. I got 3 different certificates from the department of labor. I spent most of my time running my store, doing drugs, playing dominoes and spades, reading and working out. I probably read 200 books the 18 months I was there. I found prison to be easy and it wasn’t because I was in a sweet spot or anything I was in one of the worst violent prisons in New York. I just knew how to move and followed the convict code. That’s what scared me. I decided that I needed to straighten up or do crimes worth it financially and be serious about it. Luckily I’ve been out for 6 years and have been with the same girl for 5 years and we have a two year old daughter. I’m going to college and living my best life. Being a dad is single handily the best thing I’ve ever done with my life. I’m a stay at home dad so me and my daughter have an amazing relationship. I’m incredibly blessed because I know most men don’t get to do that. But my girlfriend had a incredible job. Once I graduate she can quit working if she wants because I’ll be making 120k+ a year within 2 years of graduating. I’ve got to experience so much and make so many improvements in my life now that I’ve made the decision to change and do what’s right.

  8. Prison is HELL on earth and it's full of demons. Hell is for punishment. So is prison. There is no purgatory. If you want rehabilitation, join the army. After prison seek deliverance ministry cuz MANY demons in prison and you will be infested with them. SEEK DELIVERANCE MINISTRY.

  9. Prison has been for punishment since its inception thousands of years ago, not rehabilitation. That's why the recidivism rate is so high. A person must actually change his/her direction 180 degrees starting in their mind (decision), then their actions; it's called REPENTANCE. No prison can teach that, it's not a feeling: it's a decision.

  10. I advocate the goal and effort, even if all can't be rehibilitated. The function of prison is punishment, but I think it can be effective in other ways. The entire system requires change. It's not simple.

  11. APS will never "die", because your authenticity, candidness, love for your audience, and of course captivating storytelling ability clearly never will.

  12. And Joe i hope that you keep doing this i really enjoy the videos and I don't think this is over and anyone saying different needs to get a life a lnd quit hating on people trying to do something

  13. Joe anyone thats been to prison knows that's been to prison there is no such thing as reblation its up to the person to get out and make the decisions to not go back to get your self right and move on its not easy took me took me 25yrs to get it together

  14. Idc what screwed up thing you do I was on drugs is an excuse that will only get you so far there’s a limit to how many times ppl are willing to accept that after so long especially and of course all depending on what you did

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