MISSING 21 YEARS: The Search for Audrey Herron (pt 4)

Audrey, a 31-year-old nurse, mother of three, and wife vanished without a trace on August 29, 2002 while driving home from work in her black 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee. This cold case has remained a mystery for over two decades, drawing continued efforts from search teams and law enforcement.

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**Personal Information:**
– Date of Birth: January 4, 1971
– Height: 5’0″
– Weight: 105 pounds
– Hair: Blonde, shoulder-length, naturally curly
– Eyes: Brown

Audrey May Herron was last seen leaving the Columbia Greene Long Term Health Care Facility, where she worked as a part-time nurse, around 11:00 PM on August 29, 2002. She was driving westbound on State Route 23 in Catskill, NY, and was expected to arrive home by 11:30 PM. The night of her disappearance was marked by fog and rain, which may have led her to take an alternate route home. Audrey was wearing dark green medical scrubs and a blue turtleneck, along with a gold necklace that had a “#1 Mom” pendant, symbolizing her dedication to her family.

**Day 4 Search Efforts**

On the fourth day of the search, the AWP focused on several strategic locations, leveraging advanced sonar technology to scan various water bodies. Their meticulous approach included:

While the search did not locate Audrey or her vehicle, the team’s efforts provided a renewed sense of hope and determination. The challenges of underwater searches, including limited visibility and difficult terrain, underscored the complexity of the mission as to the question, “Where is Audrey”?

Despite these obstacles, the team’s commitment remained unwavering as they continued to eliminate potential search areas.

**About Audrey**

Audrey May Herron was/is a beloved member of her community, known for her dedication as a nurse and her love for her family. She was married to Jeff Herron and was the mother of three children. Audrey’s disappearance has left a significant void in the lives of her family and friends, who continue to seek answers and closure. She was described as a petite woman, standing 5’0″ tall and weighing 105 pounds, with dark blonde to light brown hair and hazel eyes. Audrey had distinguishing features, including a scar on her right thumb and a mole on the inside of her right knee.

“We are here to bring answers to families who have spent years in the dark and to give them the answers they so desperately need. Our mission is to search every possible location, leave no stone unturned, and never give up hope.” – Jared Leisek Founder of Adventures With Purpose

🎬.. Search Efforts Audrey Herron
Day 1
Nurse Vanished 21-years Ago… The Search for Audrey Herron

Day 2
MISSING Nurse: The Search for Audrey Herron – Day 2

Day 3
NURSE MISSING 21 YEARS: The Search for Audrey Herron (Day 3)

Day 4 – This Video
MISSING 21 YEARS: The Search for Audrey Herron (pt 4)

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🎬.. Watch Other Cases We’ve Solved
SOLVED: Missing 23-years Underwater
(Samantha Hopper, 22-month-old Daughter Courtney, Unborn Baby)

SOLVED: 💔 Missing 24-year-old Jacob VanZant Found


#Missing #MissingPerson #ColdCase

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Author: Rafael Nieves


45 thoughts on “MISSING 21 YEARS: The Search for Audrey Herron (pt 4)

  1. Such a wonderful effort. She may be off road in a gully! God bless her family… as you say at least they know where she is not.

  2. Im Watching This Right Now Fingers Crossed You Find Her Yous Have Done Amazing Work Fantastic Job Yous Have The Team Work And Everything Has Been Brilliant i Love Watching Your Videos Always Inspiring What You Guys Do 🙏😎

  3. I'm sorry but I only like to watch the shows when I know that someone is being recovered, call it the only reason why people watch Nascar is because there's going to be a crash. I'm sorry but we have always been morbid. I mean if you look back in time people used to pay money to go into a place where people have been murdered at and the crime scene is still there. there was this one where people would pay 15 cents to get a 25 cents to get out, I'm sorry but that right there is damn good business right there. can you imagine if they charged you only$50 to get into Disney world an $100 to get out lol

  4. As someone who lives in the area, it's sad she hasn't been found yet. But I have lived over on the mountain, and there is so much land that is dense. I don't think it can ever be fully searched because it is too dangerous!

  5. How do three people leave work and end up within 150yds of each other two miles down the road ?

    I mean if you drive at 30mph it only takes 10 seconds to cover 150 yds, therefore if you leave work just half a minute after someone else they're already a quarter of a mile away before you start.

    Unless they were deliberately driving together this seems a strange coincidence, unless, of course, her co-workers saw a different car or cars – on a dark misty night.

    If she got a raise she might head to the store to buy something nice – any all night stores in the area ?

  6. I love and respect everything you do…bless you…but I wanted to ask: at the one pond where you cast in the sonar ball and saw that it was only 4 feet…did you cast in more than once and edit it out? Because what if your ONE cast just happened to land on her vehicle, meaning the water was deeper but 'seemed like' only 4 feet because the ball landed on top of it? Forgive me…I just felt it was worth mentioning just in case.

  7. I have spoke to you guys via email several times about this case and i believe the last time was after you had filmed this. I've always thought about this case and I was just absolutely positive you guys would find her. I have to agree with what your last email said in that she most likely is off road somewhere by an accident and hasn't been found. After watching you guys search for her, either wrecking off the road or foul play has to be the answer because if she were in that water, i have no doubt you guys would have found her! You guys really put your all into searching for Audrey and i can imagine how comforting it must be for her daughters to witness y'all carevso much!

  8. You guys are amazing in your efforts! 💜

    Wish we had you in Vermont helping to look for Roberta Martin, who's been missing since Tuesday night. It's an active case, and may be foul play, so I know that's not your usual.

    But if you know anyone in Vermont who is good at searching, they are trying to organize more professional search parties, and it would be nice to have some more expertise involved in the searches.

  9. Jared, You and you team has put in such a tremendous amount of time and effort in just this case alone…..but, you are making progress. You now know where she is NOT and have eliminated so many water holes – more than anyone else (and a huge thanks to the Water Authorities who have assisted by allowing you to investigate and rule out their waters). Persistence will eventually pay off. Keep thinking positive……you glass is "half-full"…not "half-empty"….
    Just by you and your team continuing the search will be giving the remaining family hope……….they know that people still care and have not given up on this case.

  10. You spend a lot of time researching and trying to fit the pieces together. You don't randomly hope to find someone and go to any big water area. Thank you for your time and skill.

  11. This is in my neck of the woods.. I had so wished she was found 😢 but thank you so much for for trying to find her.

  12. If they was somebody in her car", and she knows that she was not going to make it", she probably gave the gas and kept on going", you might find two skeletons".

  13. Well done for the searches its weird how there hasn't been anyone found for ages though considering the extensive search that you guys put in and with so many missing

  14. I wonder if someone was already in her car when she left work and made her go in a different direction, killed her, and disposed of her car by other means? It's just a theory. I hope she is found. Blessings for all you do and many prayers for bringing them home. 🙏🙏

  15. About the deputy: if he was ahead of her, facing her, and she turned right from his position; then that means – in her position – that she actually turned left. I also wonder why the deputy this has not brought this important matter up before?

  16. Bless you 🙏 you are amazing always put 100% in all your searching for the lost. You take time to put different thoughts into what could of happen so appreciate it ❤watching your work. Stay safe.

  17. I’ve been watching yall since the end of 2019, never once have I questioned yall intentions in these cases. I am always impressed at how much thought and effort you give these families! Bless yall ❤

  18. Ich Glaube das Audrey Mai Herron ein Gefallener Engel ist.Ihr Tochter ist daher ein Nephilim…Daher gehe ich da von aus,das sie ihren Tod vor getäuscht hat..

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