Don’t Accept Free PS5s from Grieving Parents

Don’t Accept Free PS5s from Grieving Parents

Ever seen the posts on Facebook from parents wanting to give away their PS5? Ever wanted to know who’s really behind them? This video will show you.

Young people need to learn digital safety at an early age. I created a course for them!

Thanks to my friend @GambitShow for helping with the screenshot. Check out his work!


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22 thoughts on “Don’t Accept Free PS5s from Grieving Parents

  1. this fake girl account messaged me like "hi baby blah blah" and my first response was "bro, you ain't foolin no one get a job"
    instantly he revealed himself and said the same my family is hungry we don't have money story
    these guys are dumber than you think

  2. Look! Scammers suck. No excuse and I'm no SJW but a rich youtuber living in a first world country, telling a poor guy to "get another job" while he's living in abject poverty in a 3rd world country is kind of missing the big picture here.

    I think some systemic issues are at play here.

  3. It's sad when they give excuses to steal others without empathy and say they poor ,hmm sometimes i dont blame them ,some go for job interview and reach out to people who can offer jobs but wont ,i was a job hunting guy ,broke but never steal from others , I do painting now , u are a good hearted man i pray u get jobs to help them 🙏

  4. How can someone who scams for a living be so easily convinced to trust a random stranger? Would have thought them to be the first to always expect the worst in another person.

  5. If you do this again from what I understand if you make a brand new Bitcoin wallet. It takes a few days before you can actually buy or sell Bitcoin, I think. You might want to do some research on it, but it might be a way to keep them on the line longer.

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